所在版块:心情闲聊 发贴时间:2014-08-26 21:44  评分:

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我看到另外一个关于荷兰村大便妇女的帖子,里面很多华新朋友在回复的时候,跟新加坡本地人学,用PRC来指代大陆人,我觉得有点刺眼。所以就回了一个长贴子,引证说明,新加坡人独创这个词语所写指代中国大陆人,是有贬义的。大家不要用来指代自己了。(注意了,我不是说新加坡人独创PRC这个简称本身,我是说他们把PRC 的原意(中华人民共和国)转换成了中国大陆,这是他们的独创)。



新加坡人自创用PRC贬义地指代中国人。我们自己就不要犯傻也自称是PRCs! (这就好比是那些台湾、香港人恶毒地称呼我们是zhina ren,然后我们自己也用zhina ren来指代自己,却不知道其中的贬意,太可笑了)。

应该说自己是 Chinese citizen, Chinese national 或者是来自 China。这两个词都是中立词语。

英文里面把词语缩小(也不仅仅是字母数目缩小,也可以是在读音感受上缩小),很多情况下就是有贬义的。比如说,日本人在英语里中立的词是 Japanese, 那贬义的就是Japs;共产主义者英语里中立的词语是Communist,贬义的就是 Commie;穆斯林教徒英语里中立的词语是Muslim, 贬义的就是 Muzzie; 那还有Chinese(中国人)- Chink(中国佬)等等。当然也有不是这样的,比如说,澳大利亚人(白人)自己称自己是 Aussie(这个有亲昵的意思,想想看,亲昵和鄙视有一个共同点,就是不当真)。

我2011年在海峡时报上看到一篇读者来信 (Racism a thing of the past? Think again '种族歧视是昨日黄花吗?非也'),很明确指出,新加坡人用PRC作为名词指代中国大陆人的时候,就是带有嘲讽口吻(derisively)的。我看到那个信后,就收藏起来。现在贴在最下面,供大家参考(注意看红色部分)。文章在最下面,现在把关键的句子复制在这里: It (racism) involves all of us, and it is present whenever we derisively use the term 'PRCs'; whenever we treat a Caucasian with more respect or accord him more attention than we would an Asian; or whenever we dismissively refer to any group of dark-skinned men as 'Banglas' regardless of their ethnic origins.

永远不要再用PRC来指代自己了(中国人)。当然PRC用来指代中华人民共和国,是中立词语,是可以的。或者用作形容词比如PRC Citizen是可以的。但是作为名词,直接指代中国人,是绝对有贬义的。也就是说,可以讲 He is a PRC Citizen(就是这样,在欧美国家他们还是不会这么说,他们只会说He is a Chinese citizen) 但是绝对不可以接受 He is a PRC/They are PRCs。大家可能觉得奇怪为什么同一个词语,形容词和名词用法会有贬褒之分。是有的,解释如下:

英文里面,形容词和名词在一些情况下表达的微妙意思是不一样的。John is gay/John is a gay man 和 John is a gay. 表面上是一个意思,可是英文是母语的人知道,后者有贬义。同样,说一个人是黑人,你说 He is black/He is a black man,是中立描述,但是如果你说 He is a black, 别人的眉毛就会扬起来。这不是我在胡诌的,大家可以自己搜索,也可以参考这个帖子的回复:http://forum.wordreference.com/showthread.php?t=1289509

新加坡人不但独创了这个PRC的用法,而且还把国际英文里面非常有贬义的Chinaman/China woman之类的词语用来指代中国人。我08年的时候看到海峡时报上一个报道就是用China Woman来指代来自中国的妇女,当时感到很生气,就写了封信给海峡时报,当然他们没有发,现在我也把自己的信贴在下面:



Dear Editor,

I refer to the article titled "Drinking binge killed China woman", written by journalist Elena Chong and published in the Courts and Crime section of the Straits Times on March 25, 2008.

Both the title and the report itself bear the term "China woman", apparently to designate a female citizen from China. I am appalled by the use of this highly offensive term in Straits Times and am writing to request that an apology be made on the inappropriate use of language.

"China woman" is apparently a term derived from its counterpart "Chinaman", which is regarded as an offensive term in English to refer to a male person from China. It carries racist connotations. For instance, the online Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the term "Chinaman" as "often offensive: a native of China". Other authoritative dictionaries likewise also point out the pejorative connotations of this term.

The parallel usage for females, "China woman" naturally also acquires the racist connotations attached to the original term. As a national and international publication, Straits Times should not endorse or condone the use of racist language that targets persons from a particular background.

