Your chart should look like come you're so stupid?" 为啥要说自己stupid,你还真是笨。。。如果是我,我大概会说类似 I'm sorry, It was the first time I generated XXXX。 I will make sure it will not happen again.Thanks for the instruction, however, please don't use the word "stupid" on your team member, i don't deserve it. 我的英文可能文法说的不够好,但是,关键是气势啊,他能听懂就好!
他说"You know you're stupid, then go back home. Don't bother us, ok?" 你说什么“老板让我做的,我做完send给你们,有什么事你找老板” 我晕你都什么回答啊,如果是我我会说: I will correct the chart and do blablabla(你要做好的正事以及你还有什么有价值的想法)。。。We are both professionals, your rudeness has offended me. Please stop insulting me again. By the way, if you want me to go back home, you need to talk to my boss. 然后稍微软一点转回来,说回工作上的事情,一般人也就顺台阶下来了。
这样他根本就没法说第三句"Boss tell you do something you do something. If someone ask you to eat shit,then you go and eat shit?" 假设他就是要继续找你茬侮辱你,你可以严肃的说你已经一再提醒他不要这样,在座各位也都听到,你想要的是大家合作把事情做好,现在进度已经很紧,而他却在浪费时间人身攻击上。你会把这个case报告给HR和他的老板。如果他不注意自己的言辞,你会考虑suit他。当然hr和老板都不会把他怎么样的,可是从一开始你老板提醒你,其实大家应该都知道他是什么样的人了,你的目的只是让他知道你不是随便踩的) 更重要的是,你要真的展现你的能力,把事情做好,不管他言辞怎么过分,你要有礼貌但是强硬的回应。
第二,你觉得自己能力不够你斗不过他或者你不想花心思找麻烦觉得你的面子尊严无所谓,你可以采取2楼的建议。他说什么你都淡然的说哦,面无表情,左边耳朵进右边耳朵出,等他骂够了,你可以问他finish没有,如果说完了,can we start to talk about the work now? I think we shall blablablabla.