【万能求助】脑洞大开 买了GE的totalhealth要什么条件才可召唤SOS直升机
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作者:蛋蛋2009 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1019) 发表:2016-04-22 15:48:16  楼主  关注此帖
【万能求助】脑洞大开 买了GE的totalhealth要什么条件才可召唤SOS直升机

【万能求助】脑洞大开 想问下买了GE的totalhealth+spremehealth要什么条件下才可以召唤SOS直升机






于是幻想如果自己身上发生这种事情咋办。。我不想在第三世界国家手术 我要去米国!我要回新加坡手术!




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作者:AllAboutFlower (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:984) 发表:2016-04-22 15:50:20  2楼
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作者:蛋蛋2009 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1019) 发表:2016-04-22 16:08:31  3楼
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作者:AllAboutFlower (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:984) 发表:2016-04-22 16:09:50  4楼
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作者:x4 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:7280) 发表:2016-04-22 16:10:38  5楼

Emergency assistance services

Upgrade to the Total Health Plus rider (Advance plan) and benefit from the assistance of our service provider whenever you need medical advice or emergency medical assistance while you are overseas.

如果是叫SOS的话,能保障是叫emergency medical evacuation 通常旅游保险里比较常见

When as the result of Injury or Sickness commencing while You are Overseas and if in Our opinion of ATAP, or an authorized representative of ATAP, it is judged medically appropriate to move You to another location or to return You to Singapore for medical treatment, ATAP, or an authorized representative, will arrange for the evacuation utilizing the means best suited to do so, based on the medical severity of Your condition. We will pay ATAP directly the covered expenses for such evacuation specified in the Selected Plan under Section 7.

The means of evacuation arranged by ATAP, or an authorized representative of ATAP, may include air ambulance, surface ambulance, regular air transportation, railroad or any other appropriate means. All decisions as to the means of transportation and the final destination will be made by ATAP, or an authorized representative, and will be based solely on medical necessity.

Covered expenses are expenses for services provided and/or arranged by ATAP for Your transportation and shall include medical services and medical supplies necessarily incurred as a result of the emergency medical evacuation.


We will not pay for:

  • 1)  any expenses incurred for services provided by another party for which You are not

    liable to pay, or any expenses already included in the cost of a scheduled Trip, including but not limited to the unutilized portion of the return air ticket for the scheduled Trip; and/or

  • 2)  any expenses for a service not approved and arranged by ATAP, or an authorized representative of ATAP, unless We decide that such expenses were necessarily incurred and for reasons beyond the control of You, Your Relative or Travel Companion, ATAP could not be contacted during the emergency. In any event, We reserve the right to reimburse You only for those expenses incurred for services which ATAP would have provided under the same circumstances and up to the limit specified in the Selected Plan under Section 7.

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    作者:小xi (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:132) 发表:2016-04-22 16:16:57  6楼
    你提到的这种情况应该属于emergency medical evacuation
    无上限的emergency medical evacuation在高端的旅游保险和个别个人意外险中会有

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    作者:蛋蛋2009 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1019) 发表:2016-04-22 16:23:13  7楼
    如果你提到的是  Emergency assistance services Upgrade to the Total Health Plus rider (Advance plan) and benefit from the assistance of our service provider whenever you need medical advice or emergency medical assistance while you are overseas. 如果是叫SOS的话,能保障是叫emergency medical evacuation 通常旅游保险里比较常见 When as the result of Injury or Sickness commencing while You are Overseas and if in Our opinion of ATAP, or an authorized representative of ATAP, it is judged medically appropriate to move You to another location or to return You to Singapore for medical treatment, ATAP, or an authorized representative, will arrange for the evacuation utilizing the means best suited to do so, based on the medical severity of Your condition. We will pay ATAP directly the covered expenses for such evacuation specified in the Selected Plan under Section 7. The means of evacuation arranged by ATAP, or an authorized representative of ATAP, may includ (more...)

