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作者:小土 (等级:14 - 天人和一,发帖:17294) 发表:2024-12-29 18:34:20  27楼 
对信用卡犯罪的大力力度一直很大,主要原因就是性质恶劣,同时有资本方的压力。 如果对方刷了卡后马上离境,就肯定抓不到了。不过就为了500多这么干,感觉可能性不大。如果人没有走,抓住应该是轻而易举的事情。特别是去当铺,哪里肯定有监控。同时现在人人有手机,比对下刷卡时间附近的手机号,马上就可以锁定嫌疑人。 现在信用卡默认额度都很大,我一般都按需设置。
银行让填写resolution form
金额超过一千 且过了几个月我才看到

所以现在每个月要看账单。 及时发现 及时dispute

一般都能recover . 因为信用卡也不是借记卡。 本来就可以撤回的。

This occurs when someone uses your card to make an unauthorised online, telephone order or mail order purchase. You should immediately report this to your card-issuing bank and ask that it blocks your card account to avoid further fraudulent usage.

The card-issuing bank may require you to complete a dispute resolution form. Thereafter, the card-issuing bank would perform a chargeback of the disputed transaction(s) to the merchant. In most instances, the banks will provide you with a temporary credit or refund the disputed transactions so that your spending balance is not affected. Upon full resolution of the investigation and chargeback, the bank will notify you if there are changes to the outcome.

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