HDB Renovation Indemnity Form
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作者:明镜严 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:734) 发表:2021-07-23 08:05:53  11楼 
条款是条款时间是时间 你看看form怎么写的 买家如果真要不管 够卖家喝一壶的 即使最后官司赢了,损失补回 劳心费力不是 虽然大概率买卖不会黄(特别是现在,屋价涨),谁能保证万一呢?
条款这么说,即使买家赔偿了, 又怎样呢?
In consideration of your agreeing at my/our request to grant a renovation permit to carry out renovations
specified in the renovation permit at Apt Blk ,
I/we NRIC and NRIC , the proposed purchasers of the above flat hereby indemnify and keep indemnified
HDB against all actions, proceedings, suits, claims and demands, which may be brought against HDB and all
monies, costs, expenses, losses and damages which may be incurred, or sustained by HDB in respect of, relating
to or arising out of the renovation works.

I/W e further agree and undertake that:
a. I/W e will be fully responsible for defects and leakages, arising from the renovation works whether
these exist before or after the completion of the resale, and to carry out the necessary repairs at
my/our own expenses.
b. Should I/we fail to rectify the defects, HDB has the authority to enter and carry out the necessary
repair works including removal of the new floor/wall finishes and to reinstate the floor/wall finishes
to HDB’s standard. I/we will pay to HDB all expenses incurred by HDB plus 10% administrative
charge of the costs and will be recovered by HDB as a debt.
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