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作者:蒲公英 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:3342) 发表:2007-03-09 10:07:33  21楼
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作者:蒲公英 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:3342) 发表:2007-03-09 10:08:15  22楼
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作者:落花人独立 (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:1046) 发表:2007-03-09 12:03:34  23楼
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作者:babepinky (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:3972) 发表:2007-03-09 23:44:54  24楼
昨天又跟angel联系了一下现在搬到移民局那边去了.长发数码烫还是80,跟我去年一个价.男生剪发只要10块哦. 手艺么,听她的口气好像以前在国内是给人做美容出身,后来学理发,后来头发做的很好还出去开课. 剪发据观察店里的其他顾客,还是挺不错的,烫发也还好,我烫的大卷的数码烫,保持了大半年的吧. 用的产品是德国的什么牌子,烫的俺的头发一点都没发叉啥的.所以过几天打算再去烫一下.
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作者:我是一颗菠萝 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1197) 发表:2007-03-10 21:30:17  25楼 评分:
today I also went to Xiang Qin Salon... just to share my experience
I planed to go there go do rebonding. They said my hair is seriously damaged, can't do rebonding now, must wait for the new fine hair grow out. So Leo only cut my hair for me. I have to say they won my trust at first.

Then the cut was pretty satisfiable. The rate is S$34. And I questioned the rate, they said S$28 is only for students

After they finished the cut, they recommended me to use their Loreal Hair Spa...They said the original price was 304, now they sold it at 158(half price). And they said this one could be used for 10 times, each time you come, they will only charge you 10 dollars for the service fee(so call shou3 gong1 fei). I am always attracted to this discount that discount... so I agree and they asked me to try it now... okie, I tried, nothing miracle happened, my hair condition was even worse than before applying the treatment. After that, I found out the Hair Spa they used is only for normal and fine hair.

Here is the treatment pic I found in the internet:


It is only sold at AUD 15.99. And what's more, this one is for damaged hair...

Now I am so regretted to buy their loreal treat... feeling been cheated...
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作者:我是一颗菠萝 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1197) 发表:2007-03-10 21:39:49  26楼
today I also went to Xiang Qin Salon... just to share my experienceI planed to go there go do rebonding. They said my hair is seriously damaged, can't do rebonding now, must wait for the new fine hair grow out. So Leo only cut my hair for me. I have to say they won my trust at first. Then the cut was pretty satisfiable. The rate is S$34. And I questioned the rate, they said S$28 is only for students After they finished the cut, they recommended me to use their Loreal Hair Spa...They said the original price was 304, now they sold it at 158(half price). And they said this one could be used for 10 times, each time you come, they will only charge you 10 dollars for the service fee(so call shou3 gong1 fei). I am always attracted to this discount that discount... so I agree and they asked me to try it now... okie, I tried, nothing miracle happened, my hair condition was even worse than before applying the treatment. After that, I found out the Hair Spa they used is only for normal and fine hair. Here is the tr (more...)
sorry should be "They said the original price was 308, now they sold it at 154"
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作者:babepinky (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:3972) 发表:2007-03-11 08:57:49  27楼 评分:
sorry should be "They said the original price was 308, now they sold it at 154"


