工作难免会有矛盾,也难免会吵架,我以前公司开会拍桌子,撕文件,互相指着鼻子当众大骂掐架的都有,开会本来就不是来鼓掌的,而是来讨论谁是谁非的。我也碰到过韩国同事(矮油,好像棒子老跟我过不去)打电话为一个ISSUE跟我吵架,可怜说话慢吞吞,跟数单词一样,被我说的噼里啪啦插不上嘴,急了,开始大吼,我很冷静的:“why do you raise your voice? i'm talking about the issue, so is there anything need to be angry with? I don't want to talk to you now, call me when you calm down."然后啪的把电话挂了,我估计他要发疯了。后来开会见到他我还是笑眯眯的打招呼,他也拿我没辙,如果给我脸色看就显得他自己没肚量了。这个棒子在一大群棒子同事里已经算为人很不错的了,所以也就偶尔小欺负一下。
有别的很鸟的棒子,叫他回去检查机器,居然说:“I totally don't understand what you are talking about, so i refuse!”我们这边同事也很鸟:“so you don't understand English? then why are you here? what does the company pay you for? go back and ask your boss to send another one!”