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Bishan Xiangqi Club has moved ......
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(引用 棋人生:Lantern Xiangqi at Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. (6 nights)2007 9 月 Lantern Xiangqi (16, 18 to 21 & 24 Sep 2007) Telok Ayer H...)Publicity in Zaobao -- 10 Sep 2007

[棋人生 (9-10 23:46, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]21楼

The System used in 雅柏广场团体赛 and 白沙东象棋团体赛 -- to invite views
This system has been used for a few years, with N teams, we need N*(N-1) players to play at the same time.

In these few months, the system used/will be used in :

8 Sep 2007 at Kolam Ayer with 6 teams, 6x5 = 30 players

23 Sep 2007 at 雅柏广场 with 10 teams, 10x9 = 90 players

18 Nov 2007 at 白沙东 C.C. with 11 teams, 11x10 = 110 players

Team has expressed concern to fill up 9 members per team (max 12 members per team) for the coming 雅柏广场 team event, the 白沙东 C.C.team event would have more cencerns.

If the organiser plans to have 90, 100, 110 or even 120 players to play at the same, may be an alternative should be looked into for future years.

e.g. for 100 players, we could have 20 teams of 5 players each to play at the same time, etc ... and the clubs could send 1, 2, 3 or even 4 teams depending on number of the players to be sent, so we need to have between 5 to 20 clubs depending on the number of teams sent by each club.

May be we should have a limit on the current system, e.g. say for up to 9 teams, we could still use the N*(N-1) method, i.e. max 8 players per team.

Just wish to bring up this matter to invite views.


[棋人生 (9-11 0:24, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]22楼

(引用 棋人生:Lantern Xiangqi at Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. (6 nights)2007 9 月 Lantern Xiangqi (16, 18 to 21 & 24 Sep 2007) Telok Ayer H...)Zaobao News -- 11 Sep 2007 Today is 911. 16, 18 to 21 & 24 Sep 2007

[棋人生 (9-11 7:46, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]23楼

(引用 棋人生:Lantern Xiangqi at Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. (6 nights)2007 9 月 Lantern Xiangqi (16, 18 to 21 & 24 Sep 2007) Telok Ayer H...)16 Sep -- 刘再成[棋人生 (9-12 1:07, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]24楼

(引用 棋人生:Lantern Xiangqi at Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. (6 nights)2007 9 月 Lantern Xiangqi (16, 18 to 21 & 24 Sep 2007) Telok Ayer H...)18 Sep -- Queenstown[棋人生 (9-12 1:09, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]25楼

(引用 棋人生:Lantern Xiangqi at Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. (6 nights)2007 9 月 Lantern Xiangqi (16, 18 to 21 & 24 Sep 2007) Telok Ayer H...)21 Sep -- Non-Chinese[棋人生 (9-12 1:10, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]26楼

(引用 棋人生:Lantern Xiangqi at Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. (6 nights)2007 9 月 Lantern Xiangqi (16, 18 to 21 & 24 Sep 2007) Telok Ayer H...)20 Sep -- Buona Vista (?)[棋人生 (9-12 1:11, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]27楼

(引用 棋人生:The System used in 雅柏广场团体赛 and 白沙东象棋团体赛 -- to invite views This system has been used for a few years, with N team...)Can you explain the concerns about filling up 9 players?Are you saying that teams have difficulties trying to find enough players from their club to fill up the places?[marauder (9-12 1:51, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]28楼

(引用 marauder:Can you explain the concerns about filling up 9 players?Are you saying that teams have difficulties trying to find enough player...)Yes, at least I heard from a team and it happened in the past ...[棋人生 (9-12 9:54, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]29楼

(引用 棋人生:Lantern Xiangqi at Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. (6 nights)2007 9 月 Lantern Xiangqi (16, 18 to 21 & 24 Sep 2007) Telok Ayer H...)Important Note : 15 Sep instead of 16 Sep for first night ....with details
due to a change by the organiser, the six nights are :

15 Sep -- 刘再成 and 林金福

18 Sep -- 陈运灏 and 张建荣 (?)

19 Sep -- 柳国斌 and 梁至顺

20 Sep -- 符学栋 and 郑启岁 (?)

21 Sep -- 郑德良 and Non-Chinese

24 Sep -- 郑木兴 and 潘明华
[棋人生 (9-12 23:27, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]30楼

(引用 棋人生:Important Note : 15 Sep instead of 16 Sep for first night ....with details due to a change by the organiser, the six nights are ...)Likely, I will visit the place on 24 Sep if free, not free on 19 Sep .....[棋人生 (9-14 9:40, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]31楼

