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作者:菠罗包 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1260) 发表:2016-08-22 17:59:14  楼主  关注此帖
看到联合早报的一篇读者来信这是以后公寓买家要留意的一个东西,隐形窗花安装。按照这位读者的说法,这个物业公司的做法过分了,下次动议换公司。该帖荣获当日十大第2,奖励楼主18分以及27华新币,时间:2016-08-22 22:00:02。该帖荣获当日十大第7,奖励楼主6分以及9华新币,时间:2016-08-23 22:00:04。 (more...)
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作者:菠罗包 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1260) 发表:2016-08-22 18:04:53  2楼
做社区义工,加入NC @走走开每月的例会时,可以向NC提动议要求撤换物业公司吗?
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作者:菠罗包 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1260) 发表:2016-08-22 18:11:09  3楼
如果真的是装上了,公寓管理发了律师信,我就是不拆,又能怎样?闹上法庭,我看法庭不一定会判公寓放获胜吧。 前段时间不是有一个华新分享帖是自己做隐形窗花吗?要是我,我就自己装上,无论公寓方做什么,我都不拆,又能怎样。如果是我自己的私宅,我有权利不让公寓方走进我的房子一步吧。我门都不开,他能怎样呢?
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作者:菠罗包 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1260) 发表:2016-08-22 19:36:36  4楼
就是对方出咯,否则就是由所有居民买单,从managememt & sinking fund里面出。
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作者:菠罗包 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1260) 发表:2016-08-22 20:23:10  5楼
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作者:菠罗包 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1260) 发表:2016-08-22 20:29:48  6楼
现在公寓很多都有自己的whatsapps group,身为住户,要积极参与各种活动,积极维护自己的权益啊
五年前刚TOP我就加入那个whatsapp group了
因为有一大票像我这样的非MCST member的居民在内,像这种打官司啦,换物业公司啦的管理上的事情,那些member从来不讨论。他们有自己的chat group。我们这个chat group就是一个投诉的管道。
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作者:菠罗包 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1260) 发表:2016-08-22 20:31:00  7楼
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作者:菠罗包 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1260) 发表:2016-08-22 21:24:36  8楼
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作者:菠罗包 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1260) 发表:2016-08-22 22:01:03  9楼
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作者:菠罗包 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1260) 发表:2016-08-22 22:08:37  10楼
自从收到警告信应该没有和平解决的可能性了。当他們带着保安进来咆哮的那一刻开始,就知道这梁子是结下了。本还希望他们能睁只眼闭只眼,看样子也不可能了。还好我的装隐形窗花的那小哥很够意思,居然发了BCA的2015 的circular给我。让我看到了点曙光,也不惧怕跟他们硬碰硬了。其中两条跟大家分享 Paragraph 5(3) of the prescribed by-laws under the Second Schedule to the Building Maintenance (Strata Management) Regulations 2005 states that a subsidiary proprietor (SP) or occupier of a lot shall not be prevented from installing any structure or device to prevent harm to children (an extract is appended in the Annex). Such structures/devices include safety grilles at windows and balconies. 5 &#160; &#160;There may be situations where the MC has not set design guidelines for safety grilles, or is unable to pass the design guidelines by-law through a general meeting. In such situations, the MC will have to decide on the approval of the installation of such structure/devices on a case-by-case basis. If there are no prevailing design g (more...)

Family wins case to install grille in condo balcony for child's safety

Board has ruled in favour of a family who were twice refused permission to install a grille in the balcony of their 13th-level condominium unit after seeing their four-year-old daughter try to climb over it.

It held that the management corporation of 7 One North Residences (ONR) in Buona Vista was wrong in refusing permission to a family to install grilles above the glass wall of their 13th-level balcony.

In judgment grounds of the test case, released this week, it said: "The children's safety must be paramount, even if the grilles may affect the appearance of the building or if they constitute an alteration on common property and therefore are prohibited under ONR's by-laws."

Dr Sujit Singh Gill's application was turned down twice by the ONR's management corporation (MC), which claimed it would affect the building's unique and uniform appearance.

The MC suggested instead that grilles be placed at the edge of the living room to prevent child access to the balcony. Dr Singh applied to the board last July to overrule the MC.

At issue was the rationality of the MC's decision and whether it could bar the installation based on the relevant building regulations. The MC's lawyers, Mr Subramaniam Pillai and Ms Venetia Tan, argued that the grilles did not keep up the building's appearance as provided under ONR's by-laws and would obstruct maintenance of the glass wall, among other things.

Lawyers Toh Kok Seng and Daniel Chen for Dr Singh countered that the relevant ONR by-laws took effect only last July and Dr Singh could not have been aware of them as he had bought the unit in 2010. They argued that the ONR by-laws had to be consistent with the prescribed 2005 Building Maintenance (Strata Management) Regulations, which allow owners to install safety structures or devices to prevent harm to children - even if they affect the building's appearance under certain circumstances.

The board comprising Mr Alfonso Ang, Mr Chua Koon Hoe and Mr Lim Gnee Kiang found that the MC had been "unreasonably difficult" with Dr Singh's request and had ignored the concerns for children's safety, as provided for under the 2005 regulations. It added that the grilles would have minimal impact on the building's appearance.

The board made clear that children's safety must be the overriding concern and the MC should support other such applications.

It called for the MC to provide guidelines for the installation of such safety devices to ensure they keep to the rest of the appearances of the building.

"Having grilles is not an attempt to abdicate parental responsibility. Instead, it serves as a safety precaution from leaning or climbing over the balcony glass wall. After all, it only takes a split second for the child to climb and fall over the glass, especially since it is only waist-high and easy to climb over," said the board.

Law firm Lee & Lee said on its case update website that "this is the first case in which the prescribed by-law of the Building Maintenance (Strata Management) Regulations 2005 has been considered in depth and will undoubtedly be of consequence to most, if not all, management corporations in Singapore".
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作者:菠罗包 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1260) 发表:2016-08-22 22:29:34  11楼
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作者:菠罗包 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1260) 发表:2016-08-27 21:43:35  12楼
一楼的都是小户一楼的都是小户,最大的才1152尺,你是大户,share是那些小户的好几倍呢。想不到这些小户还这么猖狂。 有一点不明,你请工人进家,他们顶多就在Gate拦截不让进,但是如果混进去了,进到你家,他们难道还能闯进你家赶走?或者你自己在家打洞,他们还能闯进你家阻止你?MCST没有这个权利吧,他们顶多发封警告信,他们没有执法权的,他们也要上法庭申请禁令的。
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作者:菠罗包 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1260) 发表:2016-08-27 22:04:09  13楼
share就是这么算的,但是en bloc不是按share来算的
按share来算的是管理费和sinking fund,还有年度业主大会的投票权重。

系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 lun_tan 的帖子 “这么算的吗”
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作者:菠罗包 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1260) 发表:2016-08-27 22:18:29  14楼
具体的我不知道,但是觉得en bloc难道不是应该按面积来算?

系统生成:由于楼层数受限,本帖实际回复的是 lun_tan 的帖子 “歪个楼”
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