【婚姻家庭】sleepless night, cold war with husband.
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作者:Jane_Jane (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:10) 发表:2015-04-27 02:45:16  楼主  关注此帖评分:
【婚姻家庭】sleepless night, cold war with husband.

It’s early hours in the morning, yet I can’t sleep, kept tossing and turning in bed, in the end I decided to take it on my laptop and vent it out on huasing. Hopefully afterwards I can have a restful sleep.

Some background info: 
I have been married for 4 years now, daughter is 1.5 years old.  Hubby is a stay-at-home dad while I work to support the family, rather unconventional right?  No choice, cause I have a more stable income while my hubby was self-employed and he could barely support himself sometimes.  It was a hard decision, not only for me, but was also a blow to my hubby’s ego.  Though husband should always be the head of the family, who provides for and protects the family, in my case I have to make most of the decisions in the house.  I don’t really enjoy being in command, I would rather have a more capable/domineering husband who takes charge of the household, but well I married this one.

There are a lot of quarrels in the first two years of marriage,  the idea of “I have made a wrong decision” has crossed my mind many times since then.  I must say that our honeymoon period is nearly nonexistent.  I still remember vividly that on the day of registration I came home crying and complained the way he treated a newly-wed bride.  Afterwards, we tried to adopt each other’s lifestyle and habits, conflicts ensued here and there.  But most of the time it’s because of financial responsibility.  From the start, I knew his income was not stable, but he promised to work hard and improve and everything seemed so achievable.  It’s only after a while I figured that he had no savings and could barely share the house mortgage (resulted in warning letters from HDB).  Looking back, they are all empty promises, and I took a while to accept that I will be the sole bread winner in the family. 

To be fair, my husband never splurges, he always chose the cheaper option to buy clothes for himself.  But he was kind and generous to the others, he would buy tissue from uncles/aunties and tip taxi drivers for their service.  One of my love languages is “receiving gifts”, so that time I couldn’t understand why he seldom gave me flowers even after my repeated requests.   During one conflict, he broke down and confessed that sometimes he didn’t even have money in the pocket to buy lunch, let alone buying gifts for me.  My heart aches even to recall that episode.

When my daughter was born in 2013, I of course shouldered all the cost.  My mum flew over to take care of me during my confinement.  And that’s when it hit me that though my mum and I couldn’t stand each other, my mum still loved me more than my hubby.  My husband was so ignorant in female matters (he didn’t even know woman has limited number of eggs and only releases one egg once a month) that he felt confinement was no big deal and there was no need for him to take special care of me.  I was lucky to have mum around.

Fast forward to today:

The root problem was a lack of intimacy.  I guess I become easily agitated while my basic needs are not satisfied.  During my pregnancy, we didn’t screw each other for over a year!!! I couldn’t stand it and confronted him, after a long “interrogation”, he dropped the bomb “You shall lose some weight.”  It’s not easy for him to open up and tell me the truth, because he didn’t want to hurt my feelings, but I felt like being stabbed on the back and sick to stomach.   Does that mean I am looking at a sexless marriage now?  Does that mean he was forced to bang me so as to have our daughter?  Am I that disgusting and obnoxious?  Does he love me anymore?  That happened in 2014 and we sought help and advice to salvage our marriage.  We are trying to shake the sheets once a week, even then, we are often missing the target.  Have I considered losing weight?  Yes, but I didn’t persevere with my exercise routine and I couldn’t become a vegetarian.  There was a period of time I almost lost interest in sex, because I lost confidence in myself.  

I tried to tolerate and focused on other things, like spending time with daughter, but today there were just so much negative emotions inside me and one straw finally broke the camel’s back, I went cold war with my husband.  That’s usually the case when we had conflicts and arguments, one time it went on a week with us not saying anything to each other.  It was a horrible experience, and affected my emotions at work too.  After that, we both agreed that once a cold war was declared, we (the husband) should end it ASAP before it threw the marriage into hopeless abyss. (that’s how he annulled his first marriage after long period of cold war/separation) 

Most of the time, I would initiate a conversation and try to resolve the conflict before bedtime.   This time, my hubby initiated and he was all apologetic and reassured me that he loved me, and we can save our marriage.  He hugged me and kissed me, but I felt sadness rather than peace, tears streamed down my cheeks, and I didn’t reciprocate.  That’s why I couldn’t sleep tonight, something was unresolved in my heart, I don’t know what it is.  Searching, pondering, praying… 