(引用 棋人生:Important Note : 15 Sep instead of 16 Sep for first night ....with details due to a change by the organiser, the six nights are ...)Sorry, 22 Sep instead of 15 Sep as posted by 棋儒[棋人生 (9-19 9:54, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]32楼

(引用 棋人生:I heard that 柳国斌 against 梁至顺 on 19 Sep.)这两位比赛一定好看,简称“乙级顶峰对决”哎呀,赛完了,没看到,谁把它贴上来?[棋仙 (9-20 9:59, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]33楼

(引用 棋人生:Likely, I will visit the place on 24 Sep if free, not free on 19 Sep .....)why not on 22 Sep? 星期六加上非华人,有看头啊!芳林公园见![卷心菜 (9-20 11:40, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]34楼

(引用 卷心菜:why not on 22 Sep? 星期六加上非华人,有看头啊!芳林公园见!)Non-Chinese is on Friday, 21 Sep ?![棋人生 (9-20 11:48, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]35楼

(引用 卷心菜:why not on 22 Sep? 星期六加上非华人,有看头啊!芳林公园见!)Sep 20 符学栋郑启岁, 21郑德良Non-Chinese, 22刘再成林金福, 24郑木兴潘明华[棋人生 (9-20 11:57, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]36楼

After Albert Centre Team Event and Hong Lim Lantern Xiangqi these few days ....
In the coming 5 months,

2007 11 月 白沙东象棋团体赛 (11月18日) (11 teams)

could be the only local xiangqi event .......

the other few are international xiangqi events :

(1) 世界杯

(2) 第二屆亞洲室內運動會象棋项目:


(3) 第13届亞洲杯个人赛〔印尼〕(12月2 - 8日)
[棋人生 (9-21 17:51, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]37楼

(引用 棋人生:Yes, at least I heard from a team and it happened in the past ...)Method of Divisions A and B -- 1 Day Event
With this method, each time needs to have 8 players only.

To organise one day team event as Albert Square event instead of a few days event like Lion City Cup.

The method used in 2002 Telok Ayer Hong Lim Green C.C. could be considered again. In that year, 7 teams of 8 players each played 3 rounds. Every two teams encountered each other with 4 players.

We can have both Divisions A and B with up to 7 teams each, last two teams of A will demote to B next year, first two teams of B will promote to A next year.

e.g. if A has 7 teams of 8 players, exactly the same 3-round method used in 2002 could be used again.

if B has 5 teams of 8 players each, same method as above but 2 rounds are enough.

Of course, if we have times as in 团体联赛, 狮城杯 or 李美花杯, then we need to have 7 rounds with say 8 teams of 4-6 players per team and it takes 3 to 7 days to complete.


I have reservation regarding invite one school team, e.g. 中正中学 (2004 Lion City Cup), Nanyang Polytechnic (2006 雅柏广场) and 公教中学 (2007 Pasir Ris East) C.C. as usually they are at another grade. This type of arrangement may kill their interests instead of promoting xiangqi.

Better arrangement is to introduce Division A, B, C and even D team events and to allow, say 2 teams to promote or demote each year.

Existing adult teams can be placed (promote or demote) within Division A or B, polytechnic and secondary school teams can start with Division C first, or even to start Division D for primary schools.

I believe Bishan players should have no objection to start from Division B ...

This could be another way to inject life to Singapore Xiangqi ???
[棋人生 (9-24 11:20, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]38楼

(引用 棋人生:The System used in 雅柏广场团体赛 and 白沙东象棋团体赛 -- to invite views This system has been used for a few years, with N team...)As proposed in Divisions A & B Method .......
Division A, 7 teams of 8 players each = 7 x 8 = 56 players

Division B, 5 teams of 8 players each = 5 x 8 = 40 players

Total is 96 players, more than the current 90 players in Albert Square.

If Division B has 7 teams, same 56 players

then the total is 112 players, more than 110 players in the coming Pasir Ris East C.C.

Both events will have more teams and more players as club(s) can send more than a team if they have enough players.
[棋人生 (9-24 13:16, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]39楼

(引用 棋人生:Method of Divisions A and B -- 1 Day Event With this method, each time needs to have 8 players only. To organise one day team...)利弊参半,有些年轻学生棋手对到强对手是一件很兴奋的事情.利大于弊还是弊大于利,供讨论.


[卷心菜 (9-24 13:37, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]40楼

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