Who is the best player in S'pore right now?[ZJS (8-2 13:54, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼
one of the best player is 赵金山haha! welcome to huasing forum!
Do post your exciting games here![卷心菜 (8-2 14:51, Long long ago)]
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(引用 卷心菜:one of the best player is 赵金山haha! welcome to huasing forum! Do post your exciting games here!)语法错误,one of the best playerS is 赵金山,哈哈~[一刀n断 (8-2 18:16, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼
(引用 卷心菜:one of the best player is 赵金山haha! welcome to huasing forum!
Do post your exciting games here!)Thanks for compliments....but I know where I standAfter playing National open category and Kampung Glam, I realised there are many youngsters who can play well these days, quite a potential few.
But they need to slow down and think carefully (build up patience) so as to improve middle/end games. Just my opinion.[ZJS (8-2 22:24, Long long ago)]
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i also feel is 赵金山...请看赵金山如何胜张友彬张友彬 先负 赵金山
<!GENERATOR name="XQStudio" version="1.6">
<APPLET width="249" height="301" codebase="http://www.qipaile.net/java/" code="JavaXQ.class">
<PARAM name="MoveList" value="H2-E2 G9-E7 H0-G2 H9-G7 C3-C4 I9-H9 B0-C2 B9-C7 G3-G4 A9-A8 B2-A2 G6-G5 A0-B0 B7-B8 B0-B7 G5-G4 B7-C7 G4-G3 G2-E1 B8-G8 C7-C6 A8-F8 E2-E6 F9-E8 E6-G6 G8-I8 E1-D3 H7-H6 G6-A6 H6-H0 D0-E1 F8-F7 D3-E5 F7-F5 E3-E4 I8-G8 C0-E2 G3-G2 A6-I6 G2-G1 I6-G6 G1-F1 A2-A0 G8-I8 G6-I6 H9-H1 C6-G6 G7-I6 G6-I6 I8-G8 I6-G6 G8-I8 I0-H0 H1-H0 A0-C0 H0-H3 C4-C5 H3-I3 C5-D5 C9-A7 D5-D6 F5-G5 G6-F6 I8-G8 G0-I2 I3-I2 C2-D4 G5-E5 F6-G6 E5-G5 G6-G5 E7-G5">
<!Welcome to "http://www.qipaile.net">
</javaxq>[piggy888 (8-3 0:24, Long long ago)]
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(引用 piggy888:i also feel is 赵金山...请看赵金山如何胜张友彬张友彬 先负 赵金山
...)haha... i keep forgetting to click on the tag...... here's the game
<!GENERATOR name="XQStudio" version="1.6">
<!Welcome to "http://www.qipaile.net">
[piggy888 (8-3 0:26, Long long ago)]
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赵大师将在来临的九月去瑞士宣扬国粹.........[陶菲克 (8-3 9:11, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]7楼
欢迎一下[张辽 (8-5 15:36, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]8楼
(引用 piggy888:haha... i keep forgetting to click on the tag...... here's the game ...)感觉只是红方对攻中一时手软了。赵金山这盘下得很积极,但张友彬似乎手软了,比不上今年新加坡全国赛公开B组对姚威和(http://v15.huasing.org/wap/xbbs.php?B=123_10909415)的表现。有些着法值得商榷,例如19着考虑车七进一,21着先车一平二,25、27两着均可考虑炮五平二,等等。28着黑炮8进1次序良好,29着红仍应炮三退二。张友彬这盘太想胜了吗?[几度 (8-5 15:39, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]9楼
(引用 陶菲克:赵大师将在来临的九月去瑞士宣扬国粹.........)自费吗?瑞士的消费比英国还高啊。上回有位新加坡的朋友去瑞士,还算公费旅游,但除了酒店住宿和预支的一点费用外,多出的都得自己先掏腰包,连上级的一些杂费也要先垫。回来后报账后一般还要两三个月才能拿回。一句话,怎一个贵字了得。[几度 (8-5 15:47, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]10楼
(引用 几度:自费吗?瑞士的消费比英国还高啊。上回有位新加坡的朋友去瑞士,还算公费旅游,但除了酒店住宿和预支的一点费用外,多出的都得自己先掏腰...)可能会在那边办个擂台赛杀杀洋鬼子的锐气, 也好帮补一些生活费..........[陶菲克 (8-6 8:45, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]11楼
(引用 陶菲克:可能会在那边办个擂台赛杀杀洋鬼子的锐气, 也好帮补一些生活费..........)Haha, have to overcome the language barrier first then can talk about chess70% German, 20% French and 10% others. [ZJS (8-6 9:54, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]12楼
(引用 piggy888:i also feel is 赵金山...请看赵金山如何胜张友彬张友彬 先负 赵金山
...)I am lucky, in some competition, I always got some stroke of luck for win.This match you could have won, but you did not make those moves that I anticipated to be neutralising to my attacks.
Hey, I ate yr horse was a mistake, can you see it? Fly elephant. See? I am lucky :P[ZJS (8-6 10:03, Long long ago)]
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(引用 ZJS:Haha, have to overcome the language barrier first then can talk about chess70% German, 20% French and 10% others. )You need to talk less if you use the chess set as shown in ......the previous posting
发贴时间:2007-06-28 09:14
Quite a number tried out this 立体象棋 last night ....[棋人生 (8-6 10:49, Long long ago)]
[ 传统版 |
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(引用 ZJS:I am lucky, in some competition, I always got some stroke of luck for win.This match you could have won, but you did not make th...)赵大师的必杀技- 榴裢捡漏大法...........[陶菲克 (8-6 11:35, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]15楼