I was taught only how to make both INTchess and CHIchess moves together early this year so I can understand the similarity and differences. After that, our training focus purely on CHIchess because it is more complex and flexible and will help a lot in INTchess later on. I should be picking up INTchess 3-5 years later after my CHIchess reach a stable decent level.
This is my 1st attempt at a full game comment in the hope that it can be useful for learning players (similar to myself) as I share some of the basics that I l have learnt so far (to boost self-confidence too!) and also to allow experienced players to point out areas that I missed out so I can improve. My mentor said if we are afraid to be criticised constructively, then we shouldn't learn the CHIchess at all. Only through exhausting use of these critical but well-meaning views can we improve in a shorter time to higher levels. Many real life stories have also shown the day we think we have learnt enough is the day we start to have reverse improvement.
My mentor has said the way we look at a game situation affects the moves we will make and ultimately the game results. This is also the hardest but most important skill to learn that differentiates between 2 similar level enemies (sort of like the hard questions that appears in our PSLE Maths papers every year).
The comments here is purely from my perspective (from a first encounter judgement followed by review of the full game) and does not reflect actual thinkings/ happenings for the game. It is done as if I am playing the game with my own limited views and will contain some critical areas of weakness which I look forward to be advised from other readers.
Thanks to (((magician88))) for pointing out this review has a positive point that it looks like a magazine INTchess review :-). I learn this method through mimic of how (((xiaobeiduo))) and some other veterans post their reviews of games earlier. Please feel free to advise if there are any better way to do review for CHIchess so it can be of more benefit to others.