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作者:HelloThere (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:513) 发表:2017-07-12 23:50:48  楼主  关注此帖
一坨子烂肉在我身体里 我就有权力 去什么警局。 有本事自己从天上掉下来 拍拍屁股自己活着啊。 不死的话 就送人。 爱怎样怎样。有本事去给自己找个母亲呗。 我不觉得我有义务。 本来就是一个细胞 跟鼻屎一样的成分 过阵子就成了人么? 有本事自己自己活着 自生自灭 不要麻烦别人。
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作者:HelloThere (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:513) 发表:2017-07-12 23:58:55  2楼
恨父母的心越来越重不知道从什么时候开始 把对父母的崇敬 减少了 夹杂了不满 甚至鄙视。 觉得他们够勤劳但不够精明,不够努力,也不够有手腕。 但是却有够挑剔。 对我从小要求很高,很严,当然也在生活上无微不至。 为什么他们对自己不那么苛求。我觉得跟他们不在一个思想频率。 我不欣赏他们的做事准则。 以前我比较听他们的意见。 但是好多事情现在看他们的意见都是猪一样的意见。 我就不该去问他们。 两个连大学都没读的人。 关于婚姻,家庭方面的意见都是错的。 我不相信婚姻,更不相信子女。 他们非跟我说慢慢就好了 都是过来人。 婚姻过得寡淡无味,但还勉强凑活。 孩子真是让我后悔。每天都想着怎么弄死他。 闷死呢,淹死还是窝死。 想到要抱着他,拉着手 ,之类的亲昵动作就想吐。 一直以来我故意不吃东西, 乱蹦,乱吃药。他居然到现在还没死。 这个坏的影响,我恨死我父母了。 --- 该帖荣获当日十大第1,奖励楼主25分以及37华新币,时间:2017-07-12 22:00:01。
Adoption Vs Abortion
Foreign Baby AdoptionYou have come to a crossroads and you're trying to make a decision. It takes a lot of courage to realize that your life cannot include a baby at this time.
Unplanned pregnancies happen. They can't be undone, but now you can make an informed decision about the future of you and your unborn baby.
Now that you have decided not to keep your baby there is another important step. You must now choose to have an abortion or gift your child to a loving family. Let's take a look at both choices.
Only you know what the right choice is for you. It is important to not let anyone pressure you or force you into a decision that does not feel right for you. This is a major decision that will shape your future.
Pros - Having an abortion is immediate. You can choose from the available procedures, come in for the procedure and leave the office no longer pregnant. The office will usually provide you with counseling or at least refer you for counseling services.
Cons - Having an abortion can have major health consequences. In some cases you may be left infertile. Friends and family may make judgments against you based on moral and religious beliefs. There is a lot of pain after the abortion and you will have some down time for recovery.

You need to research abortion to see which ones are available for you based on how far along you are in your pregnancy. You will need to bring someone with you for the procedure to drive you home and take care of you while you recover.
Pros - There are a lot of options to choose from, services available, and community resources to help you. When you choose an adoption agency they will help you find resources to help in the process. Often when you choose adoption you can get funding to pay for your prenatal care, hospital bills, and housing. You are able to choose a family that will be the best match for how you want your child raised and have the ability to build a relationship with them.
Cons - You will have to take care of yourself and watch what you eat and drink closely during the pregnancy. You will be obviously pregnant and you will be asked about what happened to your baby. You must be prepared to discuss this with people or find a way to divert questions. There are medical risks involved with giving birth as well as some physical changes that will occur.
Remember, this is your decision. Asking and communicating with the people in your life is a good start but don't allow anyone to push you towards one choice or another. Before you go forward with your decision, imagine a family who cannot have a child. They wait for years for someone to choose them as a family. Choosing to adopt out your baby is the most courageous and selfless act a woman can do. You create a miracle for a family and choose an awesome and stable future for your child.

Contact us now for a free informational meeting to discuss on abortion vs adoption.
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