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紧急求助。麻烦大四以上的学长给点意见HYP 被耍了

我本来说好的那个教授居然最后没选我 .............. 直接 assign 给别人了.............. 很莫名的 .................. 本人成绩还说得过去的

dean 搞了一个超级难的题目

我因为以为可以拿到 1st choice, 后面都胡乱选, 把dean 的 topic放在最后一个选择

现在我 2~ 4 很可能不中 ............ 我是唯一一个选 dean 的 topic 的人 ( 没错, 整个 SOC 只有我一个, 还是 5th choice )

麻烦各位大侠给点意见。。。。。。。。这个到底 doable or not............


Title A Grid Approach to Divide-and-Conquer
Proposer joxan

Category HYP

Project Areas Software Systems


The starting point is an abstract algorithm/framework to solve
divide-and-conquer problems on a network of heteogenrous computers
(grid). The algorithm, based on message passing, is highly dynamic and
adaptive, enjoys full utilization of available computing resources,
and features fault detection/recovery. The algorithm makes no
assumption on the stability of the workers on the network. A large
area of application of this abstract algorithm is combinatorial
search. In this project, you are expected to refine the communication
protocol among the computers, and benchmark this algorithm on the
Tembusu cluster against well know combinatorial optimization problems
such as Traveling Salesman Problem and Job Shop Scheduling.

Requirement Access to several unix machines
Skill Programming in C/C++, knowledge of client/server

Benefit Adaptive parallelism for intractable problems

Reviewer 1's Comments teoym has reviewed this proposal. His comment is:
An interesting grid application.

Reviewer 2's Comments yuenck has reviewed this proposal. His comment is:
sounds hard, especially the fault recovery part; does the algorithm
involve process migration (either to dynamically balance the workload,
or to re-start jobs from crashed processors)?
[winter (3-14 0:48, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

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