请教一个读part time PHD的问题.1. 在NUS做Research Engineering, 读NUS part time PHD.
2. 在ASTAR做research staff,读NUS part time PHD.
综合来看, 1 和 2哪一个要好些(provided以后走 academy 路线)?[小虾 (8-11 23:43, Long long ago)]
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you probably like to discuss this isse with your supervisor.or with your colleagues, and senior phd or candidates.[materialist (8-12 12:49, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼
personally i think 2 is better在Astar做research staff至少看上去要比research engineer好,当然最终还是要看paper的质量和数量。。。
如果以后想做faculty,还是full time好一点[icky (8-13 9:41, Long long ago)]
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