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作者:wineywei (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:1048) 发表:2019-02-26 17:21:43  楼主  关注此帖
买房证明只因我的中介说: 向HDB申请延期必须有买房证明先, 考虑到二套税的的问题,不知怎么办了
但是在提交resale application的时候,需要在系统里面提交新的住址。
Conditions for flat sellers
To be eligible for the temporary extension, you must:

Have committed to buy a completed housing unit (can be another HDB flat or private residential property) in Singapore at the time of the resale application, i.e. exercised an Option To Purchase or signed a Sale and Purchase Agreement
Not be renting out the whole flat at the time of resale application
Be the contra party if the transactions are under the Enhanced Contra Facility

链接 https://www.hdb.gov.sg/cs/infoweb/residential/selling-a-flat/selling-process/temporary-extension-of-stay-for-sellers
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