上来更新part two.Part two:
The training methods
A) Sensitive period:
Music education should start as early as possible. Dr Suzuki believed that children should start learning or enjoying music at birth, or even when they were inside the womb. This concept could be quite similar to some others. The best to start playing an instrument can be as early as 3 years old (This is what I thought, As we have to follow the developmental stages of a child, only after his/her physical strength and fine motor control have developed to a stage, we can start the instruments.)
B) Quality of the music and musical sensitivity.
A few music educators agreed that the quality of music is very important for children. As they compared language and music learning, it is natural that to teach the children their own folk songs in their culture. Furthermore, listening to high quality music recordings is another key point in children’s music education. Suzuki selected those recordings and pieces mostly from Baroque and Classical genres (more...)