总结2008,展望2009 .....
-- poor in 2008 xiangqi competitions.
-- proof reading of 《象棋比赛规例》Oct 2008.
-- if possible (exit permit) and free (times permit), still wish to join 2009 象总全国个人赛.
-- may move from Bishan estate to Tanjong Pagar estate by end 2009 but likely to stay with Bishan C.C. Xiangqi Club at least until 10th Anniversary, was approached to consider starting somethings in Tanjong Pagar but wish to kiv the matter. As mentioned earlier, plan to spend less times with my few xiangqi lovers (started with悟入棋途 from Oct 2008), so not likely to have new xiangqi lover. (total of at least 3175 posts in悟入棋途since mid May 2007, i.e. average more than 170 posts per month but now less than 100 posts in the past two months, should have even less from now on.)
团队表现 (Bishan)
-- overall acceptable in 2008
-- Bishan publications listed in《象棋大全》.
-- wish to improve over the next few years. 未来发展重点 -- 会员棋力的提升
国家表现 (SIXGA)
-- overall acceptable in 2008
-- wish to improve over the next few years especially in the areas of playing host, national players selection process, young players training including “棋品”, xiangqi activity record keeping and Singapore players grading process review.
-- Bishan C.C. Open House in Jun 2009 tentatively, may plan a membership recruitment exercise for Bishan C.C. Xiangqi Club, currently at least 34 members under 5-year membership until Oct 2012 or later, i.e. all 34 are qualified to join the 10th Anniversary Celebration in Jun 2012.
For the 十支队伍 as mentioned in Page 24 of 碧山民众俱乐部象棋会五周年会庆特辑 (27 Jun 2007)
(A check of the 5 team events in the past 12 months including PA Mind Sports and Kampong Glam 10th Anniversary)
-- 哥南亚逸only joined PA Mind Sports, 李美花杯and雅柏广场团体联谊赛
-- 淡滨尼东 only joined白沙东象棋团体联谊赛
-- 加基武吉 did not join any team event.
-- In 2009, still not sure about these few activities李美花杯, 甘榜格南个人赛, 雅柏广场团体联谊赛and 白沙东象棋团体联谊赛, just include these few activities in 2009 calendar (from 2008 events).
-- as for Bishan C.C. Xiangqi Club, as mentioned earlier 未来发展重点 -- 会员棋力的提升 and Bishan C.C. Open House is the only external activity in 2009.
-- poor in 2008 xiangqi competitions.
-- proof reading of 《象棋比赛规例》Oct 2008.
-- if possible (exit permit) and free (times permit), still wish to join 2009 象总全国个人赛.
-- may move from Bishan estate to Tanjong Pagar estate by end 2009 but likely to stay with Bishan C.C. Xiangqi Club at least until 10th Anniversary, was approached to consider starting somethings in Tanjong Pagar but wish to kiv the matter. As mentioned earlier, plan to spend less times with my few xiangqi lovers (started with悟入棋途 from Oct 2008), so not likely to have new xiangqi lover. (total of at least 3175 posts in悟入棋途since mid May 2007, i.e. average more than 170 posts per month but now less than 100 posts in the past two months, should have even less from now on.)
团队表现 (Bishan)
-- overall acceptable in 2008
-- Bishan publications listed in《象棋大全》.
-- wish to improve over the next few years. 未来发展重点 -- 会员棋力的提升
国家表现 (SIXGA)
-- overall acceptable in 2008
-- wish to improve over the next few years especially in the areas of playing host, national players selection process, young players training including “棋品”, xiangqi activity record keeping and Singapore players grading process review.
-- Bishan C.C. Open House in Jun 2009 tentatively, may plan a membership recruitment exercise for Bishan C.C. Xiangqi Club, currently at least 34 members under 5-year membership until Oct 2012 or later, i.e. all 34 are qualified to join the 10th Anniversary Celebration in Jun 2012.
For the 十支队伍 as mentioned in Page 24 of 碧山民众俱乐部象棋会五周年会庆特辑 (27 Jun 2007)
(A check of the 5 team events in the past 12 months including PA Mind Sports and Kampong Glam 10th Anniversary)
-- 哥南亚逸only joined PA Mind Sports, 李美花杯and雅柏广场团体联谊赛
-- 淡滨尼东 only joined白沙东象棋团体联谊赛
-- 加基武吉 did not join any team event.
-- In 2009, still not sure about these few activities李美花杯, 甘榜格南个人赛, 雅柏广场团体联谊赛and 白沙东象棋团体联谊赛, just include these few activities in 2009 calendar (from 2008 events).
-- as for Bishan C.C. Xiangqi Club, as mentioned earlier 未来发展重点 -- 会员棋力的提升 and Bishan C.C. Open House is the only external activity in 2009.