他们的回复For all the work we have done and can justify, even 1k is pushing the acceptable limit.
1) Sofa has been UPGRADED from what was original, it is less than 4 months old and has already been cleaned. We are willing to consider a reasonable proposal to have it cleaned further.
2-4, 8, 11, 12) We accept the missing/damaged items
I’ve offered to replace the missing AC remote brand new. As for the key, you did mentioned might have extra back home.
5) The house has been cleaned by a contracted 3rd party and extensively cleaned by us. Touch up jobs has also been done. We might be willing to consider footing half of a quote by a contractor of your choice provided that it is competitive to pricing our professionals have offered to us.
6, 7, 9, 10) All these items are clearly FAIR WEAR and tear (besides the small stain in the living room) and even your description indicates so. The onus is on you to prove abuse should you intend to penalize us for such an unfair issue.
For the sake of fairness, we want (more...)