In light of the above facts, I am writing to seek an apology from Straits Times on behalf of all people who were offended by the use of this term in your newspaper.






Racism a thing of the past? Think again

ST Forum

08 June 2011

Straits Times

I BEG to differ from the views put forth by Professor Lee Wei Ling in her letter last Saturday ('Singaporeans are mostly not racist').

Prof Lee posits that racism is a phenomenon limited by and large to the elderly and the less educated, and cites the substantial Indian population in her working environment and in her social circle as evidence of that claim. Yes, this does illustrate Singapore's racial diversity, but it tells us nothing about the supposed absence of racism.

The writer seems to be suggesting that most Singaporeans are 'colour-blind', which is to say that we disregard racial characteristics when taking a person into account.It seems apparent to me, however, that this is far from the truth.

I believe the conclusion that Singaporeans are mostly a colour-blind people is an assumption that members of the dominant racial group here, such as Prof Lee and myself, are privileged with, since we do not bear the brunt of racial discrimination and prejudice.

Racism is not just about Indians and the Chinese from the People's Republic of China, and it is not just about migrant workers, though it plays out most explicitly in the majority's relations with the minorities.

It involves all of us, and it is present whenever we derisively use the term 'PRCs'; whenever we treat a Caucasian with more respect or accord him more attention than we would an Asian; or whenever we dismissively refer to any group of dark-skinned men as 'Banglas' regardless of their ethnic origins.

It is present in our media, in our television commercials, advertisements for new condominiums and fashion spreads that make out our country to be full of successful, happy and wholesome Chinese, pan-Asian and Caucasian professionals and families.

Prof Lee tries to distinguish between racism and xenophobia. But where do we draw the line between wariness of foreigners and those of a different race and culture from us? And why doesn't our xenophobia seem to extend to the lighter-skinned expatriates?

Singapore is for the most part a racially harmonious melting pot, and that is something to be happy about. But don't let the privileged majority fall into the easy trap of believing that racism is a thing of the past, or being complacent with racial diversity and forgetting the pursuit of social justice.

Tan Yee Hui(Miss)



该帖荣获当日十大第6,奖励楼主8分以及12华新币,时间:2014-08-27 22:00:03。
该帖荣获当日十大第9,奖励楼主2分以及3华新币,时间:2014-08-28 22:00:05。
该帖荣获当日十大第9,奖励楼主2分以及3华新币,时间:2014-08-29 22:00:04。

