depends on which warrants you are playing,, different MM's quoting is differentfor Eg.; as what I know,,
DB and SGA will quote based on the Reuters price,, (bloomberg or reuters or Nextview's price are the same)
But BNP will quote based on their own logic,, I heard they quote based on the marketdepth of STI component stocks,, so much more difficult to calculate the "correct quoting price"
If like today's error,, if now is still in the trading hour,, DB and SGA will “将错就错“, they will still quote based on the wrong price calcalated from reuters while BNP will give u the correct quoting price since their quoting system doesn't depend on the STI point.......
that is mainly what i heard,,, not confirmed.....
Dear Mr./Ms. 虹,thank you very much .
happy weekend loh......