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    作者:蛋蛋2009 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1019) 发表:2016-04-22 16:25:42  8楼
    通常出国旅游我都会买ACE的premium保险,好像有unlimited medical evacuation。。那就说可以召唤神龙救我了吧?
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    作者:x4 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:7280) 发表:2016-04-22 16:37:22  9楼
    对的我们都有买那个rider我们的经纪有说可以坐直升机啊 到底是啥呢?
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    作者:AllAboutFlower (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:984) 发表:2016-04-22 16:40:30  10楼
    如果你提到的是  Emergency assistance services Upgrade to the Total Health Plus rider (Advance plan) and benefit from the assistance of our service provider whenever you need medical advice or emergency medical assistance while you are overseas. 如果是叫SOS的话,能保障是叫emergency medical evacuation 通常旅游保险里比较常见 When as the result of Injury or Sickness commencing while You are Overseas and if in Our opinion of ATAP, or an authorized representative of ATAP, it is judged medically appropriate to move You to another location or to return You to Singapore for medical treatment, ATAP, or an authorized representative, will arrange for the evacuation utilizing the means best suited to do so, based on the medical severity of Your condition. We will pay ATAP directly the covered expenses for such evacuation specified in the Selected Plan under Section 7. The means of evacuation arranged by ATAP, or an authorized representative of ATAP, may includ (more...)
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    作者:x4 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:7280) 发表:2016-04-22 16:42:50  11楼

    旅游保险是疾病或意外, 平时出门不多按次买就好, 出门比较多就买个按年的计划。
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    作者:AllAboutFlower (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:984) 发表:2016-04-22 16:44:46  12楼
    旅游保险最好单独买意外保单也是高端的一般才有保紧急输送而且仅限于意外。 旅游保险是疾病或意外, 平时出门不多按次买就好, 出门比较多就买个按年的计划。
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    作者:x4 (等级:7 - 出类拔萃,发帖:7280) 发表:2016-04-22 17:18:34  13楼
    侧重人身伤害的保障考虑意外保险, 毕竟还能保本地和海外。
    侧重其他更全面的保障比如航班延误, 海外普通门诊医疗才考虑旅游保险
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    作者:bigmice (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:1036) 发表:2016-04-23 09:41:56  14楼
    先说一下Total Health Plus Rider里的Emergency Assistance Service
    必须是买Advance 计划才有此项福利

    the following Emergency Assistance Services and benefits will be available direct from the Service Provider upon specific verbal notification by the Life Assured or the Life Assured's representative to the specified Service Provider’s 24-hour Alarm Centre, on call collect or reverse charge basis, provided that the Life Assured will not be entitled to the reimbursement of any such expenses incurred or paid directly by him/her without prior authorisation of the Service Provider:

    Emergency Assistance Service 包括以下内容
    (a) Emergency Medical Evacuation 此项就是旅游险里的SOS
    (b) Emergency Medical Repatriation
    (c) Transportation of Mortal Remains
    (d) Arrangement and Payment of Compassionate Visit
    e) Arrangement and Payment of Return of Minor Children
    (f) Arrangement and Payment of Non-Medical Escort
    (g) Additional Accommodation Expenses

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    作者:爱大宝 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:175) 发表:2016-04-23 12:32:21  15楼
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    作者:bigmice (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:1036) 发表:2016-04-23 12:45:51  16楼
    这俩保险并不保全球 只是新加坡。 你最好和你的经纪确认



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    作者:爱大宝 (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:175) 发表:2016-04-23 23:14:40  17楼
    保全球的医疗是保全球的,对应新加坡医疗费用。  紧急救助有限额的: (more...)
    superemhealth + total shield 对吗?
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    作者:bigmice (等级:2 - 初出茅庐,发帖:1036) 发表:2016-04-24 07:10:12  18楼
    楼主买的不是住院+rider吗?保费1000左右应该就是最基本的住院保险吧 superemhealth + total shield 对吗? 可能我记错了
    rider 有两个
    Total health 保本地
    Total Health PLus Rider 保全球
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