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作者:蒲公英 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:3342) 发表:2007-03-11 09:47:43  28楼 评分:
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作者:蒲公英 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:3342) 发表:2007-03-11 09:48:28  29楼
today I also went to Xiang Qin Salon... just to share my experienceI planed to go there go do rebonding. They said my hair is seriously damaged, can't do rebonding now, must wait for the new fine hair grow out. So Leo only cut my hair for me. I have to say they won my trust at first. Then the cut was pretty satisfiable. The rate is S$34. And I questioned the rate, they said S$28 is only for students After they finished the cut, they recommended me to use their Loreal Hair Spa...They said the original price was 304, now they sold it at 158(half price). And they said this one could be used for 10 times, each time you come, they will only charge you 10 dollars for the service fee(so call shou3 gong1 fei). I am always attracted to this discount that discount... so I agree and they asked me to try it now... okie, I tried, nothing miracle happened, my hair condition was even worse than before applying the treatment. After that, I found out the Hair Spa they used is only for normal and fine hair. Here is the tr (more...)
mm, rebounding多少钱的?有没有学生价呀?
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作者:zizi (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:6736) 发表:2007-03-11 10:05:48  30楼
today I also went to Xiang Qin Salon... just to share my experienceI planed to go there go do rebonding. They said my hair is seriously damaged, can't do rebonding now, must wait for the new fine hair grow out. So Leo only cut my hair for me. I have to say they won my trust at first. Then the cut was pretty satisfiable. The rate is S$34. And I questioned the rate, they said S$28 is only for students After they finished the cut, they recommended me to use their Loreal Hair Spa...They said the original price was 304, now they sold it at 158(half price). And they said this one could be used for 10 times, each time you come, they will only charge you 10 dollars for the service fee(so call shou3 gong1 fei). I am always attracted to this discount that discount... so I agree and they asked me to try it now... okie, I tried, nothing miracle happened, my hair condition was even worse than before applying the treatment. After that, I found out the Hair Spa they used is only for normal and fine hair. Here is the tr (more...)
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作者:我是一颗菠萝 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1197) 发表:2007-03-11 13:25:36  31楼 评分:
mm, rebounding多少钱的?有没有学生价呀?
I did not do rebonding...just cut(S$34)+treatment(S$154)+service fee(S$10) = 198
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作者:lipapa (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:487) 发表:2007-03-11 14:18:54  32楼
其实任何salon最大利润都是做护理来的。。。一次20多不算贵了,很多salon用的也是几十块的东西,要的价钱却是上百块。。。这就是为什么,一进salon他们没有一个不说,小姐,你的头发很干哦之类的,接下来就开始推销了。。。说什么可以改善很多之类。。。 曾经想拜托我的一个在salon上班的朋友,去他那做护理,他干脆地说根本没必要,自己买产品回家弄一样的。。。 天下乌鸦都是这样。。。香琴还算好,只要说不要,也不会再提这事或者摆个脸色服务态度变差什么的。。。。
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作者:南瓜 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1358) 发表:2007-03-11 14:18:59  33楼
today I also went to Xiang Qin Salon... just to share my experienceI planed to go there go do rebonding. They said my hair is seriously damaged, can't do rebonding now, must wait for the new fine hair grow out. So Leo only cut my hair for me. I have to say they won my trust at first. Then the cut was pretty satisfiable. The rate is S$34. And I questioned the rate, they said S$28 is only for students After they finished the cut, they recommended me to use their Loreal Hair Spa...They said the original price was 304, now they sold it at 158(half price). And they said this one could be used for 10 times, each time you come, they will only charge you 10 dollars for the service fee(so call shou3 gong1 fei). I am always attracted to this discount that discount... so I agree and they asked me to try it now... okie, I tried, nothing miracle happened, my hair condition was even worse than before applying the treatment. After that, I found out the Hair Spa they used is only for normal and fine hair. Here is the tr (more...)

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作者:我是一颗菠萝 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1197) 发表:2007-03-11 15:39:08  34楼
但这个锔油膏确实卖得黑了,新加坡化妆店里也就卖20左右。但据说效果不错他买那么贵,估计是考虑了以后的器材消耗,手工之类的吧 哎。。。。
I am not the only one being cheated... I saw around 20 bottles put on the shelf
and each with the customer name stick pasted. The bottle is sold individually@S$154(they call it half priced).

If you want them to do the treatment for you, each time they will charge you extra for S$10 (they call it shou gong fei).

So just now MM said, they set the selling price so high is because they count in the shou gong fei, which is not true.
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作者:我是一颗菠萝 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1197) 发表:2007-03-11 15:48:36  35楼
但这个锔油膏确实卖得黑了,新加坡化妆店里也就卖20左右。但据说效果不错他买那么贵,估计是考虑了以后的器材消耗,手工之类的吧 哎。。。。
what's more, they even said I could buy this bottle and take it home
and do the treatment at my own... so the high price has nothing to do with the consideration of the usage of the equipment and service involved...

