2012年“郑海文杯”第53届新加坡全国象棋个人锦标赛 (总贴)
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作者:danny00 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:10) 发表:2012-06-25 17:06:35  135楼 
My reply to your cheating assMy friend told me "Hey, Dan Tan replied to your post." I was wondering who Dan Tan was. Now then I realised oh, Dan Tan is that cheating scum, Tan Zhong He from quan guo sai B, heh. Now, I don't have much time to engage in an pointless online flame war with a scumbag cheater like you, especially when you did cheat in almost every round, so I will refute some of your points and cut this short. 1. Heartshapedbox is a song by the band "nirvana", I fail to see why you kept repeatedly attacking my online handle, calling it romantic or something when its not meant to be. Just like how cheating in a chess competition is not romantic. 2. Hello? You were catching up with your old friend during a game? Both of you were staring intently at the chess board while making calculative motions with your fingers. You were staring at the chess board calculating WHILE catching up about old times and gossiping about irrelevant topics? Right.... Can you at least don't make up such a ridiculous story (more...)
Luck back, you Ching
I think, you filthy asshole, that you need a landslide defeat in a game of chess to quash your quacking mouth. I don't know that song by Nirvana simply because I'm not listening to songs nowadays, and hardly catch up in the song market over what's popular.

Why don't you dare to show yourself? Meet me @ Xiang Zhong this Saturday anytime in the afternoon. I'll personally worm you out and if I have to, make you compensate for your defamation of me. Don't test me.

I don't give two shakes for "prominent youth player" nor the few bystanders who heard me, based on YOUR proof-less words. Get a few pros to testify for YOUR words, why don't you? I agree that flame wars are pointless, and won't be so petty doing these online criticism posts with you, if you hadn't refused to show yourself. I'll let you taste my fist on the chessboard. My strategy, if you can't even absorb metaphors oh you thick-skulled feline. A cat's more intellectual than you in her anticipations of her environment. You? You only know anonymous defamation tactics, and still uphold your pride with every word of your life's worth? You're utterly hopeless dude, far worse than the worst checkmate possible in the game. Get you anonymous ass a letter in my email inbox if you're any bolder!

I'll personally dig you out and you watch the sparks fly, mate.

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