这里是grabfood的价格 foodpanda会更高一点。 foodpanda 适合FT, grabfood适合ptSearch Results
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GrabFood pays a base of S$5 per trip, with riders earning up to S$6 to S$10.50 with surcharges depending on location and time. There are also incentives if trip targets are met. Foodpanda offers a basic hourly pay of about S$9 — or S$9.50 for those riding in the CBD.
总收入要2000-3000, 实际情形有差,早前GF 与熊猫在竞争,推出了不少折扣活动,半价也有。 当时是吸引了不少人去加入送外卖,甚至包括对岸新山的人也在送外卖。最近熊猫送外卖不多了 , 我有朋友开餐饮告知客户下单了都没有外卖员送。可见消费者订外卖以价格为主。