Yes, I know who is 棋一生, ......
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2007-11-16 12:21  评分:

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

I wanted to say those few words when first time I saw the name 棋一生.

After his posting on 人才难求 below,


I notice that he has high expectations of those so call 中立者.

I believe that he is unable to change the situations, i.e. the playing of politics in SIXGA, same as many other organisations.

If you are the 中立者, it is not easy for you to contribute unless you are prepared to do all the works and also just keep quiet, may be I am wrong, but the voting results for me in 2002 and 2004 under the old system have supported my view, of course, you may say that my resignation in 2002 resulted in less votes in 2004......I am the outspoken type, so better for me not to be in there ....., hahaha.

Last but not least, the website of SIXGA should improve fast enough before the 2008 Asian Xiangqi Games so that we are able to introduce Singapore Xiangqi to all other Asian countries, other issues to me is not so critical at this moment lah ......

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
人才难求 棋一生   (554 bytes , 971reads )
last night heard that I am no more a member of SIXGA ...... 棋人生   (466 bytes , 213reads )
Noticed from Nee Soon South C.C. Mind Sport Xiangqi Newsletter that ..... 棋人生   (519 bytes , 280reads )
Not only SIXGA, all xiangqi clubs has the same concern, Zaobao 12 Jan 2008 棋人生   (142 bytes , 189reads )
棋一生 and 棋人生 棋人生   (471 bytes , 292reads )
有所不同吧。 几度   (140 bytes , 203reads )
Yes, I know who is 棋一生, ...... 棋人生   (1272 bytes , 323reads )
也有人默默付出 火云邪神   (717 bytes , 256reads )
我前几天在弈天看到一位“火云鞋神”不知道你认识不?呵呵~~ 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 262reads )
不是俺 火云邪神   (24 bytes , 184reads )
火云邪神应该是三清教中的截教-通天教主门下 棋仙   (346 bytes , 317reads )
截教后来怎么样了? 几度   (166 bytes , 264reads )
应该是没有这历史了,传说而已 棋仙   (126 bytes , 180reads )
这不是封神么 张辽   (118 bytes , 169reads )
原来你是盗版的火云邪神 棋仙   (29 bytes , 174reads )
说不定是同样人。 几度   (30 bytes , 189reads )
我是出了名的盲子特大 火云邪神   (62 bytes , 202reads )
RE: 说明真的是邪神 火云邪神   (38 bytes , 183reads )
说明真的是邪神 棋仙   (36 bytes , 177reads )
我前几天also 在弈天看到一位“棋人生” !! West hill , Level 10 @ 16 points 棋天大胜   (21 bytes , 229reads )
I am still moving within 悟入棋途 ..... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 197reads )
We are not able to call a club without players ..... 棋人生   (291 bytes , 257reads )
精忠报棋 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 208reads )
报棋 = reporting chess activities, may be for one year only ....... 棋人生   (219 bytes , 243reads )
有理,人首先要面对生活,其次才是人生 张辽   (26 bytes , 263reads )
目前来看我还是很有时间的 一刀n断   (144 bytes , 213reads )
有时间顺便编些初级教程吧。 几度   (30 bytes , 263reads )
我觉得首先应该把象总的网站和论坛建起来 张辽   (254 bytes , 261reads )
at least the first step : link SIXGA website to 悟入棋途 as 世界象棋联合会 棋人生   (0 bytes , 212reads )
象总有网站。 几度   (102 bytes , 196reads )
呵呵,那个网站可不大行 张辽   (0 bytes , 171reads )
网页的问题可以考虑先实干起来 卷心菜   (558 bytes , 273reads )
继续讨论实干构建新版Sixga网页 卷心菜   (412 bytes , 226reads )
我刚才去sixga主页看了看 一刀n断   (454 bytes , 223reads )
not a single news in the last 6 months, why so many people having concerns !!! 棋人生   (0 bytes , 225reads )
During the discussion with Sixga chairman this morning ...... 棋人生   (444 bytes , 286reads )
哈哈。祝大家圣诞快乐,祝大家在快棋赛和智协赛中取得好成绩! 卷心菜   (67 bytes , 217reads )
I heard that SIXGA will be holding a dinner on 30 Dec to celebrate ....... 棋人生   (61 bytes , 224reads )
It is a Thank You Lunch on 30 Dec 2007, the dinner is to be held on ...... 棋人生   (54 bytes , 249reads )
Can 棋一生 bring the matter to SIXGA's EXCO first ....... 棋人生   (0 bytes , 248reads )
My personal view ..... 棋人生   (1732 bytes , 283reads )
家家都有一本难念的经。 几度   (1202 bytes , 266reads )