µÇ¼ | Ê×Ò³ -> »ªÐÂÏÊÊ -> ÎòÈëÆå; | Çл»µ½£º´«Í³°æ / sForum | Ê÷ÐÎÁбí
¸çÄÏÑÇÒÝÀÖÁäÖÐÐÄÏóÆå»á3ÖÜÄê»áÇìÏóÆåÍÅÌåÓÑÒêÈü (9ÔÂ8ÈÕ) -- 6 teams at 3 pm ?!
<<ʼҳ¡¡ [1]¡¡ 2¡¡ 3¡¡ ÏÂÒ³>¡¡ Ä©Ò³>>¡¡

¸çÄÏÑÇÒÝÀÖÁäÖÐÐÄÏóÆå»á3ÖÜÄê»áÇìÏóÆåÍÅÌåÓÑÒêÈü (9ÔÂ8ÈÕ) -- 6 teams at 3 pm ?!>>Timing 3pm is start time?
juz like double confirm incase i was late :P thank
[Àí½âÏóÆå (9-8 10:25, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]1Â¥

Ceremony at 3 pm, games start at 3:30 pm[ÆåÈËÉú (9-8 10:37, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]2Â¥


¸Ê°ñ¸ñÄÏ 8·Ö

·ÉÓ¥ 5·Ö
°×ɳ¶« 5·Ö



[¾íÐÄ²Ë (9-8 21:08, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]3Â¥


[¾íÐÄ²Ë (9-8 21:46, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]4Â¥

(ÒýÓà ¾íÐIJË:³É¼¨±¨¸æ£º¸Ê°ñ¸ñÄÏ8·Ö»ñµÃ¹Ú¾ü£¡¸çÄÏÑÇÒÝA£¬·ÉÓ¥£¬°×ɳ¶«5·Ö²¢Áеڶþ¡£³É¼¨±¨¸æ£º¸Ê°ñ¸ñÄÏ8·Ö»ñµÃ¹Ú¾ü£¡¸çÄÏÑÇÒÝA£¬·ÉÓ¥£¬°×ɳ¶«5·Ö²¢ÁÐ...)Is there a more specific breakdown of the results?[marauder (9-9 2:14, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]5Â¥

(ÒýÓà ¾íÐIJË:³É¼¨±¨¸æ£º¸Ê°ñ¸ñÄÏ8·Ö»ñµÃ¹Ú¾ü£¡¸çÄÏÑÇÒÝA£¬·ÉÓ¥£¬°×ɳ¶«5·Ö²¢Áеڶþ¡£³É¼¨±¨¸æ£º¸Ê°ñ¸ñÄÏ8·Ö»ñµÃ¹Ú¾ü£¡¸çÄÏÑÇÒÝA£¬·ÉÓ¥£¬°×ɳ¶«5·Ö²¢ÁÐ...)told ÆåÈåthat ¸çÄÏÑÇÒÝ is not a "good" place for ±Ìɽin all three years ....

[ÆåÈËÉú (9-9 8:03, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]6Â¥

(ÒýÓà ÆåÈËÉú:told ÆåÈåthat ¸çÄÏÑÇÒÝ is not a "good" place for ±Ìɽin all three years .... ...)Players for more than a team ... my personal view
From the warm-up match below and this friendly match held on the same day, noticed that a few players played for more than a team, although it is ok for individual player, but may be not very good especially for team friendly match.

As mentioned by the name "team friendly match", the main purpose is for players of different teams to know each other so that stronger relationship could be built between teams over times, we should try to fill up with own members so that everyone knows the members of other teams.

If we treat the friendly match as another "serious" competition (winning is the only purpose) and formed the team with players from all over the places, the team is just in "NAME" and it is meaningless.

Even for "Serious" competition, we should have a plan to build up the skill of our players over times but not to form team with whatever good players over Singapore or even overseas. If not, the Champion is also just in NAME and only valid during the competition duration.

