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作者:rino5000 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:2015) 发表:2010-01-21 15:03:58  楼主  关注此帖
微信: stibull5000
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作者:rino5000 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:2015) 发表:2010-01-21 15:11:27  2楼
用guppy 的CBL 计算了一哈HSI 空头开仓的位置 在21300-21500附近
从空仓 (既没有多头也没有空头)

3% 资金


此位置是根据CBL计算出来的。 不代表本人操作和建议,请勿作为投资和交易依据。本人不能承担任何因此信息造成的损失。
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作者:Milky他爹 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:370) 发表:2010-01-21 16:52:39  3楼
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作者:rino5000 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:2015) 发表:2010-01-22 11:58:39  4楼
market is always right
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作者:rino5000 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:2015) 发表:2010-01-26 10:15:47  5楼
用guppy 的CBL 计算了一哈HSI 空头开仓的位置 在21300-21500附近按照guppy的理论 指数和指数权重股 从空仓 (既没有多头也没有空头) 到卖空开第一仓 3% 资金 21250空 止损 21550 此位置是根据CBL计算出来的。 不代表本人操作和建议,请勿作为投资和交易依据。本人不能承担任何因此信息造成的损失。 谢谢。
个人观点,请勿参考 1月26日
如果市场在短期内没有明显反弹或者跳空高开出现。 有可能面临空头加仓的压力。关注20000点整数关口和19425潜在支撑的时候,市场的表现。
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作者:rino5000 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:2015) 发表:2010-01-29 14:54:55  6楼
用Guppy CBL 计算了一哈 HSI

空头2号 接近1100点

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作者:牛魔王 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:5225) 发表:2010-01-29 15:52:19  7楼
用Guppy CBL 计算了一哈 HSI个人观点请勿参考 恒生指数 空头一号仓已经有接近1500的利润 空头2号 接近1100点 3号接近800点 4号接近600点 5号接近400点 6号止损失出局 整体空头的止损已经把利润所定在20400以下
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作者:旅程 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:1562) 发表:2010-01-29 16:01:18  8楼
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作者:rino5000 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:2015) 发表:2010-01-29 16:10:17  9楼
个人认为对于散户来说, 快速市场可以用warrant.

如果市场速度不够快, warrant的优势就没有了。


CBBC也是日内短线的工具 (牛熊证), 但是他有 KNOCK OUT的特点,如果市场反弹把你KNOCK OUT然后继续下跌,还是被踢出去,造成重大损失。 难于管理仓位。

其他的方式, 好比CFD要察看是否会出现倒欠的情况。 因为short, 理论上是unlimited risk. 这个warrant 没有。

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作者:涨挺板 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:1054) 发表:2010-01-29 17:30:32  10楼
如果做的是海指STI 的warrant,而海指偏偏又计算错误,

该怎样决定 warrant 的价钱?

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作者: (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:395) 发表:2010-01-29 17:42:56  11楼
如果做的是海指STI 的warrant,而海指偏偏又计算错误,比如今天收盘价,理应跌20点左右,而不是只跌12点。 该怎样决定 warrant 的价钱?
depends on which warrants you are playing,, different MM's quoting is different
for Eg.; as what I know,,

DB and SGA will quote based on the Reuters price,, (bloomberg or reuters or Nextview's price are the same)

But BNP will quote based on their own logic,, I heard they quote based on the marketdepth of STI component stocks,, so much more difficult to calculate the "correct quoting price"

If like today's error,, if now is still in the trading hour,, DB and SGA will “将错就错“, they will still quote based on the wrong price calcalated from reuters while BNP will give u the correct quoting price since their quoting system doesn't depend on the STI point.......

that is mainly what i heard,,, not confirmed.....
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作者:涨挺板 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:1054) 发表:2010-01-29 17:49:48  12楼
depends on which warrants you are playing,, different MM's quoting is differentfor Eg.; as what I know,, DB and SGA will quote based on the Reuters price,, (bloomberg or reuters or Nextview's price are the same) But BNP will quote based on their own logic,, I heard they quote based on the marketdepth of STI component stocks,, so much more difficult to calculate the "correct quoting price" If like today's error,, if now is still in the trading hour,, DB and SGA will “将错就错“, they will still quote based on the wrong price calcalated from reuters while BNP will give u the correct quoting price since their quoting system doesn't depend on the STI point....... that is mainly what i heard,,, not confirmed.....
Dear Mr./Ms. 虹,thank you very much .
happy weekend loh......

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作者:rino5000 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:2015) 发表:2010-01-29 17:51:07  13楼
如果做的是海指STI 的warrant,而海指偏偏又计算错误,比如今天收盘价,理应跌20点左右,而不是只跌12点。 该怎样决定 warrant 的价钱?
不同的做市商有所不同。 拿Macquarie来说

STI和HSI不大一样。因为 香港的交易时间,新加坡已经提前开市了。 所以香港可以早上根据恒指期货放入做市商的单子, 下午可以等到香港收盘还有价格 (应该是到4:13)

一般matching 的之前作市商可能就把单撤掉了。 剩下交易的可能是散户。


建议你多去听Market Maker的讲座,这个问题直接当面问他们。


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作者:熊霸天 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:453) 发表:2010-01-30 12:05:32  14楼
depends on which warrants you are playing,, different MM's quoting is differentfor Eg.; as what I know,, DB and SGA will quote based on the Reuters price,, (bloomberg or reuters or Nextview's price are the same) But BNP will quote based on their own logic,, I heard they quote based on the marketdepth of STI component stocks,, so much more difficult to calculate the "correct quoting price" If like today's error,, if now is still in the trading hour,, DB and SGA will “将错就错“, they will still quote based on the wrong price calcalated from reuters while BNP will give u the correct quoting price since their quoting system doesn't depend on the STI point....... that is mainly what i heard,,, not confirmed.....
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