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作者:我真的是马甲 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:38) 发表:2006-12-21 08:32:20  42楼  评分: 
yet another examplemy fyp sup received his bachelor's degree in EE from University of Michigan ten years ago. he told me that he was the only one in his batch still doing engineering, and he himself worked in Credit Suisse for a few months but quit because he didn't like the job. Even some of the phD candidates in Cornell where he received phD degree from dropped out to work in the financial industry. he said nowadays no one wants to work in engineering because the pay is lousy. when asked what his batchmates are doing now, the reply was "many of them are working in banks". Mind you, University of Michigan is in the United States.
So what???
你的sup不还是最后追求他的兴趣而quit from bank吗. 楼主发贴的目的就是想提醒有志的年轻人应该为了自己的理想而奋斗, 而不是人云亦云的挤进IB. 对于不感兴趣的人来说, IB好的恐怕也只是高薪了...
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