As brought up during the Round Table Discussion by various xiangqi teams held at Bishan C.C. on 7 Jan 2007, Boon Lay team has a training plan for the new players, it should be the direction for all teams.

Just my personal view only.

Below from Boon Lay C.C. Blog.

Warm-up friendly

Today, we organised a friendly between Boon Lay CC Xiangqi Club teams A and B at Boon Lay CC. This would serve as a warm-up for the upcoming Albert Complex team competition. After some fierce competition, Team B upset the stronger Team A by a narrow margin of 4:3. The detailed results are as such:

Board 1: ¼×¼¶ ¬¹úÁú 0-1 ¼×¼¶ Ðܹúΰ (ÍâÔ®)
Board 2: ¼×¼¶ »ÆÒãºè 0-1 ¼×¼¶ ÂÀÈðÕ¹
Board 3: ÒÒ¼¶ ÁõïÈÙ 0-1 ÎÞ¼¶ ÁõÒÚºÀ
Board 4: ÒÒ¼¶ Áø¹ú±ó 1-0 ÎÞ¼¶ ³ÂÕþÀû
Board 5: ÎÞ¼¶ ÇñÕñÓî 1-0 ÎÞ¼¶ Àµ¿¡½Ü
Board 6: ÎÞ¼¶ ÕÅÓѱò 0-1 ÎÞ¼¶ κçþÄÝ
Board 7: ÎÞ¼¶ ÁÎÃúå© 1-0 ÎÞ¼¶ ³ÂÖÒ»Ô

Note: Team A is listed on the left. The players highlighted red took red.
[ÆåÈËÉú (9-9 8:42, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]7Â¥

(ÒýÓà ÆåÈËÉú:Players for more than a team ... my personal view From the warm-up match below and this friendly match held on the same day, not...)Players for more than a team£­£­ÎÒµÄÒ»µãÒâ¼û½üÀ´£¬Ëæ×ÅÆå¶ÓÖ®¼äµÄÏ໥±ÈÈüÈÕÒæÔö¶à(contributions byÆåÈËÉú£¬ÆåÈ壬¼¸¶È£¬Àí½âÏóÆ壬¸÷λÁì¶ÓºÍÈÈÐÄ×éÖ¯Õß)£¬ÆåÊֵġ°Ð§ÖÒ¡±ÎÊÌ⸡ÏÖË®Ãæ¡£

Ò»°ãÀ´Ëµ£¬ÀíÏë״̬(ideal state)Ó¦¸ÃÊÇÿ¸öÆåÊÖÔÚÈκÎÒ»¶Îʱ¼äÄÚÖ»´ú±íijһ¸öÆå¶Ó£¬Ã¿´Î±ÈÈü£¬ÓÑÒêÈü¶¼ÎªËùÊôÆå¶ÓÈ«Á¦ÒÔ¸°ÒÔÕùȡʤÀû¡£

ÕâÖÖÀíÏë״̬Êܵ½ÁËÒÔϼ¸·½ÃæµÄÖÆÔ¼ (constraints)








[¾íÐÄ²Ë (9-9 11:57, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]8Â¥

(ÒýÓà ÆåÈËÉú:Players for more than a team ... my personal view From the warm-up match below and this friendly match held on the same day, not...)Board 6: ÎÞ¼¶ ÕÅÓѱò 0-1 ÎÞ¼¶ κçþÄÝ£» κçþÄݽ«´ú±íмÓƶӲμÓ10Ô°ÄÃÅÊÀ½ç±­£¡Ìý˵±¾µØÐÂÀ´ÁËһλŮ½«£¬ÆÚ´ý×ÅÆäÓëκçþÄݵĶԾö£¡[¾íÐÄ²Ë (9-9 11:59, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]9Â¥

