all 100% winners except ........ thanks to the support from all 57 players...
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-03-03 06:17

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

For 57 players registered, 52 turned up on 1st day, 1 Mar 2008, at the end of day 1, 1 withdrew, left 51 players.

At the beginning of day 2, 2 Mar 2008, 50 players turned up and played for Rounds 5, 6 & 7. 3 more players left after Round 7 and another 3 players left after Round 8.

So, there were 47 qualified players at the end of the competition and 44 players had completed all 9 rounds, the other 3 players completed only 8 rounds.

25 out of the 44 players completed all 9 rounds were from the various xiangqi clubs and 24 were in the list of 29 winners for 2008 Bishan Cup except one Bishan player, i.e. all xiangqi clubs are having 100 % winning rates except Bishan and I believe all clubs including Bishan are happy with the results.

Thanks to the support from all 57 players and all xiangqi clubs. :)

王子艺 Timothy Ong AJC
陈贤凯 Chan Xian Kai AJC
蔡俊杰 Chua Chun Kiat 义顺南 2006 Bishan Cup Winner
林俊章 Lim Choon Chiong 义顺南 2006 Bishan Cup Winner
林超贤 Lim Chau Sian 北斗
廖铭濠 Leow Meng Hao 文礼
赖俊杰 Lai Jun Jie 文礼
邱政宇 Yeow Zheng Yu 文礼
张友彬 Teo Yew Bing 文礼
洪培荣 Ang Puay Young 文礼
刘忆豪 Low Yi Hao 文礼
杨丰义 Yang Fengyi 波那维斯达
张义荣 Teo Gee Yong 淡滨尼东
陈仲贤 Tan Tiong Hiang 甘榜格南
符学栋 Foo Yoke Long 甘榜格南 2006 Bishan Cup Winner 2004 Bishan Cup Winner
杨昭吉 Yang Chow kit 甘榜格南
庄才钧 Zhuang Caijun 白沙东 飞鹰
陈靖龙 Tan Jing Long 白沙东 碧山
陈靖麟 Tan Jing Ling 白沙东 碧山
陈茗芳 Tan Min Fang 碧山
洪福阳 Ang Fu Yang 碧山 2006 Bishan Cup Winner
陈一龙 Tan Yick Loong 碧山
徐乃隆 Chee Nai Long 碧山 2006 Bishan Cup Winner 2004 Bishan Cup
符策权 Foo Seck Hin 碧山
林伟杨 Lim Wei Yang
林轩永 Lim Hsien Yong
龚敬文 Kong Jing Wen
赵金山 Chow Kim Sun
张鸿耀 Chang Hoong Yeow 2006 Bishan Cup

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这有一局应该比你快 也是第一轮 一刀n断   (194 bytes , 251reads )
用时是30分钟,走这么大的漏着?早知道这样我也参加比赛了,呵呵 张辽   (0 bytes , 242reads )
the best person to ask is 陈仲贤 now..... 齐启棋   (240 bytes , 306reads )
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75败着 黑方此时剩下不到1分钟 车不离四路忍一忍对方就超时了 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 244reads )
号召各位棋手踊跃把自己的棋局贴出来讨论。抛砖引玉:Piggy获胜局 卷心菜   (616 bytes , 268reads )
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all 100% winners except ........ thanks to the support from all 57 players... 齐启棋   (1865 bytes , 478reads )
You may wish to know this story ...... 齐启棋   (346 bytes , 358reads )
几度 and Eteng may like to have this 八卦 news on 一刀n断. :P 齐启棋   (503 bytes , 343reads )
一刀n断 had two photo takings too ...... and he played with 邱子扬. 齐启棋   (423 bytes , 350reads )
邱子扬-还是那样可爱,12岁了,棋力大进。 卷心菜   (238 bytes , 361reads )
For 邱子扬, I thought you all prefer not to use "菜" but "刀", anyway .. 齐启棋   (58 bytes , 322reads )
你也可惜了最后一盘输给piggy 不然你就成为下次讲话的经典案例了 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 300reads )
In this case, 卷心菜 will rank 3rd instead ..... 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 293reads )
Piggy实力超群,赢能争冠,动力十足,无人可挡,先手积小优为大优,确立胜势。 卷心菜   (16 bytes , 380reads )
邱子扬小朋友的棋真不错 一刀n断   (93 bytes , 338reads )
恭喜一下超贤和piggy,陈一龙是? 张辽   (20 bytes , 232reads )
碧山陈一龙,年青棋手,前茶阳杯冠军。另外 卷心菜   (339 bytes , 390reads )
此时,华新网络的在线用户有一半为棋友 卷心菜   (135 bytes , 332reads )
大会贵宾 and 嘉宾 ..... 齐启棋   (227 bytes , 325reads )
To all Bishan Cup players, simple buffet dinner will be served on both days .... 齐启棋   (387 bytes , 332reads )
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We only allow visitors at the opening and closing due to the space issue, ..... 齐启棋   (61 bytes , 258reads )
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廖小弟又成长了 火云邪神   (42 bytes , 289reads )
竟然被你猜对了 可惜你只猜到了故事的开始 却没有猜对故事的结局 嘿嘿 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 297reads )
对外公开 the working method and using Swiss Pairing System ..... 齐启棋   (1569 bytes , 348reads )
As mentioned, players not reported by 2:30 pm on 1 Mar will be considered .. 齐启棋   (761 bytes , 289reads )
看来我也老了。57人中年龄排22位。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 297reads )
no, even with equal range, we may calculate your age ...... 齐启棋   (808 bytes , 303reads )
这也可以预测? 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 280reads )
heard that 陈运灏 will be in Bishan on 1 Mar, ..... 齐启棋   (221 bytes , 331reads )
有奖竞猜吧 TOP8 无需具体名次 按人头给分 人头分10分 截止日期2月29日 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 284reads )
没有人猜对5个以上 所以一粒红桃(=50分) is enough 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 256reads )
aiyah, initially, I wanted to include 一龙 instead, but later decide to keep ... 齐启棋   (241 bytes , 338reads )
60=50+10=40+20=30+30 so 70=? 80=? :-P 一刀n断   (4 bytes , 313reads )
随便猜猜吧 一刀n断   (63 bytes , 257reads )
others may not know about 一龙, but you should know lah .... 齐启棋   (46 bytes , 284reads )
我当然是知道他 呵呵 一刀n断   (206 bytes , 293reads )
To be self-motivated 杀着大全   (80 bytes , 499reads )
In actual fact, 30-minute game is quite difficult to predict, ...... 齐启棋   (286 bytes , 509reads )
I agree with this prediction, but top 3 张友彬,赵金山,林超贤(不分先后) 卷心菜   (249 bytes , 435reads )
我记错了,廖铭濠比赛中从没对到我。 卷心菜   (158 bytes , 295reads )
actual situation in 2006 ...... now in 2008 ? 齐启棋   (263 bytes , 275reads )
29 Feb ? So the next one is 4 years later if on.:P 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 258reads )