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[QuantPhD (11-29 17:26, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]1Â¥



[ÈËÉúµÄ· (11-30 0:48, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]2Â¥

It really dependsMaybe still technical questions...

I did my 3 rounds (All VCs) and all technical questions. (They never asked me why!)

It really depends on what position you are interviewing..

Frankly, for Quant Side, most of the directors like to shot the hard tech questions..Becuase most of them are from the similar path, so they may not care about the story.. (i.e. Engineering to IB or Science to IB)..

As there will be 3 persons, certainly, there will be some hard technical questions ahead. And I would expect the questions will be more difficult, since most of the European people are more technical.

Anyway, just be yourself. You can always get what you deserve. it's a fair game

Just my two cents
[Dougan (11-30 2:15, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]3Â¥

°ÑresumeÉϵĶ«Î÷×öµ½ÁËÈçÖ¸ÕÆÈç¹ûдÁË×ö¹ýʲômodel,ѧ¹ýʲôcourse,°ÑÕâЩmodel course ¶¼ÔÚ¿´¿´£¬²»ÒªÔÚѧ¹ýµÄµØ·½ÔÔ¸úÍ·¡£Á˽âÒ»ÏÂÊÇ×öʲô²úÆ·µÄquants °ÑÄÜÄ£ÄâÄÇÖÖ²úÆ·µÄdistribution£¬assumption ¿´Êì¡£
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[ÖÜÐÇ³Û (11-30 8:11, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]4Â¥

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(ÒýÓà ÈËÉúµÄ·:ÉîºôÒ»¿ÚÆøÉîºôÒ»¿ÚÆø£¬¸æËß×Ô¼ºÐС£¼ÈÈ»ÊÇQuantPhD£¬ÏëÀ´¼¼ÊõÒ»¶¨ÊǹýÓ²µÄ¡£VCÎÒ×ö¹ýºÜ¶à´Î£¬Èç¹ûÏñÄã˵µÄµÚÒ»ÂÖ¶¼ÊǼ¼ÊõÐÔÎÊÌ⣬ÄÇ»ù±¾...)ÉêÇëְλÊÇquantitative analystְλÊÇquantitative analyst, Model Validation group (under risk measurement & management).

[QuantPhD (11-30 9:56, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]6Â¥

See InsideTo be honest, the interview for this position will be very technical, let me emphasis again, very very back to the theoretical fundamentals. Most probably, there will be a white board in the conference room; be prepared that they may ask you to derive certain theory or formula on the board.

Be very frank and open, if you don't know, you just say no, or else, tell them what you have in mind, and where the doubts ( or the gaps) lie preventing to reach a final conclusion. They will give you some hints to carry on. If they ask something you know, be very clear about your points, and be careful about the details, e.g., every one can easily give a BS formula, can you derive it step by step. Review ur stochastic calculus and what u put in ur CV.

Good luck, give me a shout, when u get it.
[Anthropologie (11-30 12:05, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]7Â¥

(ÒýÓà QuantPhD:ÉêÇëְλÊÇquantitative analystְλÊÇquantitative analyst, Model Validation group (under risk measurement & management). ÈËÉúµÄÂ)Çë½ø²»ÖªµÀÄãµÄѧУÄܲ»ÄÜÃâ·ÑÏÂÔØvault guide, ÓÐÒ»±¾×¨ÃŵÄquan interviewµÄ300¶àÒ³·Ç³£ÏêϸµÄ×¼±¸£¬¿ÉϧÎÒÓеİ汾ÊÇѧУÌØÊâÃÜÂë±£»¤µÄ£¬Ã»·¨´«¸øÄ㣬ÊÔÊÔ¿´ÆäËûÍøÒ³ÓÐûÓнâÃÜ°æÏÂÔØ£¬Æ©ÈçÈË´óÂÛ̳¡£[ÈËÉúµÄ· (11-30 13:01, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]8Â¥

(ÒýÓà Anthropologie:See InsideTo be honest, the interview for this position will be very technical, let me emphasis again, very very back to the the...)Anthropologie, Got It, thank you so much![QuantPhD (11-30 13:07, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]9Â¥

(ÒýÓà ÈËÉúµÄ·:Çë½ø²»ÖªµÀÄãµÄѧУÄܲ»ÄÜÃâ·ÑÏÂÔØvault guide, ÓÐÒ»±¾×¨ÃŵÄquan interviewµÄ300¶àÒ³·Ç³£ÏêϸµÄ×¼±¸£¬¿ÉϧÎÒÓеİ汾ÊÇѧУÌØÊâÃÜÂë±£»¤...)ÊÇÕâ±¾ÂïVault Guide to Advanced Finance and Quantitative Interviews. (1st edition) By Jennifer Voitle.

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[QuantPhD (11-30 13:12, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]10Â¥

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