该帖荣获当日十大第1,奖励楼主25分以及37华新币,时间:2015-04-27 22:00:01。
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作者:Jane_Jane (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:10) 发表:2015-04-27 23:14:26  2楼
我觉得主要还是经济原因刚刚看到楼主,一共发了4贴,前三贴是5年前的征友贴,第4贴就是这次深沉的或可称之为吐槽的抱怨贴,看来楼主做出的人生选择遇到了点问题。 作为男生,我觉得你们很有可能问题出在经济上,如果一个男士无法赚钱养家,甚至说为了老婆的礼物而没钱买饭吃的话,那么真的是一件很伤自尊、甚至说值得相当自卑的事情。家里财政大权应该是完全掌握在楼主手里的吧,家里一切大小事务应该都是楼主做决定的喽,这样你老公在家真的很没有存在感的。 不过哪怕即使这样,他还能照顾你的感受,甚至照顾外面的弱势群体,真的很难得,虽然有打肿脸充胖子的嫌疑,不过至少说明他人品还不坏。楼主是不是可以考虑: 1. 跟老公谈谈,如果自主创业这么多年还没有起色,不如换一个行业,或者出去做点别的吧,哪怕去学驾驶当个出租车司机也是好的啊,男人能赚钱养家了腰杆自然就会硬一些。 2. 是不是可以放松对老公的财政掌控,比如每个月多给那么一点点零花钱,至少让他有钱吃饭吧。 3. 如果说短时间内出去工作有难度,那么至少可以让他尝试做个好父亲、做个好老公喽,比如照顾好孩子,让老婆可以安心工作,回家也有热饭吃,不用再操心家务之类? 既然楼主当初选择了他,应该他还是有吸引楼主的闪光点的 (more...)
虽然老公不是通过华新认识的 但是也就那个时间吧。我有提过给他零用钱 但是他不接受 也许出于男生的自尊吧 我没有再细问他如何应付每天开销
至于说带孩子方面他是非常有耐心有爱心的爸爸 但是他不会煮饭 所以家务方面也不能全靠他。我会记得时常鼓励他 因为这是他的爱的语言 不过有时候生活的纠结不是这些可以解决的
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作者:Jane_Jane (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:10) 发表:2015-04-27 23:17:31  3楼
我认识一个中国人嫁给洋人的英文表达和这个口气基本一致 难道lz嫁的洋人是这样恐怖的?
嫁的是坡人 不是洋人
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作者:Jane_Jane (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:10) 发表:2015-04-27 23:20:57  4楼
顶一下如果10多年前,我肯定是劝和不劝分的。这么多年过去了,看到的事情也多了,对人性不太容易有信心把握了 实事求是的说,唐学长你情商相当的高(也许是磨练的?),所以如果楼主老公和你一样的情商,我还是劝和不劝分的。 如果楼主老公是无论楼主如何付出,他都不会一点点感激,也不会想做出一点点改变改变自己,换句话说如果就是个“人渣”,也许分了比较好。
老公是个性格内向 谦虚 有耐心 有责任心的男人。确实如唐兄所说 他创业失败 积蓄扫空 那是我认识他之前的事情了 他一直想东山再起 但是很难 我希望可以支持他达到他的梦想
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作者:Jane_Jane (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:10) 发表:2015-04-28 10:29:47  5楼
楼主的英文表达在中国人里真的是很好了婚姻我也不知道给你什么建议好,只能说其实华人的离婚率虽然比西方国家低,但是婚姻质量普遍都不高。大部分人也都是在将错就错,为了孩子也不能说分开就分开。 现在你需要老公照顾孩子,老公需要你赚钱养家,你们离开对方暂时都不能生活的更好,不建议离。把养育孩子当成一个project,把lg当作唯一的teammate, focus on 把娃健康快乐养大,不知不觉人生就可以这么过去了呢。 加油!

不是为了炫耀英文才写的 不过谢谢鼓励

昨天心情已经好很多了 谢谢大家的建议和正能量

和老公也合好了 希望共同努力经营这段hunyin

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