started 发贴 in 悟入棋途 last year mid May ...........
2007 义顺南第1届李美花杯象棋团体邀请赛
2007 新马象总杯
and before
2007 中国象甲联赛
2007 茶阳杯小学象棋团体赛
with more than 2,000 贴 todate.
Now, it is around the time all yearly activities will repeat again starting with the same few activities ---
2008 义顺南第2届李美花杯象棋团体邀请赛
2008 中国象甲联赛
2008 新马象总杯
2008 茶阳杯小学象棋团体赛
as mentioned, I will pay attention to those new initiatives but not the repeating events.
象总网页 could be considered as new initiative if there are plans to make major changes .....