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[speculatist (9-10 13:16, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]6Â¥

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Andy Borowitz
Sat Sep 8, 5:50 PM ET

Demanding further intervention from the Federal Reserve to protect their endangered fortunes, thousands of the nation's leading hedge fund managers marched on Washington today.

Dubbed "The Million Mercedes March," the protest was said to be the largest chauffeur-driven demonstration in the capital's history.

Limousines started jamming the streets of Washington at approximately ten in the morning as irate hedge fund owners converged in front of the Federal Reserve building to demand stronger action to protect their imperiled riches.

Chanting "No Rate Cut, No Peace," the furious money managers were pepper-sprayed by police as their protest threatened to take a violent turn.

Tracy Klujian, a hedge fund manager from Greenwich, Connecticut, said that simmering anger in the hedge fund community was "a powder keg" waiting to explode.

"We have yet to see the ripple effects of this crisis," Mr. Klujian said. "When these guys have to freeze their trophy wives' shopping allowances, there's going to be hell to pay."

Mr. Klujian's words seemed almost prophetic as a mob of angry trophy wives looted a Ralph Lauren boutique in East Hampton, New York later in the day, stripping the establishment of its entire fall collection.

If the Fed fails to intervene, Mr. Klujian warned, an ugly situation among the nation's wealthiest money managers will only get uglier.

"A lot of these guys are mad as hell right now," he said. "But wait until they're down to their last billion."
[speculatist (9-10 13:28, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]8Â¥

(ÒýÓà speculatist:ÎÒ¾õµÃÕâЩÈÕ×ÓÊÇshort playerÖ¹Ëð»òÕßtake profitµÃ×îºÃʱ»ú¡£ÕâÖÖ»ú»áÀ´Ò»´ÎÉÙÒ»´Î¡£ Ò»¼ÒÖ®ÑÔ¡£ ºÜ¶à²¨ÀËÀíÂ۵ĸßÊÖ¶¼ËµÕâÊÇdeadl...)ppl talk abt wave c since last Juneppl couting wave to predict mkt never being correct even once.[xiaohu (9-10 13:32, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]9Â¥

(ÒýÓà speculatist:¿´µ½¸öÐÂÎÅ¡£ Ì«¸ãЦÁË¡£¡£¡£¡£Õâ°ï¼Ò»ï×Ô¼º×ö´íÁË£¬ÈÃFedÀ´Âòµ¥¡£ÕæÊÇÈö½¿¶¼ÈöµÄ¶ñÐÄ¡£ Andy Borowitz Sat Sep 8, 5:50 PM ET Deman...)ÓÐÒâ˼,Ï£ÍûFed±£³ÖÀûÂʲ»±ä[forpc (9-10 13:32, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]10Â¥

(ÒýÓà speculatist:¿´µ½¸öÐÂÎÅ¡£ Ì«¸ãЦÁË¡£¡£¡£¡£Õâ°ï¼Ò»ï×Ô¼º×ö´íÁË£¬ÈÃFedÀ´Âòµ¥¡£ÕæÊÇÈö½¿¶¼ÈöµÄ¶ñÐÄ¡£ Andy Borowitz Sat Sep 8, 5:50 PM ET Deman...)if I was Ben, I won't compromise to those wall street suckerthe short term cut maybe the biggest step for this situation[xiaohu (9-10 13:34, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]11Â¥

(ÒýÓà xiaohu:ppl talk abt wave c since last Juneppl couting wave to predict mkt never being correct even once.)ϹèҲÄÜÅöÉϸöËÀÀÏÊó°É[forpc (9-10 13:34, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]12Â¥

(ÒýÓà xiaohu:if I was Ben, I won't compromise to those wall street suckerthe short term cut maybe the biggest step for this situation)²®ÄϿ˲»½µÏ¢£¬ÕþÖÎǰ;»áÊܵ½Ó°Ï죬½ðÈÚÊг¡µÄ²¨¶¯»áÈÃËûѹÁ¦ºÜ´ó£¬¾¡¹Ü³¤ÆÚÀ´Ëµ²»¸Ã½µ¡£[˾Âí³¤·ç (9-10 13:38, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]13Â¥

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(ÒýÓà speculatist:¿´µ½¸öÐÂÎÅ¡£ Ì«¸ãЦÁË¡£¡£¡£¡£Õâ°ï¼Ò»ï×Ô¼º×ö´íÁË£¬ÈÃFedÀ´Âòµ¥¡£ÕæÊÇÈö½¿¶¼ÈöµÄ¶ñÐÄ¡£ Andy Borowitz Sat Sep 8, 5:50 PM ET Deman...)¡°No Rate Cut, No Peace¡±, hehe...Americans...so simple thinking...[ÄîÅ«½¿ (9-10 14:13, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]15Â¥

(ÒýÓà xiaohu:if I was Ben, I won't compromise to those wall street suckerthe short term cut maybe the biggest step for this situation)ÎÒ¾õµÃ½µÏ¢Òѳɶ¨¾Ö£¬µ±È»²»»áÌ«¶àBernankeҲûÓа취°¡£¬»á¸úС²¼ºÃºÃÉÌÁ¿ÉÌÁ¿¡£


[¾íÐÄ²Ë (9-10 14:29, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]16Â¥

(ÒýÓà ˾Âí³¤·ç:²®ÄϿ˲»½µÏ¢£¬ÕþÖÎǰ;»áÊܵ½Ó°Ï죬½ðÈÚÊг¡µÄ²¨¶¯»áÈÃËûѹÁ¦ºÜ´ó£¬¾¡¹Ü³¤ÆÚÀ´Ëµ²»¸Ã½µ¡£)I agree on ur point. from ethics, most ppl think ben should punish the suckers,but from politics, can he do it? especially after bush talked about the bailout?[banban (9-10 14:54, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]17Â¥

(ÒýÓà ˾Âí³¤·ç:²®ÄϿ˲»½µÏ¢£¬ÕþÖÎǰ;»áÊܵ½Ó°Ï죬½ðÈÚÊг¡µÄ²¨¶¯»áÈÃËûѹÁ¦ºÜ´ó£¬¾¡¹Ü³¤ÆÚÀ´Ëµ²»¸Ã½µ¡£)ÕâЩÈ˵±²»µ±¹Ù£¬²»Ì«ÖØÒª£¬Ç®ÒѾ­»©»©µÄ£¬Èç¹ûµ±¹Ù£¬Ò²ÊÇ´ú±íij¸öÀûÒ漯ÍÅ£¬ÔÚ´óѡ֮ǰ£¬ÃÀ¹úÕþ¸®»á½ßÁ¦Î¬³ÖÊг¡Îȶ¨£¬


[halley (9-10 15:11, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]18Â¥

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[°Í·¥ÀûÑÅ (9-10 15:50, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]19Â¥

(ÒýÓà xiaohu:if I was Ben, I won't compromise to those wall street suckerthe short term cut maybe the biggest step for this situation)ÄúµÄTW·´´óÊÆÖÐ..¾Í¿ìÍ»ÆÆÇ°ÆÚС¸ß104ÁË.[»¶ÀÖ¹ÉÊÐ (9-10 15:53, Long long ago)] [ ´«Í³°æ | sForum ][µÇ¼ºó»Ø¸´]20Â¥

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