the best person to ask is 陈仲贤 now.....
所在版块:悟入棋途 发贴时间:2008-03-04 10:49

高亮: 今天贴 X 昨天贴 X 前天贴 X 

outside or in the competition, you will have different views, .....

the best person to ask is 陈仲贤 now.

2006 Bishan Cup -- 陈仲贤 not in.

2008 Bishan Cup -- 陈仲贤 in.

2008 Bishan Cup -- 张辽 not in.

2010 Bishan Cup -- 张辽 in ???

 相关帖子 我要回复↙ ↗回到正文
第3届碧山杯全国象棋个人赛 -- List of 56 players at Bishan C.C. Classroom 3 齐启棋   (861 bytes , 1051reads )
The Full Ranking List for 第3届碧山杯全国象棋个人赛 ..... 齐启棋   (1643 bytes , 856reads )
At the end of competition, 47 qualified and 44 completed all 9 rounds ..... 齐启棋   (828 bytes , 329reads )
adjusted team results and the officials for Bishan Xiangqi Club ...... 齐启棋   (1376 bytes , 325reads )
Nanyang 11 + 17 + 20 and Kampong Glam 12 + 21 + 22 are in the wiiners list .... 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 320reads )
白沙东象棋俱乐部主席李玉芝先生 has turned up a number of times on both days .... 齐启棋   (503 bytes , 300reads )
柳国斌 visited us .... and .... 齐启棋   (60 bytes , 248reads )
齐启棋 , anyone from boon lay team turn up that 2 days ? 齐天大圣   (0 bytes , 279reads )
In general, we have implemented ...... 齐启棋   (525 bytes , 301reads )
this coming weekend, 8 & 9 Mar, Kampong Glam may implement the same ..... 齐启棋   (19 bytes , 255reads )
冠军:碧山陈一龙!亚军:林超贤,季军:Piggy。(三人同分15分) 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 265reads )
此局为本次比赛全场最快的对局 卷心菜   (188 bytes , 289reads )
这有一局应该比你快 也是第一轮 一刀n断   (194 bytes , 241reads )
用时是30分钟,走这么大的漏着?早知道这样我也参加比赛了,呵呵 张辽   (0 bytes , 235reads )
the best person to ask is 陈仲贤 now..... 齐启棋   (240 bytes , 295reads )
此局为排名前十的两位棋手的较量 卷心菜   (518 bytes , 273reads )
75败着 黑方此时剩下不到1分钟 车不离四路忍一忍对方就超时了 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 237reads )
号召各位棋手踊跃把自己的棋局贴出来讨论。抛砖引玉:Piggy获胜局 卷心菜   (616 bytes , 259reads )
28怎么不象3-5? 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 247reads )
因为红随时有马九进七。 几度   (56 bytes , 280reads )
List of 29 Winners ....... 齐启棋   (1133 bytes , 504reads )
unoffical team results --- Nanyang, Kampong Glam and Bishan East ...... 齐启棋   (141 bytes , 313reads )
all 100% winners except ........ thanks to the support from all 57 players... 齐启棋   (1865 bytes , 471reads )
You may wish to know this story ...... 齐启棋   (346 bytes , 349reads )
几度 and Eteng may like to have this 八卦 news on 一刀n断. :P 齐启棋   (503 bytes , 336reads )
一刀n断 had two photo takings too ...... and he played with 邱子扬. 齐启棋   (423 bytes , 340reads )
邱子扬-还是那样可爱,12岁了,棋力大进。 卷心菜   (238 bytes , 352reads )
For 邱子扬, I thought you all prefer not to use "菜" but "刀", anyway .. 齐启棋   (58 bytes , 317reads )
你也可惜了最后一盘输给piggy 不然你就成为下次讲话的经典案例了 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 291reads )
In this case, 卷心菜 will rank 3rd instead ..... 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 284reads )
Piggy实力超群,赢能争冠,动力十足,无人可挡,先手积小优为大优,确立胜势。 卷心菜   (16 bytes , 368reads )
邱子扬小朋友的棋真不错 一刀n断   (93 bytes , 330reads )
恭喜一下超贤和piggy,陈一龙是? 张辽   (20 bytes , 224reads )
碧山陈一龙,年青棋手,前茶阳杯冠军。另外 卷心菜   (339 bytes , 380reads )
此时,华新网络的在线用户有一半为棋友 卷心菜   (135 bytes , 324reads )
大会贵宾 and 嘉宾 ..... 齐启棋   (227 bytes , 317reads )
To all Bishan Cup players, simple buffet dinner will be served on both days .... 齐启棋   (387 bytes , 323reads )
Bishan Cup 2008 --If we have no way to assign the players, the players will .. 齐启棋   (934 bytes , 334reads )
We only allow visitors at the opening and closing due to the space issue, ..... 齐启棋   (61 bytes , 251reads )
software used in all Bishan Cups and records for checking ..... 齐启棋   (1408 bytes , 295reads )
第一轮强手较量:蔡俊杰vs廖铭濠(预测而已,非正式pairing) 卷心菜   (22 bytes , 325reads )
廖小弟又成长了 火云邪神   (42 bytes , 282reads )
竟然被你猜对了 可惜你只猜到了故事的开始 却没有猜对故事的结局 嘿嘿 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 289reads )
对外公开 the working method and using Swiss Pairing System ..... 齐启棋   (1569 bytes , 338reads )
As mentioned, players not reported by 2:30 pm on 1 Mar will be considered .. 齐启棋   (761 bytes , 280reads )
看来我也老了。57人中年龄排22位。 卷心菜   (0 bytes , 287reads )
no, even with equal range, we may calculate your age ...... 齐启棋   (808 bytes , 296reads )
这也可以预测? 杀着大全   (0 bytes , 271reads )
heard that 陈运灏 will be in Bishan on 1 Mar, ..... 齐启棋   (221 bytes , 321reads )
有奖竞猜吧 TOP8 无需具体名次 按人头给分 人头分10分 截止日期2月29日 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 276reads )
没有人猜对5个以上 所以一粒红桃(=50分) is enough 一刀n断   (0 bytes , 247reads )
aiyah, initially, I wanted to include 一龙 instead, but later decide to keep ... 齐启棋   (241 bytes , 329reads )
60=50+10=40+20=30+30 so 70=? 80=? :-P 一刀n断   (4 bytes , 302reads )
随便猜猜吧 一刀n断   (63 bytes , 246reads )
others may not know about 一龙, but you should know lah .... 齐启棋   (46 bytes , 277reads )
我当然是知道他 呵呵 一刀n断   (206 bytes , 282reads )
To be self-motivated 杀着大全   (80 bytes , 484reads )
In actual fact, 30-minute game is quite difficult to predict, ...... 齐启棋   (286 bytes , 497reads )
I agree with this prediction, but top 3 张友彬,赵金山,林超贤(不分先后) 卷心菜   (249 bytes , 423reads )
我记错了,廖铭濠比赛中从没对到我。 卷心菜   (158 bytes , 288reads )
actual situation in 2006 ...... now in 2008 ? 齐启棋   (263 bytes , 268reads )
29 Feb ? So the next one is 4 years later if on.:P 齐启棋   (0 bytes , 249reads )