【车】求助: 现在开车去隔壁是不是必须申请VEP?看 https://vep.jpj.gov.my/#/ 的说明,需要去隔壁取那个VEP-RFID tag,取的时候可以开车(tag对应的车)吗?
这个过程大概需要多长时间?该帖荣获当日十大第7,奖励楼主6分以及9华新币,时间:2024-05-28 22:00:01。该帖荣获当日十大第9,奖励楼主2分以及3华新币,时间:2024-05-29 22:00:01。
收到email 要renew。
本想着不renew了, 结果去官方网站一查, 150马币罚款
Can I enter Malaysia if my VEP has expired?
When your vehicle passes through the immigration lane at the CIQ complex, the LED panel will prompt you that the VEP has expired. You can still enter Malaysia but you will be asked to settle a penalty fee of MYR150 upon exiting Malaysia. If you plan to reenter Malaysia, you are advised to renew the VEP when returning to your country. To avoid any inconvenience or delay in your journey, you are therefore encouraged to ensure that your vehicle enters Malaysia with a valid VEP.
本想着不renew了, 结果去官方网站一查, 150马币罚款
Can I enter Malaysia if my VEP has expired?
When your vehicle passes through the immigration lane at the CIQ complex, the LED panel will prompt you that the VEP has expired. You can still enter Malaysia but you will be asked to settle a penalty fee of MYR150 upon exiting Malaysia. If you plan to reenter Malaysia, you are advised to renew the VEP when returning to your country. To avoid any inconvenience or delay in your journey, you are therefore encouraged to ensure that your vehicle enters Malaysia with a valid VEP.