请问谁能讲清楚accured interest in CPF假如65岁以后,要一直保留HDB直到over,请问这个accured interest怎样计算? 这个利息要一直算到99年以后吗? 还是人不在,OA没有,这个利息就不在算了
该帖荣获当日十大第3,奖励楼主15分以及22华新币,时间:2024-09-24 22:00:01。
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[小五 (9-24 14:23, 5 months ago)]
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只有要卖房子才需要去算这个Accrued interest is the interest amount that you would have earned if your CPF savings had not been withdrawn for housing. The interest is computed on the CPF principal amount withdrawn for housing on a monthly basis (at the current CPF Ordinary Account interest rate) and compounded yearly.
Interest will accrue on the amount of CPF savings that you have used for your property. You are required to refund the accrued interest together with the CPF principal amount withdrawn when you sell, transfer or dispose your property.
What happens to the deceased member's property bought using his CPF savings?
The CPF savings used to buy the property need not be refunded to the deceased member’s CPF account. The property will form part of his estate if it is held in tenancy-in-common or passed on to the remaining surviving owner(s) if it is held in joint tenancy.
[用心聆听 (9-24 15:05, 5 months ago)]
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理论计算值卖房的时候需要把用掉的cpf以及这个理论计算的利息都还回来,就像从来没有动用过一样 [本文发送自华新手机Wap版] [yhtxc (9-24 15:31, 5 months ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]3楼
(引用 用心聆听:只有要卖房子才需要去算这个Accrued interest is the interest amount that you would have earned if your CPF savings had not been wi
“What happens to the deceased member's property bought using his CPF savings?
The CPF savings used to buy the property need not be refunded to the deceased member’s CPF account. The property will form part of his estate if it is held in tenancy-in-common or passed on to the remaining surviving owner(s) if it is held in joint tenancy.”
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[小五 (9-24 15:53, 5 months ago)]
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(引用 小五:这段可以理解为,去世后就不需要还回吗?这段可以理解为,去世后就不需要还回吗? “What happens to the deceased member's property b...)如果去世后没人继承就不用还了 [本文发送自华新手机Wap版] [justabit (9-24 16:03, 5 months ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]5楼
(引用 justabit:如果去世后没人继承就不用还了)哈哈。明白了,多谢如果有transfer什么都要还 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [小五 (9-24 16:30, 5 months ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]6楼
(引用 小五:这段可以理解为,去世后就不需要还回吗?这段可以理解为,去世后就不需要还回吗?
“What happens to the deceased member's property b...)不需要啊其实这个所谓“accured interest”本身就只是个理论值,可以这么来理解,公积金里的钱本来是用于自己退休的,用来买房子和支付房贷以后,就相当于自己“欠”自己退休的钱。如果把房子卖了,就需要把这个钱还回去,用于自己退休。如果房子没卖一直住着,那么这个所谓“欠款”就是没有实际意义的了。
人去世之后,CPF里面剩余的钱,会单独处理,默认留给家人,或者按照CPF Nomination指定的受益人分配。房子会自动留给Joint Owner,或者成为遗产,和其他所有的遗产一起,进入遗产继承程序。
[用心聆听 (9-24 17:44, 5 months ago)]
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个人觉得Balance sheet
原理很像化学物理。 守恒
配平方程式。 电要平 ,元素要平 等等。 还有能量守恒。 一般出去的 就会进去别的地方
这个就是为了占一个位置 随时保持平衡。你的CPF 出去了。 原本应该得到的利息就没有。 找一个东西占位
类似于 财产贬值
差别是好像是ifs9 有详细规定怎么贬值, 平均还是抛物线, 线性, 看什么资产
你这个利息 的利率 等 我也没仔细去挖但可以想到政府不会故意占便宜也可以不察。
他们这个是连环套, 这个的存在也保证了建立在这个上层的公式也是平的。
[小土 (9-24 18:50, 5 months ago)]
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哈 我记得管院学 FI sucks accounting
但老师让大家传阅了我的cheat sheet
因为 他觉得思路不错。 台湾老师脑洞大。 蛮好的。
我把所有credit debit 弄反了。。。
[小土 (9-24 18:52, 5 months ago)]
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(引用 用心聆听:不需要啊其实这个所谓“accured interest”本身就只是个理论值,可以这么来理解,公积金里的钱本来是用于自己退休的,用来买房子和支付房...)谢谢详细解答 [本文发送自华新iOS APP] [小五 (9-24 20:54, 5 months ago)] [ 传统版 | sForum ][登录后回复]10楼