(引用 zhaijj:拉高才好出货...炒家的惯用手法.)经验不是吹的, zhai 兄一句话救了我.zhai 兄讲拉高为了出货, 本来想追, 幸好没追, 不然现在被套啦. BIG BIG 感谢啦.[飙升 (12-22 10:34, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]21楼
(引用 潜力股:翟兄出货了?)我只是个小散而已...炒家肯定就是炒做china xlx那帮人,够狠呀.
我很是羡慕这帮人,可我毕竟是小散,只能跟着玩玩.[zhaijj (12-22 10:36, Long long ago)]
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(引用 潜力股:翟兄出货了?)look at the buy/sell volume, obviously big players are getting out....[delay (12-22 10:46, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]23楼
好强![潜力股 (12-22 11:21, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]24楼
若要想在股市中长期生存,任何时候追高都是要不得的.[zhaijj (12-22 14:05, Long long ago)]
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(引用 zhaijj:Z-Obee这只股我只说"貌似还想冲一下",对今天跳进去抢的...输钱可不要骂我啊. 若要想在股市中长期生存,任何时候追高都是要不得的.)好奇一下,今天有人追吗?心脏不是一般的大...[lioncity_sg (12-22 14:09, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]26楼
(引用 lioncity_sg:好奇一下,今天有人追吗?心脏不是一般的大...)即使上午没有追高的...那现在接低者同样在接下来的几天输钱的可能性很大.
一句话,该股到此为止.[zhaijj (12-22 14:15, Long long ago)]
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(引用 zhaijj:即使上午没有追高的...那现在接低者同样在接下来的几天输钱的可能性很大. 一句话,该股到此为止.)Z-Obee, Midas, Abterra...3 stocks that may be affected by news of HK listingzhai姐姐太厉害了,真的到此为止了,hongkong listing的问题不解决,近期没什么戏了。[熊霸天 (12-22 15:43, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]28楼
(引用 熊霸天:Z-Obee, Midas, Abterra...3 stocks that may be affected by news of HK listingzhai姐姐太厉害了,真的到此为止了,hongkong listing的...)FW: Z-Obee says final review process by HK Exchange for dual listing suspendeZ-Obee Holdings, the China-based designer and manufacturer of mobile phones, has been informed by sponsor SinoPac Securities (Asia) that the final review process in its application for a dual-listing on the Mainboard of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong has been suspended.
“Due to concerns by Hong Kong regulators over the recent price fluctuations of the shares of companies listed on the SEHK by way of introduction, SEHK has temporarily suspended such listings on the SEHK while the Hong Kong regulators identify ways to address the issue,” says Z-Obee in the SGX statement.
As Z-Obee feels the suspension is only temporarily, the special general meeting of the company to be held on Dec 30 will continue as scheduled.
However, due to the temporary suspension of the HK listing, the application for the transfer of shares from the share register of the company in Bermuda to the share register of the company in Hong Kong will also be halted for the moment.
Shareholders who have previously applied for the transfer of their shares to the share register of Hong Kong can contact the share transfer agent of the company in Singapore, Tricor Barbinder Share Registration Services, to cancel the transfer application.
Sponsor SinoPac Securities (Asia) will further have further discussions with SEHK to facilitate the application for the Hong Kong listing.[凯文 (12-22 22:34, Long long ago)]
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这个应该没人有吧?不然会这样静?看看就好,不然会吓死![小眼儿 (12-23 10:44, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]30楼
(引用 lioncity_sg:CWT这支怎样?感觉会有什么事发生... 不过没什么玛丽收了...)z-obee这两天又发飚了...cwt也走得很好...[lioncity_sg (12-30 9:09, Long long ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]31楼