A b c 义工变化通知Dear CCC/CCMC/RC/NC Chairpersons,
Cc: Grassroots Adviser,
The Ministry of Education (MOE) Primary One (P1) Registration Scheme is open to serving grassroots leaders (GRLs) of the Citizens' Consultative Committees (CCCs), Community Club/Centre Management Committees (CCMCs), Residents' Committees (RCs), Neighbourhood Committees (NCs) and Residents' Networks (RNs), and District Councillors of the Community Development Councils (CDCs) with at least two years of continuous service immediately prior to their applications. Since 2016, they are eligible to register their children in primary schools located in their residing Group Representation Constituency (GRC) or Single Member Constituency (SMC).
2 Whenever there are changes in electoral boundaries following a General Election (GE), the residing GRC/SMC of GRLs/District Councillors would consequently change thus affecting their choice of eligible primary schools. MOE would determine whether the pre- or post-GE boundaries would b (more...)