请问关于OCBC MA programme的面试请问各位前辈有没有经历过OCBC MA programme面试的 能否分享一下经验。 非常感谢!! [DixieDream (10-3 15:25, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼
^_^[DixieDream (10-4 12:02, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼
这样的first round: face-to-face with HR, can be very short (10 to 20 min). Not very technical. Just be confident.
second round: one-day Assessment Center, which includes group discussion, individual biz case analysis & presentation, numerical & verbal test.
third round: final interview with the heads of the division you are applying to.
Comments: surprisingly, OCBC's graduate recruitment process is not as easy as, or in certain way, tougher than some global banks, i.e. HSBC Private Bank, Stanchart, Lehman, JPM, to name a few (all from my personal experience). So do prepare well if you are serious about this position.[ropin (10-5 19:54, Long long ago)]
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(引用 ropin:这样的first round: face-to-face with HR, can be very short (10 to 20 min). Not very technical. Just be confident. second round:...)听说他们offer 6500,所以会比较难。[Economist (10-5 23:48, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼
(引用 Economist:听说他们offer 6500,所以会比较难。)他会根据你之前工作的position还有年数决定的吧。不是一刀切德[ropin (10-6 22:58, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼
(引用 ropin:他会根据你之前工作的position还有年数决定的吧。不是一刀切德)那也低不了,这是我听同学说他们在SMU的career talk上说的要不就是For Masters?
否则对local bank来讲真的留不住人。[Economist (10-7 16:43, Long long ago)]
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(引用 ropin:这样的first round: face-to-face with HR, can be very short (10 to 20 min). Not very technical. Just be confident.
second round:...)Thanks!!!Thanks for your valuable information.
Finished the first round last Friday, which is quite short. Actually with two interviewers, one is from HR and the other from the division I applied to. The funny thing is that I was asked to take a Madarin test after interview which cost me about half an hour. Just wondering whether every Chinese will be asked to do that or not? [DixieDream (10-8 12:09, Long long ago)]
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(引用 DixieDream:Thanks!!!Thanks for your valuable information. Finished the first round last Friday, which is quite short. Actually with two in...)they might be recruiting to chinatake ur chance to ask[AXL (10-8 14:56, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]8楼
(引用 Economist:那也低不了,这是我听同学说他们在SMU的career talk上说的要不就是For Masters? 否则对local bank来讲真的留不住人。)这倒是大实话,local bank长期留人很难呀(中国人都这么要强)[ropin (10-8 17:12, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]9楼
(引用 DixieDream:Thanks!!!Thanks for your valuable information. Finished the first round last Friday, which is quite short. Actually with two in...)你报的Treasury,IB还是International?他们在中国都需要人的we didn't have mandarin test previously. 可能他们考虑让你去中国?[ropin (10-8 17:14, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]10楼
(引用 Economist:那也低不了,这是我听同学说他们在SMU的career talk上说的要不就是For Masters? 否则对local bank来讲真的留不住人。)派回中国的也是6500吗?我以前听说的是5000, 现在又涨了?[黑豆豆 (10-8 19:26, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]11楼
(引用 ropin:你报的Treasury,IB还是International?他们在中国都需要人的we didn't have mandarin test previously. 可能他们考虑让你去中国?)hehe, 如果成功的话,AC要到十月底,路漫长报的是treasury,中文测试是treasury的美女姐姐提出的。从表情看,hr美女姐姐似乎有些小小意外,不过很快就拿来一套卷子,共有4个section。现在想想有点傻,面试的时候还特地强调了没有treasury的工作经验。
寒呢 @_@
那天至少有不少于10个人面试。不知道会有多少人到AC。[DixieDream (10-8 22:15, Long long ago)]
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(引用 DixieDream:hehe, 如果成功的话,AC要到十月底,路漫长报的是treasury,中文测试是treasury的美女姐姐提出的。从表情看,hr美女姐姐似乎有些小小意外...)good luck.[ropin (10-9 0:14, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]13楼
(引用 ropin:good luck.)Thanks!! 看来要和你做同事是一件很挑战的事情.呵呵![DixieDream (10-9 18:04, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]14楼