【婚姻家庭】普法啦: 说法识法:性侵妻子可判刑 结婚非免罪金牌说法识法:性侵妻子可判刑 结婚非免罪金牌
订户 赠阅文章黄俊贤
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2024年8月25日 05:00 AM
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38岁男子不顾妻子意愿,两次强行性侵,落网后还数次要求岳母说服女儿销案,一个月前被高庭判坐牢八年和打鞭六下。这也是本地在2020年正式废除婚内强奸豁免权后,首起性侵妻子被治罪的案件,可视为标志性案例(landmark case)。本期《说法识法》邀请三名律师和两个妇女组织,讨论这起案件的判决意义。
该帖荣获当日十大第4,奖励楼主12分以及18华新币,时间:2024-08-26 22:00:01。该帖荣获当日十大第6,奖励楼主8分以及12华新币,时间:2024-08-27 22:00:01。该帖荣获当日十大第3,奖励楼主15分以及22华新币,时间:2024-08-28 22:00:01。该帖荣获当日十大第3,奖励楼主15分以及22华新币,时间:2024-08-29 22:00:01。
[qingni2 (8-26 9:50, 0.5 year ago)]
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感觉应该出来一个指导流程。[qingni2 (8-26 9:52, 0.5 year ago)]
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支持Lawyer Sophia Ng explained that sexual assault by penetration occurs when some body part or object – other than the penis – is used to penetrate the victim without consent.
Rape happens when a man penetrates the victim’s vagina, anus or mouth with his penis without her consent. When the couple is married, this is known as marital rape, said Ms Ng of law firm Eugene Thuraisingam LLP.
因为体力差别,太欺负人了。 亚洲男性从家人亲友得到的爱过多了。 特别是少子女家庭。
结了婚就觉得自己可以为所欲为。 尊重是爱的必要前提。家人之间也是。没有尊重,责任要做到,但不会靠近。
[小土 (8-26 10:20, 0.5 year ago)]
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[小土 (8-26 10:20, 0.5 year ago)]
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印度那种的真希望有dexter 那种的人
以前居然包容, 那妻子慢性毒死丈夫或者不致死只是让其中毒是否也可以赦免。
这是刑事责任 不是民事责任
且应该相互的, 同性之间,妻子对丈夫也不可以。
There is also an offence of ‘sexual assault involving penetration’ (s376, Penal Code) which deals with other kinds of sexual penetration without consent (e.g. oral, anal, penetration of the vagina by fingers or an object). The penalties are the same as for the offence of rape. S376 also covers cases where a woman penetrates her husband (e.g. with fingers or an object) without his consent, and cases where a woman forces her husband to penetrate her with his penis.
[小土 (8-26 10:29, 0.5 year ago)]
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这样得话只能搞一个网站了,之前用sinpass认证,设置一个有效期,过了重新认证。 推广开来,以后男孩子追女孩子,搞个标准流程,是否可以拉手,每次用sinpass确认,否则就是非礼了。[qingni2 (8-26 11:34, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼
真搞不明白,强行发生关系有啥意思在哪个国家都应该判有罪 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [happyforyousel (8-26 23:06, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]7楼
华文新闻每次都会漏掉一些关键信息In sentencing, Justice Hoo Sheau Peng said this appears to be the first case that considers a spousal relationship and whether it gives rise to the abuse or breach of trust in sexual offences.
She cited past court judgments which illustrated various principles: For example, a woman who is raped by someone they know suffers greater harm than if they were raped by a stranger.
However, the court concluded in that case that the effect of any prior relationship between parties will depend on the circumstances of the case.
Therefore, a prior relationship can be treated as a neutral factor as a starting point, before becoming aggravating or mitigating depending on the circumstances of each case.
In this particular case, Justice Hoo said she agreed with the prosecution that the victim had placed some degree of trust in her husband.
For example, she allowed him to return to their matrimonial flat and stayed in the master bedroom alone with him despite the "strange" and tumultuous nature of their marriage at that time.
However, the judge said the abuse of trust was not of the highest severity or most egregious, compared with relationships between a parent and a child or a teacher and a student.
Justice Hoo said a power imbalance was "absent here", but clarified that it is not to say that power imbalances can never be present in spousal relationships.
Justice Hoo said the couple had "a pattern of using sex to resolve their marital issues", and that at the time of the offence, the wife was leaning more towards a divorce while the husband wanted to repair the marriage.
She said the man's actions were "atypical" and that she accepted the defence's case that the man had likely engaged in the offences in a "misguided attempt" to repair their relationship.
Even though the couple had been separated for several months at the time, they would meet and have sex, the judge noted.
She said that while the offender's conduct was reprehensible, she did not find that the abuse of his wife's trust particularly heightened his culpability.[吃饭积极分子 (8-27 10:47, 0.5 year ago)]
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另外这哥们申请缓刑了Mr Chhabra said his client intends to file an appeal against both conviction and sentence.
