所在版块:文学艺术 发贴时间:2004-03-12 20:58

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 
linkin park的歌词,you can put a label on a life,

You know what I mean
You could put a label on a life,
Put a label on a lifestyle


You know
Put a label on how you wake up every morning
And go to bed at night


I抳e been diggin into crates ever since I was livin in space
Before the ratrace, before monkeys had human traits
I mastered numerology and bigbang theology
Performed lobotomies with telekinetic psychology
Invented the mic so I could start blessin it
Chincheckin kids to make my point like an impressionist
Many men have tried to shake us
But I twist mic cords in double helixes and show them what I抦 made of
I buckle knees like leg braces
Cast the spell of instrumental-ness and all of you emcees who hate us
So you can try on,
Leave you without a shoulder to cry on
From now to infinity let icons be bygones
I fire bomb ghostly notes haunt this
I tried threats but moved on to a promise
I stomp shit with or without an accomplice
And run the gauntlet with whoever that wants this

High Voltage
The unforgettable sound
High Voltage
Bringing you up and taking you down
High Voltage
Coming at you from every side
High Voltage
Making the rhythm and rhyme collide

Akira, I put a kink in the backbones of clones with microphones
Never satisfy my rhyme jones
Sprayin bright day over what you might say
My Blood type's Krylon Technicolor type A
On highways ride with road rage
Cages of wind and cages of tin that bounce all around
Surround sound
Devouring the scene
Subliminal gangrene paintings
Over while the same thing
Sing song karaoke copy bullshit
Break bones verbally with sticks and stone tactics
Fourth dimension, combat convention
Write rhymes at ease while the track stands at attention
Meant to put you away with the pencil
Pistol, official, 16 line a rhyme missile
While you risk your all, I pick out all your flaws
Spin rah, blah blah blah
You can say you saw

High Voltage
The Unforgettable sound
High Voltage
Bringing you up and taking you down
High Voltage
Coming at you from every side
High Voltage
Making the rhythm and rhyme collide

High Voltage
The Unforgettable sound
High Voltage
Bringing you up and taking you down
High Voltage
Coming at you from every side
High Voltage
Making the rhythm and rhyme collide

And like the rock and rap
You know what i mean
People act like you know
Wow that抯 a new invention
That shits brand new
We're constantly evolving
It is constantly changing


There's a lot of change
Everybody's always up with labels
There ain抰 no label for this shit
They're always gonna try to put a label on it
Try to create something
So they can water it down

Sometimes I feel like a prophet
Under the gun like a new disease

Sometimes I feel like a prophet
Under the gun like a new disease

High Voltage
The Unforgettable sound
High Voltage
Bringing you up and taking you down
High Voltage
Coming at you from every side
High Voltage
Making the rhythm and rhyme collide

