i don't qutie agree with you
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作者:逃课专家 (等级:11 - 出神入化,发帖:3794) 发表:2004-07-04 16:01:53  楼主  关注此帖评分:
If you are using WinXP...You should install Windows Messenger, not MSN Messenger. Though I'm a MSN user without using any of the official clients, I did hear about other failure stories due to the mismatch of versions.
i don't qutie agree with you
majority of windows xp users are using MSN messenger, rather than windows messenger. it runs on windows XP without any problem.

in fact in the MSN messenger <a href="http://messenger.msn.com/download/os.aspx"> download page </a>, windows XP is the first in the OS list.

windows messenger is a build-in .NET service in windows XP. but it doesn't mean it's by any means the "official MSN client" in windows XP.
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