所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2007-11-15 00:38  评分:

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有空可以到波那维斯达CC下下棋!这边通常星期天下午2-10点开放(公众假期或整队外出比赛除外)。环境不错,课室也有冷气。地址是36 Holland Drive #02-05 (S) 270036。附近是Buona Vista MRT(走5分钟),也有巴士32,74,91,95,145,191,200等。

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
人才难求 棋一生   (554 bytes , 973reads )
last night heard that I am no more a member of SIXGA ...... 棋人生   (466 bytes , 213reads )
Noticed from Nee Soon South C.C. Mind Sport Xiangqi Newsletter that ..... 棋人生   (519 bytes , 280reads )
Not only SIXGA, all xiangqi clubs has the same concern, Zaobao 12 Jan 2008 棋人生   (142 bytes , 189reads )
棋一生 and 棋人生 棋人生   (471 bytes , 293reads )
有所不同吧。 几度   (140 bytes , 204reads )
Yes, I know who is 棋一生, ...... 棋人生   (1272 bytes , 324reads )
也有人默默付出 火云邪神   (717 bytes , 257reads )
我前几天在弈天看到一位“火云鞋神”不知道你认识不?呵呵~~ 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 262reads )
不是俺 火云邪神   (24 bytes , 184reads )
火云邪神应该是三清教中的截教-通天教主门下 棋仙   (346 bytes , 317reads )
截教后来怎么样了? 几度   (166 bytes , 264reads )
应该是没有这历史了,传说而已 棋仙   (126 bytes , 180reads )
这不是封神么 张辽   (118 bytes , 169reads )
原来你是盗版的火云邪神 棋仙   (29 bytes , 174reads )
说不定是同样人。 几度   (30 bytes , 189reads )
我是出了名的盲子特大 火云邪神   (62 bytes , 202reads )
RE: 说明真的是邪神 火云邪神   (38 bytes , 183reads )
说明真的是邪神 棋仙   (36 bytes , 177reads )
我前几天also 在弈天看到一位“棋人生” !! West hill , Level 10 @ 16 points 棋天大胜   (21 bytes , 229reads )
I am still moving within 悟入棋途 ..... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 197reads )
We are not able to call a club without players ..... 棋人生   (291 bytes , 257reads )
精忠报棋 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 208reads )
报棋 = reporting chess activities, may be for one year only ....... 棋人生   (219 bytes , 243reads )
有理,人首先要面对生活,其次才是人生 张辽   (26 bytes , 264reads )
目前来看我还是很有时间的 一刀n断   (144 bytes , 213reads )
有时间顺便编些初级教程吧。 几度   (30 bytes , 265reads )
我觉得首先应该把象总的网站和论坛建起来 张辽   (254 bytes , 262reads )
at least the first step : link SIXGA website to 悟入棋途 as 世界象棋联合会 棋人生   (0 bytes , 213reads )
象总有网站。 几度   (102 bytes , 197reads )
呵呵,那个网站可不大行 张辽   (0 bytes , 174reads )
网页的问题可以考虑先实干起来 卷心菜   (558 bytes , 273reads )
继续讨论实干构建新版Sixga网页 卷心菜   (412 bytes , 226reads )
我刚才去sixga主页看了看 一刀n断   (454 bytes , 223reads )
not a single news in the last 6 months, why so many people having concerns !!! 棋人生   (0 bytes , 225reads )
During the discussion with Sixga chairman this morning ...... 棋人生   (444 bytes , 286reads )
哈哈。祝大家圣诞快乐,祝大家在快棋赛和智协赛中取得好成绩! 卷心菜   (67 bytes , 218reads )
I heard that SIXGA will be holding a dinner on 30 Dec to celebrate ....... 棋人生   (61 bytes , 224reads )
It is a Thank You Lunch on 30 Dec 2007, the dinner is to be held on ...... 棋人生   (54 bytes , 249reads )
Can 棋一生 bring the matter to SIXGA's EXCO first ....... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 251reads )
My personal view ..... 棋人生   (1732 bytes , 284reads )
家家都有一本难念的经。 几度   (1202 bytes , 267reads )