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作者:1300cc (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:714) 发表:2008-06-15 13:20:04  楼主  关注此帖评分:
这里好冷清,再出两个数学/物理题,活跃一下气氛1. 一个边长为1的正方形,四个顶点有四只小虫ABCD。同一时刻小虫以同样的速度开始爬动。A的目标是B,B的目标是C,C的目标是D,D的目标是A。问四只小虫相遇时它们爬行的距离是多远。如果是正三角形呢,正五边形呢?一般的正n边形呢(边长为1)? 2. 一条长为L=1m的弹簧,一只小虫位于弹簧的一端,小虫以v1=1cm/s的速度向弹簧另一端爬,同时弹簧以v2=1m/s的速度拉伸,问小虫能否爬到弹簧的另一端,如果能,这个时候弹簧有多长?(注:小虫的长度为0,不老不死,上题也是,弹簧可以无限拉伸)

unless think in this way:
at moment t.
relative move to string is .01-(t+int(ds)|t)/L

L is string length at t, which is 1+t

it's a double integral problem. but think in extreme condition.
if the worm is not a dot but a length, one side will remain at origin and the other side will reach at end line at 100 sec time.
so the answer can be from 100 sec to infinity depends what kind of motion worm move together with string.
----------------- 人无痴者,无可与之交,因其无真气也; 人无嗜者,无可与之交,因其无深情也。 唯有真气与深情入心,才会在本当得意之时泪如泉涌。 ----<<喜泪>>
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作者:1300cc (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:714) 发表:2008-06-19 06:14:04  2楼
第二题:条件足够了或者我应该制定的更严谨点: 一条长为L=1m的弹簧,一只小虫位于弹簧的左端端,小虫以v1=1cm/s的速度向弹簧右端爬,同时弹簧以v2=1m/s的速度向右拉伸(左端固定),问小虫能否爬到弹簧的又端,如果能,这个时候弹簧有多长?(注:小虫的长度为0,不老不死,上题也是,弹簧可以无限拉伸) 解答: 在时刻t,弹簧的长度为: L_ = L + v2 * t 弹簧上不同点的伸缩速度不一样,对某一个离弹簧左端距离为s的点来说,该点的伸缩速度为: v_ = (s / L_) * v2. 小虫的速度为v1,这是相对它当时所在的弹簧的那个点来说。所以,相对地面,小虫的速度为: v = v1 + v_。v_为当时小虫所在点的伸缩速度。 假设此时小虫离弹簧左端距离为s。那么相对地面,小虫的速度为 v = v1 + (s / (L + v2 * t)) * v2 其中s为v对时间的积分,或者说v是s对时间的微分: v = ds/dt. 即: ds/dt = v1 + s / (L/v2 + t) 这是一个经典的微积分方程,稍微复杂了点,不过相信对很多同学来说没什么难度。求出s之后,让s = L_即可求出t与此时的L_。 实际上,换一个角度,这个问题还有另外一个简单很多的解决方法(不需要解微积分方程),几天后我会公布,兄弟们可以先思考一下。
so it will never catch up.
i'm thinking the 2nd solution.

will u guys think it's better for the BIAN MIAN to further divided to different subject. to make it a high quality forum?
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作者:1300cc (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:714) 发表:2008-06-19 07:43:22  3楼 评分:
第二题:条件足够了或者我应该制定的更严谨点: 一条长为L=1m的弹簧,一只小虫位于弹簧的左端端,小虫以v1=1cm/s的速度向弹簧右端爬,同时弹簧以v2=1m/s的速度向右拉伸(左端固定),问小虫能否爬到弹簧的又端,如果能,这个时候弹簧有多长?(注:小虫的长度为0,不老不死,上题也是,弹簧可以无限拉伸) 解答: 在时刻t,弹簧的长度为: L_ = L + v2 * t 弹簧上不同点的伸缩速度不一样,对某一个离弹簧左端距离为s的点来说,该点的伸缩速度为: v_ = (s / L_) * v2. 小虫的速度为v1,这是相对它当时所在的弹簧的那个点来说。所以,相对地面,小虫的速度为: v = v1 + v_。v_为当时小虫所在点的伸缩速度。 假设此时小虫离弹簧左端距离为s。那么相对地面,小虫的速度为 v = v1 + (s / (L + v2 * t)) * v2 其中s为v对时间的积分,或者说v是s对时间的微分: v = ds/dt. 即: ds/dt = v1 + s / (L/v2 + t) 这是一个经典的微积分方程,稍微复杂了点,不过相信对很多同学来说没什么难度。求出s之后,让s = L_即可求出t与此时的L_。 实际上,换一个角度,这个问题还有另外一个简单很多的解决方法(不需要解微积分方程),几天后我会公布,兄弟们可以先思考一下。
think in a 2nd way
worm speed is < the series of : .01 * ( 1 + 1/n + 1/n*(n-1) + 1/ n*(n-1)*(n-2) ... )
sum : .01 * ( n + 1+1/2 + 1/3 ... + 1/2 + 1/6 + 1/12 ... + 1/6+1/24+1/60 ... ... )
< .01 * ( n + ln(n) + (1-1/n) + (1-1/n)/3 + (1-1/n)/4 ... )
< .01 * ( n + ln(n) + (1-1/n) * ln(n) )
< n