(ÒýÓà ¾íÐIJË:Board 6: ÎÞ¼¶ ÕÅÓѱò 0-1 ÎÞ¼¶ κçþÄÝ£» κçþÄݽ«´ú±íмÓƶӲμÓ10Ô°ÄÃÅÊÀ½ç±­£¡Ìý˵±¾µØÐÂÀ´ÁËһλŮ½«£¬ÆÚ´ý×ÅÆäÓëκçþÄݵĶԾö£¡)I believe that you are refering to this lady called me on Friday ...
A lady from China studying at SMU called me on Friday, 7 Sep 2007. She wanted to find out professional related training for xiangqi players. I told her that no such training in Singapore but I encourage her to come to our Club on Wednesday or SIXGA during weekend. I met her at SIXGA on the same evening. She should have about Grade 2 standard.
[ÆåÈËÉú (9-9 12:14, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]10Â¥

(ÒýÓà ¾íÐIJË:Players for more than a team£­£­ÎÒµÄÒ»µãÒâ¼û½üÀ´£¬Ëæ×ÅÆå¶ÓÖ®¼äµÄÏ໥±ÈÈüÈÕÒæÔö¶à(contributions byÆåÈËÉú£¬ÆåÈ壬¼¸¶È£¬Àí½âÏóÆ壬¸...)Yes, agree .....
to have positive xiangqi development in Singapore, we should have at least 8 to 10 active and strong xiangqi teams in Singapore, but the current situation is far below the expectation, especially when compare to Weiqi and International Chess development in schools.

If all good players all channelled to say 5 teams or less, in the long run, only these 5 or less teams are active, then we will have less competitions in future and less sponsors are willing to support it. This is another chicken and egg issue.

It may be quite interesting to look back at this matter, say 5 or 10 years down the road.
[ÆåÈËÉú (9-9 12:26, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]11Â¥

(ÒýÓà ÆåÈËÉú:Players for more than a team ... my personal view From the warm-up match below and this friendly match held on the same day, not...)My personal reply (does not represent the opinion and ideals of my club)Boon Lay CC Chinese Chess club did not encourage our players to play for another team. On the other hand, we also did not strongly enforce the rule of them not to play for another team as we believe it is the player's freedom to decide for himself.

As the players who played for 2 diferent teams are youth players. They still do not have the idea of TEAM and CLUB embedded strongly in them yet. To them, they just want to play chess, wherever there are opportunities. Well, maybe it's not gd for team and club policies. But if we step back and look from a wider perspective, what they are doing is good for the development of chess in Singapore. This is because they will be the next batch of potential players to represent Singapore and to bring chinese chess to a higher level. Personally, as much as I do not like them representing other teams, I feel bad in hampering their progress as well.

What is causing this problem might be that there are too few chess competition and opportunities in Singapore for these young players to play serious chess. This causes them to find ways and means to play more Chess competition whenever possible.

Also, these young players are not the top players in Singapore. Thus, I do not believe the team that they played for are trying to win with them.

As for your issue of good foreign players, it is a hotly debatable one. My own feeling is that inviting them over gives the other Singaporeans from other teams the opportunities to play with these top players for free. I do see anything bad about it. Well, there are of course more to be considered than to accept this simplistic view.

But maybe it is time we should look beyond the strict confinements of the idea of a TEAM and CLUB to consider that for the greater good of Chinese Chess development in Singapore.
[marauder (9-9 12:49, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]12Â¥

(ÒýÓà ¾íÐIJË:¶Ô¾ÖÑ¡£º¸çÄÏÑÇÒÝA¶ÓºúһƽÏȺͷÉÓ¥¾íÐIJ˺죺¸çÄÏÑÇÒÝA¶Óºúһƽ ºÚ£º·ÉÓ¥¾íÐÄ²Ë ½á¾Ö£ººÍÆå ...)²»´í²»´í¾íÐIJËÕâÅÌϵò»´íÁË£¬ËäÈ»ÏÂÃæµÄ±ä»¯Î´±Ø¶¼ÄÜËã¹ý£¬µ«ÁÙ³¡µÄ¾À²ø£¬¿´µÃ³ö¼ÆËãÒѾ­±ÈÒÔÇ°¸üÄÜץס¾ÖÊƵÄÖÐÐÄÁË¡£ÒÔÓÑÒêÈüÏÞʱµÄ»·¾³À´Ëµ£¬Ë«·½¶¼Ï³öÁ˸ßˮƽ¡£×ܵÄÀ´Ëµ£¬¿´ÍêÕâ¾ÖÎÒÓÐÁ½¸ö¸Ð¾õ£¬Ò»ÊÇ˳ÅÚ¾ÖÊìϤÆ××Å»¹ÊǺÜÖØÒª£¬¶þÊǸßÊÖÔÚ±ÈÈüÖб»±¬ÀäµÄÔ­Òò£¬ÓÐʱÊDZ»×Ô¼ºµÄ¼ÆËãÏÅËÀµÄ¡£












