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作者:datou0202 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:188) 发表:2015-08-17 13:57:18  135楼 

楼主可以带上身份证,到居住地的GRC,找议员,今天就行动。GRC一般每个拜一晚上7点开放给公众,看你住在哪一区。通过议员的名义先写投诉信,直接到教育部,抄送校长。另外,具体描述孩子的受伤害程度,有没有吃不下饭,害怕去学校,做噩梦之类的。既然是公开侮辱,其他孩子也都知道,老师很难赖账的。这是犯罪,是Child abuse的一种:

Children & Young Persons Act, Chapter 38, 20/2001
Where children are persons under the age of sixteen

Child abuse is defined as any act of commission or omission by a parent or guardian which would endanger or impair the child’s physical or emotional well-being.

Ministry of Community Development & Sports, 2001c

Emotional/psychological abuse
Emotional/psychological abuse refers to the significant impairment of a child’s social, emotional and intellectual development and/or disturbances of the child’s behaviour resulting from behaviours such as persistent hostility, ignoring, blaming, discriminating or blatant rejection of the child (p.10).
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