i'm still confused
所在版块:求学狮城 发贴时间:2007-09-06 12:40

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your number 3 has this function M, but your equation does not contain M, what are you talking about?

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请教一个简单的不等式问题 香陵居士   (518 bytes , 725reads )
2. bugzzj   (77 bytes , 380reads )
1. bugzzj   (76 bytes , 310reads )
please explain your notation icky   (405 bytes , 304reads )
Sorry... so many typos... 香陵居士   (276 bytes , 396reads )
I think the examples in 3 can still be treated as linear. bugzzj   (236 bytes , 369reads )
i'm still confused icky   (100 bytes , 317reads )
It simply says if each element of X is a function of variable t 香陵居士   (46 bytes , 259reads )
this is not easy, even for linear function of t icky   (66 bytes , 247reads )
i mean icky   (68 bytes , 268reads )
I do understand what you mean but what's tricky here is that 香陵居士   (120 bytes , 282reads )
if A is positive definite, then Ax > B eq to x > A^-1 B icky   (0 bytes , 284reads )
... Can you prove that? 香陵居士   (319 bytes , 264reads )
Thanks, but the most important thing is 香陵居士   (173 bytes , 259reads )
aiyah.... icky   (114 bytes , 246reads )
As I described 香陵居士   (161 bytes , 270reads )
how do u define your AX > B ? AX is a vector, B is also a vector icky   (117 bytes , 291reads )
oh, ok, you are saying vectors can not be compared directly icky   (0 bytes , 262reads )