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
大家不要用PRC作为名词来指代中国大陆人,新加坡人用此词有贬义 这里很热   (7875 bytes , 8970reads )
我第一次听到新加坡人这么叫我我就觉得有很深的贬义!虽然我也很鄙视他们! Rodmakt   (0 bytes , 105reads )
支持lz的观点 yanyancheung   (42 bytes , 85reads )
我觉得楼主发了贴解释了就好,prc确实是只有这里特有的叫法 heathcliff   (168 bytes , 121reads )
哈哈 China T -_-||   (0 bytes , 91reads )
都是中国茶,必须服 heathcliff   (0 bytes , 88reads )
问了本地同事 青之静歌   (98 bytes , 111reads )
那P.R.China这样写有贬义吗? pencilsg   (0 bytes , 93reads )
我觉得没有,但是国际的写法一般就是China或者 China (People's Republic) 这里很热   (176 bytes , 126reads )
哈哈哈 认识的外国人都知道PRCstands for什么 信长   (24 bytes , 107reads )
我们让事实说话,如下 这里很热   (1828 bytes , 142reads )
支持一下楼主 唐甬   (104 bytes , 203reads )
哈哈哈笑死我了 南瓜同学   (26 bytes , 109reads )
改正: China (People's Republic of) / China, People's Republic of 这里很热   (0 bytes , 90reads )
很有意思 divor   (491 bytes , 86reads )
PRC就是指中华人民共和国 最大输家   (401 bytes , 145reads )
请先读完我的帖子再说 这里很热   (303 bytes , 110reads )
PRC 词本身并没有什么贬义, Reacher   (111 bytes , 117reads )
同意,贬义大都是人加的,我们不要用来指代自己就是了 这里很热   (150 bytes , 130reads )
不一定,比如楼上提到的口音不同,或者有钱人投资移民 heathcliff   (0 bytes , 90reads )
我们也可以一直用,一直用,把它用成褒义词! trim   (0 bytes , 96reads )
啊2 highjumper   (396 bytes , 113reads )
哈哈,让我想起合伙人里面拿到美签的孟晓骏吼得 rosemarry   (34 bytes , 143reads )
提点意见。应该是Chineseman,对等Englishman。Chin[…] 赶超美日   (76 bytes , 81reads )
确实有Chinaman这个词 明珠有泪   (80 bytes , 91reads )
支那人这个词源于甲午战争之后。日本如日中天,中国陷于泥潭。 赶超美日   (1895 bytes , 120reads )
额,纠正一下 love962397   (146 bytes , 95reads )
版主比我了解得多,指正得对,佩服。 赶超美日   (0 bytes , 72reads )
也谈一下支那这个词,Shina (日语的拼音); Cheena (新加坡的说法) 这里很热   (4297 bytes , 584reads )
你提的几点都很好,但是需要纠正,首先 "USA! USA!" 是加油口号,意思还是 “美国” 这里很热   (1019 bytes , 187reads )
啊3 highjumper   (815 bytes , 79reads )
highjumper   (171 bytes , 128reads )
同意你说的,要有自嘲的能力,但关键是只有知道一个词语有贬义才能所谓自嘲,对吗? 这里很热   (285 bytes , 103reads )
不可笑,但很幽默。。 highjumper   (0 bytes , 68reads )
在过去100年直到现在那个美国人无论说他是美国来的**或是****,也没[…] 赶超美日   (45 bytes , 174reads )
如果你觉得这个例子不好,你自己想个出来就是咯,你知道我的意思就可以了。 这里很热   (31 bytes , 85reads )
日本鬼子到目前为止不会有任何贬义,PRC在现在也不会 赶超美日   (64 bytes , 77reads )
长知识了,顶楼主 Rita_8686   (74 bytes , 118reads )
支持楼主一下 平凡就是幸福   (601 bytes , 98reads )
PRC怎么了? 哪里尴尬了? 无非对方是想知道是哪里的chinese吧? 功夫熊猫   (16 bytes , 112reads )
对 被叫PRC丝毫不在意 信长   (35 bytes , 97reads )
突然想到有字母代表人 Yume   (11 bytes , 89reads )
哈哈哈哈哈 信长   (29 bytes , 105reads )
SBC如何 Yume   (118 bytes , 108reads )
看完这个帖子我都把PCR看成PRC了 吓我一跳 晚饭吃什么呢   (16 bytes , 87reads )
哈哈哈 爬楼爬到这里被萌到啦 小妖霖霖   (0 bytes , 77reads )
妖版都笑了,我跟着赞一下楼上上的笑话好冷。本来想赞一下,但想想又怕话音刚[…] 赶超美日   (88 bytes , 76reads )
看不懂你说什么?什么暴发户? 小妖霖霖   (30 bytes , 114reads )
跟版主想的一样。但是这几天读多了变得疑神疑鬼的,想多了。我错了。 赶超美日   (0 bytes , 92reads )
14亿人的国家你担心什么... 小Zhi   (0 bytes , 78reads )
make a mountain out of a molehill artichaut   (11 bytes , 140reads )
It's called "raising consciousness" 这里很热   (300 bytes , 162reads )
楼主太敏感了吧 Ex2   (151 bytes , 124reads )
赞lz的态度! 无所谓的人们,确实有点Q了。 1999   (48 bytes , 127reads )
= = 楼主你想多了 信长   (349 bytes , 255reads )
不觉得说Chinese有什么问题 山丘   (72 bytes , 85reads )
完全偷换主题 谁说中国人不能叫Chinese了?没有人介绍自己用imprc,没有任何建设性 真实的马甲   (545 bytes , 127reads )
