Emergency assistance services
Upgrade to the Total Health Plus rider (Advance plan) and benefit from the assistance of our service provider
whenever you need medical advice or emergency medical assistance while you are overseas.
如果是叫SOS的话,能保障是叫emergency medical evacuation 通常旅游保险里比较常见
When as the result of Injury or Sickness commencing while You are Overseas and if in Our
opinion of ATAP, or an authorized representative of ATAP, it is judged medically appropriate
to move You to another location or to return You to Singapore for medical treatment, ATAP,
or an authorized representative, will arrange for the evacuation utilizing the means best
suited to do so, based on the medical severity of Your condition. We will pay ATAP directly
the covered expenses for such evacuation specified in the Selected Plan under Section 7.
The means of evacuation arranged by ATAP, or an authorized representative of ATAP, may