Correct me if I were wrong在HDB的EC Eligibility網頁上:
under Property Ownership: You have not bought a new HDB/ DBSS flat or EC, or received a CPF Housing Grant before; or, have only bought 1 of these properties/ received 1 CPF Housing Grant thus far.
and under Can I get a new EC if I used to/ still own an HDB flat, DBSS flat, or EC? in the bottom: HDB resale flat bought using a CPF Housing Grant (only applies to first-timer applicants)
我一直認為是說公民買了resale的HDB,可以不用賣,還有資格申請EC,只是不清楚這個“using a CPF Housing Grant”是不是必須 ,而且只能一個
1. 公民买resale, 再买新的ec, 一定要卖resales hdb. 如果买已经满5年的二手ec, 就可以同时保留resale hdb.
2. 只有买resale hdb和 new EC 的1st timer 才有机会申请housing grant, 也只能有一次机会而已。bto/dbss /sales if balance flat 的买家是没有这个福利的。
2. 只有买resale hdb和 new EC 的1st timer 才有机会申请housing grant, 也只能有一次机会而已。bto/dbss /sales if balance flat 的买家是没有这个福利的。
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