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IT公司招新人1-2两年工作经验,详情见内。前段时间我发了一个招opentext livelink workflow developer 的帖子。后来我发现新加坡这方面的人才还真是凤毛麟角。欧洲倒是很多。所以在新加坡只能培养自己的人才了。Livelink 作为一个 Enterprise Solution, 在欧洲很有市场。

现招一位junior level 的developer。如下:

Job Description:

Job Title: Opentext Livelink Developer (junior level)

Company: MNC(Enrope)

Job Scope:

- Design, Build and Maintain an Opentext Livelink workflow system
- Perform the System Integration Test and Support for User Acceptance Test

Experience Requirements:
- Minimum 1 year Work Experience with HTML, JavaScript, AJAX for web based application programming
- Minimum 1 year Work Experience with Java, J2EE programming and development
- Must have Knowledge with Database and SQL
- Knowledge SAP ABAP will provide added advantage

- Minimal Diploma with IT background

Other Requirements:
- The candidate must be a teamplayer with positive attitude, self motivated.
- Good working and learning spirit. Must be willing to learn new skills
- Language: English
- Prefer Citizen/PR

Employment Type:
- Permanent or  12 months renewable / convertible contract based on your qualification.

- Singapore

Interested candidate, please send your CV (MS Word format) to muziwenwu@hotmail.com with email subject “Apply for OpenText Developer”. Only the shortlisted candidate will be contacted.

[darkrekcus (10-26 22:11, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]1楼

is the position still open?hi...
一个朋友,人在国内,但是很想来新加坡工作,可以投递简历试试吗? 谢谢!
[iceLemon79 (10-27 9:27, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]2楼

hi, 给你发email了,请查收, 谢谢^_^[snow365 (10-27 15:29, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼

(引用 iceLemon79:is the position still open?hi... 一个朋友,人在国内,但是很想来新加坡工作,可以投递简历试试吗? 谢谢!)人在国内的话会比较麻烦。除非超级牛人有相关经验。可是这个是初级职位[darkrekcus (10-28 0:01, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]4楼

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