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Q about my m1 bill
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Q about my m1 bill
i think my last m1 bill should have been sent to my previous address in PGP 3 months ago. (I've already terminated my m1 plan coz i had been using it for two years already.)

now i'm not in singapore. and the m1 bill letter hasn't been collected since 3 months ago. (i don't know whether PGP has returned it back to its company or not.)

what shall i do? does anything unpleasant will happen? i'll be back in singapore at the end of January next year.

thanks for your help.


one more question:
i've bought a open ticket (half a year), normally when shall i call the airline to confirm the date of return?
a week in advance? two weeks in advance? or a month in advance?

[hahata (11-25 23:39, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

if you did not call the m1 service to terminateyour line, it will keep runing. if you did, no need to worry about anything; just leave it there.
as for your second question, three days in advance should be ok. of course you can confirm a little bit early.
[opera (11-26 0:21, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

(引用 opera:if you did not call the m1 service to terminateyour line, it will keep runing. if you did, no need to worry about anything; just...)thank u very much! another Q:
how about my last m1 bill? i haven't paid that yet.....can i pay that half a year later? and how? (since i don't think i can get the m1 bill at pgp at the end of January next year....such a long time... they may throw it away or send it back already...)

[hahata (11-26 22:32, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

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