today I also went to Xiang Qin Salon... just to share my experienceI planed to go there go do rebonding. They said my hair is seriously damaged, can't do rebonding now, must wait for the new fine hair grow out. So Leo only cut my hair for me. I have to say they won my trust at first.
Then the cut was pretty satisfiable. The rate is S$34. And I questioned the rate, they said S$28 is only for students
After they finished the cut, they recommended me to use their Loreal Hair Spa...They said the original price was 304, now they sold it at 158(half price). And they said this one could be used for 10 times, each time you come, they will only charge you 10 dollars for the service fee(so call shou3 gong1 fei). I am always attracted to this discount that discount... so I agree and they asked me to try it now... okie, I tried, nothing miracle happened, my hair condition was even worse than before applying the treatment. After that, I found out the Hair Spa they used is only for normal and fine hair.
Here is the tr (more...)
这些只是普通的mask, 本身treatment效果不明显
Jurong East kimage 隔壁的小店也有这个卖, 20块吧。我曾经想买,不过老板说这个要和loreal的kerastase essential oil混和使用才有效果等等。。 那油我以前在salon里做过,要98块,这里只卖10块钱左右, 大喜, 于是扔下mask买了几瓶精华素走人。
现在我偶尔会自己做做wella system professional hydra mask + kerastase essential oil。 做出来马马虎虎还可以吧,当然效果是没法和salon里那些好的treatment比的。
现在我偶尔会自己做做wella system professional hydra mask + kerastase essential oil。 做出来马马虎虎还可以吧,当然效果是没法和salon里那些好的treatment比的。