-------------------------------------------------- maybe yes maybe no
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【桐音别馆】【话题】从“小资”说开去 大象   (5085 bytes , 1983reads )
补充一些 知非   (877 bytes , 354reads )
呵呵。 青锋   (1035 bytes , 302reads )
哎呀,抱歉打错名字。 知非   (606 bytes , 343reads )
这一段 女萝   (385 bytes , 291reads )
heehee...我的后花园 沈喑   (703 bytes , 300reads )
诸位 =) 沈喑   (1427 bytes , 368reads )
的确,我们只是闲聊,要的是那一点“有意思” sarah   (460 bytes , 313reads )
姜女不尚铅华 省思   (46 bytes , 360reads )
其实可以每周单纯讨论一本书或者一个人物。 青锋   (52 bytes , 257reads )
in fact, two of you are talking about 水彩   (313 bytes , 304reads )
“小资”到底是一种生活态度还是一个社会群体的标签? 庸人   (264 bytes , 282reads )
petty bourgeois ......cute name huh? 子非鱼   (0 bytes , 330reads )
yes, something related to middle class 水彩   (303 bytes , 298reads )
I think should be petit bourgeois or petite bourgeoisie 水彩   (0 bytes , 313reads )
你的定义已经远离"小资"的本意了....... 幻想的悲哀   (223 bytes , 372reads )
【观点】伪小资之种种 子非鱼   (3186 bytes , 460reads )
小资和伪小资的出现 省思   (1659 bytes , 468reads )
不记得是哪时候了,在早报上看过这么一篇报道 疯狐狸   (162 bytes , 293reads )
小资本来就是的伪的 若苗   (3238 bytes , 398reads )
没看懂,不过顶一个 mkx   (0 bytes , 302reads )
胡乱回个贴 刀声依旧   (347 bytes , 292reads )
大资是一种心态,岂是钱字涉足的 省思   (417 bytes , 303reads )
手头没钱粮,也资不起来啊。 刀声依旧   (335 bytes , 344reads )
说的也是 省思   (120 bytes , 283reads )
谢谢大家来讨论 沈喑   (137 bytes , 330reads )
同情DX一下子 省思   (76 bytes , 281reads )
说实话,理解的差距很大。。。 水彩   (286 bytes , 325reads )
非常同意 刀声依旧   (123 bytes , 292reads )
大象有说过,是从美学角度讲。 mkx   (0 bytes , 274reads )
其实他们已经承认“小资”是个很容易有歧义的称呼 子非鱼   (197 bytes , 293reads )
我觉得不完全是如此 香陵居士   (273 bytes , 266reads )
叫真一下…… 香陵居士   (198 bytes , 276reads )
如果较真是一种驳论的话 晖兰   (109 bytes , 310reads )
你对居士有没有条件反射的不认同呐? 省思   (36 bytes , 269reads )
您老果然闲的很 晖兰   (0 bytes , 258reads )
叫? 较? 西蜀霸王   (0 bytes , 289reads )
嗯,小资应该是中等偏上收入 子非鱼   (0 bytes , 273reads )
似乎还是很模糊…… 香陵居士   (179 bytes , 289reads )
较真过头了 晖兰   (0 bytes , 286reads )
知无不言,言无不尽 省思   (44 bytes , 293reads )
另外对大象的说法商榷一下 香陵居士   (2087 bytes , 285reads )
小资,一种自己认为美的生活方式。 mkx   (110 bytes , 337reads )
不过小资一词终究让人觉得有点儿呕吐的感觉 mkx   (26 bytes , 256reads )
对这篇文章的一点浅见 青锋   (1554 bytes , 326reads )
我以为这种看法比大象的看法现实意义要大一些 香陵居士   (58 bytes , 260reads )
4咩?:) 居士对DX了解还是不够 省思   (112 bytes , 294reads )
mkx   (0 bytes , 269reads )
interesting 省思   (0 bytes , 244reads )
南京的朋友想必记得那档著名的小资节目——都市夜归人 青锋   (35 bytes , 251reads )
总觉得小资是一种心情 疯狐狸   (209 bytes , 305reads )
这是一个很值得讨论的问题 mkx   (467 bytes , 311reads )
你没仔细看吧。。。 晖兰   (71 bytes , 245reads )
en....果然是我看错。 mkx   (0 bytes , 274reads )
林语堂是个福建人,我向北方人会是另外一种想法。 mkx   (0 bytes , 292reads )
即使是坐在冷水机旁喝着凉白开谈论着这些话题,也算是“小资”了 花心大哥   (0 bytes , 348reads )
小资从来都是脆弱的 省思   (606 bytes , 351reads )
可以换个词么? mkx   (86 bytes , 372reads )
小资,一种自己认为美的生活方式。 夜丁香   (230 bytes , 322reads )
今天再不完成作业的话,明天又没空了,555 sarah   (650 bytes , 305reads )
can not imagine! 省思   (48 bytes , 267reads )
若如子非鱼所讲,偶修改一下问题 省思   (256 bytes , 311reads )
偶对徐不了解,有无做过教授? Guest   (0 bytes , 339reads )
他以前好像是国大中文系还是政治系的教授,后因和顶头上司政见不合被穿小鞋而辞职 子非鱼   (0 bytes , 234reads )
? 水彩   (16 bytes , 281reads )
偶想知道下面的人大象和沈喑如何评论 省思   (200 bytes , 343reads )
没想好 知非   (236 bytes , 336reads )
那么以后再说吧 Guest   (0 bytes , 362reads )
不用这么严肃吧?对普通人而言这些人的生活方式恐怕不具有参考价值 子非鱼   (24 bytes , 303reads )
抱歉,偶没觉得他们与咱们有什么不同 省思   (22 bytes , 299reads )
您老大抵认为他们与您没有什么不同 篱畔秋酣   (50 bytes , 345reads )
偶可不成,你们当中也许有人行吧 省思   (54 bytes , 285reads )