Just next time when you go there, you can ask for a cut, never never buy their products... sigh, is there a way to get my money back?
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作者:采心 (等级:4 - 马马虎虎,发帖:1927) 发表:2007-03-11 18:04:13  36楼 评分:
today I also went to Xiang Qin Salon... just to share my experienceI planed to go there go do rebonding. They said my hair is seriously damaged, can't do rebonding now, must wait for the new fine hair grow out. So Leo only cut my hair for me. I have to say they won my trust at first. Then the cut was pretty satisfiable. The rate is S$34. And I questioned the rate, they said S$28 is only for students After they finished the cut, they recommended me to use their Loreal Hair Spa...They said the original price was 304, now they sold it at 158(half price). And they said this one could be used for 10 times, each time you come, they will only charge you 10 dollars for the service fee(so call shou3 gong1 fei). I am always attracted to this discount that discount... so I agree and they asked me to try it now... okie, I tried, nothing miracle happened, my hair condition was even worse than before applying the treatment. After that, I found out the Hair Spa they used is only for normal and fine hair. Here is the tr (more...)
18块多一瓶,在harbour front center的2楼,买5瓶也没折扣。
有2种,一种是给fine hair,一种给damaged hair.价格一样。

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作者:babepinky (等级:5 - 略有小成,发帖:3972) 发表:2007-03-11 21:02:15  37楼
但这个锔油膏确实卖得黑了,新加坡化妆店里也就卖20左右。但据说效果不错他买那么贵,估计是考虑了以后的器材消耗,手工之类的吧 哎。。。。
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作者:我是一颗菠萝 (等级:6 - 驾轻就熟,发帖:1197) 发表:2007-03-12 10:41:50  38楼
就这个loreal的破东东阿我每年过年回家都带5瓶送人,我妈要求的。 18块多一瓶,在harbour front center的2楼,买5瓶也没折扣。 有2种,一种是给fine hair,一种给damaged hair.价格一样。 效果吗,我妈妈说她觉得非常好,我没用过。
thanks for sharing...真是骗子!在想要不要买一瓶找他们当面对质,让他们
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作者:melodymm (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:16) 发表:2007-03-12 11:56:37  39楼 评分:
I am not the only one being cheated... I saw around 20 bottles put on the shelfand each with the customer name stick pasted. The bottle is sold individually@S$154(they call it half priced). If you want them to do the treatment for you, each time they will charge you extra for S$10 (they call it shou gong fei). So just now MM said, they set the selling price so high is because they count in the shou gong fei, which is not true.
你说的对,手艺再好,态度再和蔼,也不能这么干。记得当时LEO还跟我说那个150的价格是他专门为了学生向loreal申请的. 太黑了。。。得想个办法,不能这么算了,MM你联系我 91703031, 发email也行 g0505993@nus.edu.sg . 亏我之前还发帖子说他们好话,后悔。。。
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作者:蒲公英 (等级:8 - 融会贯通,发帖:3342) 发表:2007-03-12 12:08:24  40楼 评分:
today I also went to Xiang Qin Salon... just to share my experienceI planed to go there go do rebonding. They said my hair is seriously damaged, can't do rebonding now, must wait for the new fine hair grow out. So Leo only cut my hair for me. I have to say they won my trust at first. Then the cut was pretty satisfiable. The rate is S$34. And I questioned the rate, they said S$28 is only for students After they finished the cut, they recommended me to use their Loreal Hair Spa...They said the original price was 304, now they sold it at 158(half price). And they said this one could be used for 10 times, each time you come, they will only charge you 10 dollars for the service fee(so call shou3 gong1 fei). I am always attracted to this discount that discount... so I agree and they asked me to try it now... okie, I tried, nothing miracle happened, my hair condition was even worse than before applying the treatment. After that, I found out the Hair Spa they used is only for normal and fine hair. Here is the tr (more...)
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