He successfully asked for the court to stay the sentence in the meantime so he can have better access to his client, who is in remand, to prepare for the appeal.
Justice Hoo allowed the man some time to speak to his mother, who was present in court and appeared emotional at one point, after the hearing.[吃饭积极分子 (8-27 10:52, 0.5 year ago)]
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(引用 吃饭积极分子:另外这哥们申请缓刑了Mr Chhabra said his client intends to file an appeal against both conviction and sentence. He successfully ...)只是感觉从一个极端走到了另外一个极端。我看到这个新闻,首先想到的是以前看动物世界里的说狮子交配的一个台词,总是半推半就的。[qingni2 (8-27 13:44, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]10楼
(引用 happyforyousel:真搞不明白,强行发生关系有啥意思在哪个国家都应该判有罪)关键是量刑,线画在那里,这个很麻烦,也很专业。我个人感觉,夫妻之间,和陌生人之间,用的线应该有差别的。[qingni2 (8-27 13:46, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]11楼
(引用 吃饭积极分子:华文新闻每次都会漏掉一些关键信息In sentencing, Justice Hoo Sheau Peng said this appears to be the first case that considers a sp...)新加坡跟国内一样在法律上都偏向女性希望新加坡政府能够严肃的看待这个问题,推动男女问题立法和法律实践的平等。[patrician (8-27 14:38, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]12楼
(引用 qingni2:关键是量刑,线画在那里,这个很麻烦,也很专业。我个人感觉,夫妻之间,和陌生人之间,用的线应该有差别的。)我的意思是他老婆当时没有性欲,他做那事也没啥意思啊 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [happyforyousel (8-27 16:26, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]13楼
(引用 happyforyousel:我的意思是他老婆当时没有性欲,他做那事也没啥意思啊)可能出去找危险性更大两害相权取其轻 [本文发送自华新手机Wap版] [3Body (8-27 16:40, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]14楼
(引用 happyforyousel:我的意思是他老婆当时没有性欲,他做那事也没啥意思啊)可能有强迫的快感。。。。。。。。[小猫1986 (8-28 13:51, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]15楼
(引用 qingni2:这样得话只能搞一个网站了,之前用sinpass认证,设置一个有效期,过了重新认证。 推广开来,以后男孩子追女孩子,搞个标准流程,是否可以...)啥时候女人下面是一只手就才行握手握不出性病
结婚就是握手 性交就是握手。。
正常人的逻辑, 尊重别人, 人包括女人。
不能强迫他人意愿。 你如果有个妹,女性朋友,被丈夫这样, 也是会觉得不好。或者是个弟弟 被老婆。 违背意志。 或者背景故事那种男的和男的。 一个比一个力量大。菊花不保。
其次自己孩子的母亲。 什么样的人才会这么做事情。。且享受其中。 多次。
其实男人很有攻击性,心眼也很多。套路多。说好的看个电影,拉个手,到家里吃个饭, 总会想做点别的,烦不胜烦。各种套路, 有种被欺骗的感觉。 那如果只是拉手,别人不愿意,为什么还要拉。。 目的就已经不纯了。
[小土 (8-28 14:27, 0.5 year ago)]
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(引用 吃饭积极分子:另外这哥们申请缓刑了Mr Chhabra said his client intends to file an appeal against both conviction and sentence.
He successfully ...)你看下变性人采访就知道服用女性荷尔蒙以后, 力量锐减的感觉。
我交往过一个。 差不多打了一下午。 房间都乱了,就是为了躲着对方。 打也打不过。走也走不了。 很郁闷。手机还被拿走。
我当时就想, 我要先哄着他然后毒死他。打是打不过了。 还是怎样。报警。 还是想一想怎样。 衣服被弄的乱七八糟的。 非常屈辱。 他穿的整整齐齐, 我好像被大风吹了一样。披头散发不用看都知道狼狈。 我当时还是比较愣头青的。 反正就是一直打。
不过他最后也是没兴趣了。 又道歉。 说他以为我在跟他玩。 。
别说妻子。 就算提供性服务的人,不愿意就是不愿意。 凭什么因为力气大就欺负人。
[小土 (8-28 14:34, 0.5 year ago)]
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(引用 小猫1986:可能有强迫的快感。。。。。。。。)那可以像五十度灰那样公开自己的需求, 签字画押。找对的人。
[小土 (8-28 14:35, 0.5 year ago)]
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[小小的大象 (8-28 15:12, 0.5 year ago)]
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(引用 小土:你看下变性人采访就知道服用女性荷尔蒙以后, 力量锐减的感觉。 我交往过一个。 差不多打了一下午。 房间都乱了,就是为了躲着对方。 ...)你报警了没?这个情况报警比较直接点?[liudehua (8-28 15:18, 0.5 year ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]20楼