“三角牌” 是 “Probation Plate”P牌驾驶,更多详情。。。
Can I choose the test date? Applicants who make their booking at the test centres will be assigned a test date by the test centre. What is the validity period for my Basic Theory Test (BTT) results? There is no expiry date for the validity of your Basic Theory Test (BTT). If I have passed the Highway Code, do I have to sit the Baisc Theory Test (BTT)? Anyone in possession of a Highway Code result slip or PDL issued before May 1985 is NOT exempted from taking Basic Theory Test (BTT). Is there a limit on the number of times you can sit the Basic Theory Test? There is no limit on the number of times a person can attempt to pass the Basic Theory Test. However, only one booking can be made per person at any one time through Internet or at the test centres. Is there a limit on the number of times I can renew my Provisional Driving Licence(PDL)? No, there is no limit on the number of times you can renew your PDL. Renewal of PDL can be done every 6 months at any Singapore Post Office, for a renewal fee of S$ 25.00. What is the objective of the practical test? The objective is to ensure that you can drive safely and competently. How do I prepare the practical test? Make sure that you receive good driving instructions and have sufficient driving lessons. You should learn on different roads as well as on the Driving Circuit and get as much experience on the road. Is there a limit on the number of times a person can take for the Class 3 Driving Licence? There is no limit on the number of times you sit for the Practical Driving Test. Once the driving tester is satisfied that you can drive safely and competently, you will pass the test even if it is your first attempt at the test. How do I book the Final Theory Test (FTT)? You may personally book for the FTT or authorise any other person to do so on your behalf at any of the test centres service counter as follows : Bukit Batok Driving Centre (BBDC) 815 Bukit Batok West Ave 5 Singapore 659085 Tel : 6665 3748 Comfort Driving Centre(CDC) 205 Ubi Ave 4 Singapore 408805 Tel : 6747 8272 Singapore Safety Driving Centre (SSDC) 3 Ang Mo Kio Street 62 Ang Mo Kio Industrial Park 3 Singapore 569139 Tel : 6482 4042 Are there any conditions after obtaining the Class 3 Qualified Licence? Upon passing the Practical Driving Test (PDT), you will be on probation for one year. You should not accumulate more than 12 demerit points during this period. If you do, Traffic Police may revoke your licence. What is the penalty for failing to display the Probation Plate? The penalty for failing to display the Probation Plate is S$ 120.00. There will be no demerit points awarded to the offenders. However, the driving licence will be revoked for the repeated offender. What is the fee for a duplicate Final Theory Test (FTT) receipt & certificate? The fee for a duplicate FTT certificate is S$10.00. There will be no charges for a duplicate receipt. If I suffered from impaired vision, can I apply for a Provisional Driving Licence (PDL)? No. A person who is suffering from impaired vision is not allowed to apply for a Provisional Driving Licence (PDL).
如果是pr,国内驾照领取时间要在pr之前,或者要证明回国6个月以上考取驾照,其他student pass,work permit等等因该是没有限制,但是如果再领照日期上有严重错误(例如,领照日期是2004年12月15好,但是你的护照上整个2004年没有离开新加坡的纪录(这不就是明摆着是假的??希望大家不要作假,作业不要坐得太没水平,不要以为别人都是傻瓜)) 之后,可以到交警队(在Ubi)book一个基础理论考试(BTT)收费6元(nets/cashcard ) 或者到各个驾校(bukit badok,comfort,singapore safety driving centre...)也可以book,收费一样,那里有辅导书卖,大众书局也有,价格不详,但不贵,如果没自信,可以推荐一本红色的书,大众书局也有卖的,书里面有一百多道模拟题,也就是相当于题库,基本上都包括了,如果还没自信,可以四处问问人,如果还没有,可以给我200块钱,我帮你辅导,如果还没有自信,我建议算了,为了你和他人的幸福,还是别驾车了 哈哈,玩笑话啦 ok,book了BTT,考完了两周左右会受到TP的信,令面有你的成绩pass 或者fail,pass就恭喜,可以下一步了,fail的呢,再接再厉把,反正6快也不贵。 有了BTT的成绩,在需要驾照的翻译就可以办理了,翻译可以在高级法院做,以前好像是由曼多地方可以的,好比中国大使馆等等,但因为假照太多,其他地方都不办理了,高级法院就是那个绿帽子的建筑,政府广场附近,mrt可以在cityhall下车,价格是30元左右(很多年前的价格,不过听说没有变)等15分钟到30分钟就可以了。对了,国内公证处的翻译也可以。 ok,有了两样东西,BTT成绩和驾照翻译,当然还有原件,还有相片(好像是两张,证件照,没有也没关系,交警队有照相的),就可以到交警队总部ubi ave3去办理了,在问讯处领个号码,要一张表格,填写好,连同btt成绩,驾照翻译,原件一起乘上就可以了,因为现在的是新款驾照,有照片在上面,所以要两周左右才能寄给你,officer当场会给你张收条,也就是临时的驾照,理论上讲有了这张纸,就可以驾车了,注意的是第一年要放p plate,新加坡就是三角牌,油站都有卖的,好了,恭喜了。小心驾驶。。 ok,再说说关于摩托和卡车照得问题,通常如果你有摩托和汽车,更换的新照里会给你class 2b 和class 3,class 2b是200cc以下的摩托,因为危险,所以只给你最小的,一步一步考,如果你有国内b照或a照,年龄小于23,那么也只能给你class3,相当于c照,也是出安全考虑。 好了,写的手都酸了,希望能给大家一点有用的信息,有什么疑问,可以汇贴,我会尽量回答,不过建议大家经常上网搜索,我以上所讲的信息网上都有,而且很详细,希望大家能够多利用网络资源。