我回复的是楼上 山丘   (172 bytes , 72reads )
没有想太多,政府大多数情况下,以及商业环境中 Chinese 就直接是中国人的意思 这里很热   (6033 bytes , 245reads )
扯政府证件什么的有毛意义 别装不食人间烟火了 平时口头一点都不直接 真实的马甲   (0 bytes , 81reads )
同意,PRC是为了和马来西亚新加坡台湾etc华人区分开 石春凝   (271 bytes , 166reads )
Are you from China? 和Are you PRC? 请感受一下 heathcliff   (0 bytes , 172reads )
Are you from China? 和Are you PRC? luodewei   (255 bytes , 126reads )
I'm from China and I'm PRC 我是中国来的 我就是大陆人 信长   (76 bytes , 289reads )
更好的例子是比较 I'm from China 和 I am a PRC。 这里很热   (240 bytes , 104reads )
这就叫扯了 前面讨论的是别人叫我们PRC是歧视语 现在又变成自我介绍imprc了? 真实的马甲   (974 bytes , 141reads )
ang mo其实要较真也有歧视 heathcliff   (0 bytes , 138reads )
外国人也是有歧视的 Yume   (49 bytes , 90reads )
好吧,这大概就叫说者有意,听者无心了,不过你这样也挺好,至少好过点 heathcliff   (0 bytes , 147reads )
坡坡的作文风格好明显 蓝黑   (42 bytes , 196reads )
没看出那个帖子的回复都是反讽么… 青空   (0 bytes , 188reads )
同意,其实用缩写代号称呼一类人,本身就带有不尊重, heathcliff   (36 bytes , 178reads )
非常同意! 这里很热   (0 bytes , 105reads )
支持楼主 格格巫婆   (20 bytes , 133reads )
我真是PRC 牛啊牛   (134 bytes , 139reads )
他们说,你自己觉得无所谓没有关系,我是说,我们不要用这个缩写来称呼自己 这里很热   (24 bytes , 99reads )
你是看到那个拉屎贴里面说PRC联想到的吧 Johor   (152 bytes , 212reads )
还有,你好像对政治正确(political correctness)这个词语理解有误 这里很热   (465 bytes , 103reads )
没问题 Johor   (101 bytes , 97reads )
那个帖子里面反讽的应该是新加坡人的偏见,不见得是新加坡人用PRC这个词语本身 这里很热   (1314 bytes , 298reads )
看多了 还是支持一下 楼住说的也是真的 牛啊牛   (0 bytes , 92reads )
排这个。以前没觉得有什么,最近在mycar forum 里看到 我是一颗菠萝   (88 bytes , 84reads )
平时生活中你听过这么多次PRC, 有几次你是听我们自己这么称呼自己的? 就好比 牛啊牛   (70 bytes , 109reads )
网络上使用比较多 这里很热   (754 bytes , 190reads )
china man就和我们说坡人 一个意思 狮子王   (122 bytes , 79reads )
你真不是PRC,就像你身边的坡人也不是ROS一样 独行   (183 bytes , 145reads )
那些词你自己才会笑纳 神推论好像很了不起的样子 牛啊牛   (154 bytes , 129reads )
嘻嘻 我也想排你之前那个 信长   (134 bytes , 141reads )
Nationality 从来都偷懒写个prc得飘过 南瓜同学   (13 bytes , 134reads )
希望你以后能写全了: Chinese 这里很热   (22 bytes , 99reads )
我又没同意你的观点 南瓜同学   (55 bytes , 102reads )
Suit yourself, Mr/Miss Scholar! 这里很热   (0 bytes , 102reads )
。。。 南瓜同学   (79 bytes , 102reads )
我也想说,真的感觉贬别人的都基本是loser,真的伤不到 走走   (603 bytes , 129reads )
+1 pencilsg   (0 bytes , 104reads )
每次看你的评论,都觉得最中肯 dinolove11   (165 bytes , 83reads )
如果真的自己尊重自己就够了 唐甬   (154 bytes , 83reads )
一个prc的称谓,还谈得上诽谤和捍卫? 走走   (582 bytes , 145reads )
说的很好 信长   (8 bytes , 83reads )
被说教的感觉好差啊 南瓜同学   (130 bytes , 95reads )
给你讲个故事吧 信长   (172 bytes , 103reads )
要不你来新加坡帮大家捍卫一下吧? dinolove11   (37 bytes , 101reads )
每个人捍卫的方法不同啊 唐甬   (81 bytes , 111reads )
加油啊唐兄 Johor   (258 bytes , 125reads )
从自己尊重自己做起,这正是楼主本意吧 heathcliff   (0 bytes , 92reads )
可惜好像很多人,也许是刚发现我指出的问题,有点恼羞成怒的感觉 这里很热   (46 bytes , 93reads )
另外跟你科普一下,sholar在这里不是学者 南瓜同学   (102 bytes , 92reads )
I was being sarcastic, in case you missed it 这里很热   (156 bytes , 160reads )
闲的 南瓜同学   (44 bytes , 96reads )
那个奖学金就叫 南瓜同学   (252 bytes , 77reads )
加一句,正确描述是这样的人充满敌意。 赶超美日   (0 bytes , 76reads )
同意。没有客观条件的口头之快,纯粹是意*,不觉得是歧视或觉得被歧视。 赶超美日   (0 bytes , 120reads )
re joseph1022   (222 bytes , 143reads )
长知识了 谢谢提醒 精武门   (0 bytes , 182reads )
无所谓啦 Johor   (66 bytes , 164reads )
哈哈哈 我也这么想 信长   (81 bytes , 133reads )
就是嘛 首先自己要有绝对的信心 管人家怎么觉得 Angelina7   (189 bytes , 117reads )