[¼¸¶È (9-9 12:54, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]13Â¥

(ÒýÓà ÆåÈËÉú:Players for more than a team ... my personal view From the warm-up match below and this friendly match held on the same day, not...)To clarify on the ÍâÔ®I had to step out and clarify something on the ÍâÔ® for team B.

Actually, this is more of an internal training session for both teams. And since we are of the same club, there is not much of an issue of one team triumph over the other team. The main objective is to train.

As for the ÍâÔ®, he is brought in only because one of our member got something cropped up at the last minute and Guowei just happen to visit our club then (due to his urge to play more chess too?). So we are rather flexible and ask him to substitute the original player.

He was not brought in to win. Please do not get the wrong idea. We were all happy with the results as all of us, (regardless team A or B, winning or losing) gained something out of it. Isn't that what Chess is all about?
[marauder (9-9 12:59, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]14Â¥

(ÒýÓà ÆåÈËÉú:I believe that you are refering to this lady called me on Friday ... A lady from China studying at SMU called me on Friday, 7 Se...)What do you mean by Grade 2?¼×¼¶£¬ÒÒ¼¶£¬±Ìɽ¶þ¼¶£¬»¹ÊÇÆäËû¼¶±ð£¿[¼¸¶È (9-9 13:06, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]15Â¥

(ÒýÓà marauder:To clarify on the ÍâÔ®I had to step out and clarify something on the ÍâÔ® for team B. Actually, this is more of an internal tra...)Ò»µãÒâ¼ûÕâ´ÎÎÒÃÇ°ÚÁËÒ»¸ö´óÎÚÁú£¬ÊµÔÚÒ²²»ºÃ˵ʲô¡£ÍâÔ®²»ÍâÔ®µÄ£¬Éæ¼°µ½Æå»á¼äµÄһЩÃô¸Ð»°Ì⣬ÎÒÖ»ÄÜÒÔ¸öÈ˵ÄÉí·Ý˵£¨¹Ù·½ÑÔÂÛÈÃÁº»ªÆ½È¥Õå×ðɣ©£¬¿¼Âǵ½Õâ´ÎÓÑÒêÈü¼æѵÁ·ÈüµÄÐÔÖÊ£¬Ï£Íû´ó¼Ò²»ÒªÌ«ÔÚÒ⣬´óÊ»¯Ð¡£¬Ð¡Ê»¯ÁË°É¡£[¼¸¶È (9-9 13:16, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]16Â¥

(ÒýÓà ¼¸¶È:Ò»µãÒâ¼ûÕâ´ÎÎÒÃÇ°ÚÁËÒ»¸ö´óÎÚÁú£¬ÊµÔÚÒ²²»ºÃ˵ʲô¡£ÍâÔ®²»ÍâÔ®µÄ£¬Éæ¼°µ½Æå»á¼äµÄһЩÃô¸Ð»°Ì⣬ÎÒÖ»ÄÜÒÔ¸öÈ˵ÄÉí·Ý˵£¨¹Ù·½ÑÔÂÛÈÃÁº»ª...)Maybe my choice of words are wrongI apologise any wrong issues regarding my choice of words that might offend anybody or any clubs.

I will try to use a less offensive word.