unless worm speed > 1. else will never catch up.
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作者:1300cc (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:714) 发表:2008-06-19 07:44:22  4楼 评分:
这里好冷清,再出两个数学/物理题,活跃一下气氛1. 一个边长为1的正方形,四个顶点有四只小虫ABCD。同一时刻小虫以同样的速度开始爬动。A的目标是B,B的目标是C,C的目标是D,D的目标是A。问四只小虫相遇时它们爬行的距离是多远。如果是正三角形呢,正五边形呢?一般的正n边形呢(边长为1)? 2. 一条长为L=1m的弹簧,一只小虫位于弹簧的一端,小虫以v1=1cm/s的速度向弹簧另一端爬,同时弹簧以v2=1m/s的速度拉伸,问小虫能否爬到弹簧的另一端,如果能,这个时候弹簧有多长?(注:小虫的长度为0,不老不死,上题也是,弹簧可以无限拉伸)
2nd problem
感觉相遇在中点的时候,trajectory 应该刚好是a quarter sphere.
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作者:1300cc (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:714) 发表:2008-06-19 22:03:55  5楼
i mean 1D. a quarter circle maybe is preferred.
just my 2 cents
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作者:1300cc (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:714) 发表:2008-06-19 22:06:31  6楼
I don't know how do you derive that and what is n stand forProbably you have misunderstanding in my question. Apparently, as long as worm speed > 0, the speed of worm relative to ground is increasing at every time instance and approaching the string stretching speed. Since the increasing of worm speed will never stop until reaching string stretching speed, it will definitely catch up after some time.
while. we need formula to prove that. think e.g the worm speed is a function
that converge to certain limit, as series 1+1/2+1/6+1/12, it increase but converge at some level.

my n is the time, in a discrete way.
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作者:1300cc (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:714) 发表:2008-06-21 03:28:25  7楼
speed converge to v1+v2It can be proved (you can check my answers in "第二题:条件足够了"). Ok, I get your meaning. You are trying to discretize the problem using time slice of 1 sec, right? You can use this kind of method, although it makes problem unnecessary complex (remember not to fix the time slice, you should calculate the limit when time slice approach 0). I use this approach as well, of course, for computer programming, and the time slice is usually set to sufficiently small value to get accuracy answer. The cause of the problem is that you set the time slice to 1 sec. During this 1 sec period, the worm moves some not negligible distance already. Using time slice of 1, the worm speed: .01 * ( 1 + 1/n + 1/n*(n-1) + 1/ n*(n-1)*(n-2) ... ) < .01 * ( 1 + 1/n + 1/n + ... ) = .02 I.e. the method itself poses a problematic constraint on the problem. Try set the time slice smaller.
if i assume it will never reach, i can choose the upper limit of speed series as :

0.01 + (0.01 + 0.01 / 1 ) / 2,
0.01 + ( 0.01 + (0.01 + 0.01 / 1 ) / 2 ) / 3,
0.01 + ( 0.01 + ( 0.01 + ... + 0.01/1)/2/3 ... ) / n

if i assume it will reach, i can choose the lower limit of speed series as :
0.01 + (0.01 + 0.01 / 3 ) / 3,
0.01 + ( 0.01 + (0.01 + 0.01 / 2 ) / 3 ) / 4,
0.01 + ( 0.01 + ( 0.01 + ... + 0.01/2)/3/4 ... ) / n+1
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作者:1300cc (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:714) 发表:2008-06-21 03:49:14  8楼 评分:
speed converge to v1+v2It can be proved (you can check my answers in "第二题:条件足够了"). Ok, I get your meaning. You are trying to discretize the problem using time slice of 1 sec, right? You can use this kind of method, although it makes problem unnecessary complex (remember not to fix the time slice, you should calculate the limit when time slice approach 0). I use this approach as well, of course, for computer programming, and the time slice is usually set to sufficiently small value to get accuracy answer. The cause of the problem is that you set the time slice to 1 sec. During this 1 sec period, the worm moves some not negligible distance already. Using time slice of 1, the worm speed: .01 * ( 1 + 1/n + 1/n*(n-1) + 1/ n*(n-1)*(n-2) ... ) < .01 * ( 1 + 1/n + 1/n + ... ) = .02 I.e. the method itself poses a problematic constraint on the problem. Try set the time slice smaller.
i solve the integration wrongly
used solver, it didn't find another root at e^43.
so yes. finally it catched up .

but my data series method should also work
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作者:1300cc (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:714) 发表:2008-06-21 03:50:28  9楼
cant figure out q1.

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作者:1300cc (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:714) 发表:2008-06-25 00:14:56  10楼
这里好冷清,再出两个数学/物理题,活跃一下气氛1. 一个边长为1的正方形,四个顶点有四只小虫ABCD。同一时刻小虫以同样的速度开始爬动。A的目标是B,B的目标是C,C的目标是D,D的目标是A。问四只小虫相遇时它们爬行的距离是多远。如果是正三角形呢,正五边形呢?一般的正n边形呢(边长为1)? 2. 一条长为L=1m的弹簧,一只小虫位于弹簧的一端,小虫以v1=1cm/s的速度向弹簧另一端爬,同时弹簧以v2=1m/s的速度拉伸,问小虫能否爬到弹簧的另一端,如果能,这个时候弹簧有多长?(注:小虫的长度为0,不老不死,上题也是,弹簧可以无限拉伸)
so any hint to Q1?
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作者:1300cc (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:714) 发表:2008-07-17 02:07:43  11楼
fianlly got it. only A contribute to the progress between A,B.
it's tricky.
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作者:1300cc (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:714) 发表:2008-07-22 02:40:25  12楼
the trajectory of each worm should be a whirling line. (my guess)
only A contribute to reducing distance between A,B.
so timeToMeet = 1/1 = 1 = 1/2 + 1/2 > PI/4.
hence the traveling trajectory sure break out the northwest cubicle of the big cube.
only a whirling curve meet that condition.
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