Also, please note I am also not the official spokesman of my club. So as with the last post, what I say do not represent the club's ideals and opinions.
[marauder (9-9 13:33, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]17Â¥

(ÒýÓà marauder:Maybe my choice of words are wrongI apologise any wrong issues regarding my choice of words that might offend anybody or any clu...)¸ÕºÍmarauderÁÄÁËÒ»ÏÂmarauderÖ»ÊÇÏë°ï×Ô¼ºµÄ¶Ó³ÎÇåһϣ¬ÆäʵÂÛ̳Ҳ²»ÐèÒª¸ãµ½Ì«ÑÏËà¡£¡°ÍâÔ®¡±µÄÌá·¨Ãô¸ÐÁËÒ»µã£¬ÓÈÆäÊÇÓÃ×÷¸öÈËÒâ¼ûʱÈÝÒ×ÒýÆðÎó»á¡£ÒÔºóÈç¹ûÓÐÀàËÆÇé¿ö£¬Ò²²»Éæ¼°Ö±½ÓÀûÒæ³åÍ»µÄ£¬Òª²»¾Í˵¡°ÓÑÇé¿Í´®¡±°É¡£[¼¸¶È (9-9 13:55, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]18Â¥

(ÒýÓà ¾íÐIJË:³É¼¨±¨¸æ£º¸Ê°ñ¸ñÄÏ8·Ö»ñµÃ¹Ú¾ü£¡¸çÄÏÑÇÒÝA£¬·ÉÓ¥£¬°×ɳ¶«5·Ö²¢Áеڶþ¡£³É¼¨±¨¸æ£º¸Ê°ñ¸ñÄÏ8·Ö»ñµÃ¹Ú¾ü£¡¸çÄÏÑÇÒÝA£¬·ÉÓ¥£¬°×ɳ¶«5·Ö²¢ÁÐ...)Clarify on "team friendly match" related matters ....
I went out after my last posting to agree with

"Players for more than a team£­£­ÎÒµÄÒ»µãÒâ¼û £­ by ¾íÐIJË"

and came back a few minutes ago.

My purpose is just to touch on "team friendly match" to use all own players (in this case, the kolam ayer team event) instead of external players for matches between two or more different clubs with no intention to touch on Boon Lay training match. (In fact, I give my support to Boon Lay training plan for their players regardless whether to use any external player.)

Actually, I believe that the Bishan players did not feel bad although we scored last in the 3 years (2005, 2006 & 2007) at Kolam Ayer as the main purposes are for 3 years anniversary celebration programmes and our priorities were to send EXCO members to these type of events and to include some non-EXCO members if we need to put up more players.

I hope that I do not use any offensive words in these few postings.

Furthermore, if we have some good suggestions from these few related discussions and resulted in the positive development of xiangqi activities in Singapore over the next 5 to 10 years, it could be viewed as unintentional benefits for all the Singapore xiangqi lovers.

As mentioned in my first posting, my personal view only.

With this, I wish to close this topic and move on.

[ÆåÈËÉú (9-10 0:42, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]19Â¥

(ÒýÓà ¼¸¶È:What do you mean by Grade 2?¼×¼¶£¬ÒÒ¼¶£¬±Ìɽ¶þ¼¶£¬»¹ÊÇÆäËû¼¶±ð£¿)I noticed that she played 5 games on Friday night ....of course, these 5 games were played for fun by the 4 players (she and 3 SIXGA members) (by the way, ÆåÈËÉú not in these few games)

she won a SIXGA Gr 2 player for 2 games

followed by

won a SIXGA no-grade player for 2 games

followed by

lost to a SIXGA Gr 2 player for 1 game.
[ÆåÈËÉú (9-10 0:49, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]20Â¥

<<ʼҳ¡¡ [1]¡¡ 2¡¡ 3¡¡ ÏÂÒ³>¡¡ Ä©Ò³>>¡¡
µÇ¼ | Ê×Ò³ -> »ªÐÂÏÊÊ -> ÎòÈëÆå; | [ˢб¾Ò³] | Çл»µ½£º´«Í³°æ / sForum