总结2008,展望2009 .....
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2008-12-03 12:30:27  楼主  关注此帖评分:
总结2008,展望2009 .....
-- poor in 2008 xiangqi competitions.
-- proof reading of 《象棋比赛规例》Oct 2008.
-- if possible (exit permit) and free (times permit), still wish to join 2009 象总全国个人赛.
-- may move from Bishan estate to Tanjong Pagar estate by end 2009 but likely to stay with Bishan C.C. Xiangqi Club at least until 10th Anniversary, was approached to consider starting somethings in Tanjong Pagar but wish to kiv the matter. As mentioned earlier, plan to spend less times with my few xiangqi lovers (started with悟入棋途 from Oct 2008), so not likely to have new xiangqi lover. (total of at least 3175 posts in悟入棋途since mid May 2007, i.e. average more than 170 posts per month but now less than 100 posts in the past two months, should have even less from now on.)

团队表现 (Bishan)
-- overall acceptable in 2008
-- Bishan publications listed in《象棋大全》.
-- wish to improve over the next few years. 未来发展重点 -- 会员棋力的提升

国家表现 (SIXGA)
-- overall acceptable in 2008
-- wish to improve over the next few years especially in the areas of playing host, national players selection process, young players training including “棋品”, xiangqi activity record keeping and Singapore players grading process review.

-- Bishan C.C. Open House in Jun 2009 tentatively, may plan a membership recruitment exercise for Bishan C.C. Xiangqi Club, currently at least 34 members under 5-year membership until Oct 2012 or later, i.e. all 34 are qualified to join the 10th Anniversary Celebration in Jun 2012.

For the 十支队伍 as mentioned in Page 24 of 碧山民众俱乐部象棋会五周年会庆特辑 (27 Jun 2007)

(A check of the 5 team events in the past 12 months including PA Mind Sports and Kampong Glam 10th Anniversary)

-- 哥南亚逸only joined PA Mind Sports, 李美花杯and雅柏广场团体联谊赛

-- 淡滨尼东 only joined白沙东象棋团体联谊赛

-- 加基武吉 did not join any team event.

-- In 2009, still not sure about these few activities李美花杯, 甘榜格南个人赛, 雅柏广场团体联谊赛and 白沙东象棋团体联谊赛, just include these few activities in 2009 calendar (from 2008 events).

-- as for Bishan C.C. Xiangqi Club, as mentioned earlier 未来发展重点 -- 会员棋力的提升 and Bishan C.C. Open House is the only external activity in 2009.
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2008-12-03 13:15:40  2楼
总结2008,展望2009 .....自我 -- poor in 2008 xiangqi competitions. -- proof reading of 《象棋比赛规例》Oct 2008. -- if possible (exit permit) and free (times permit), still wish to join 2009 象总全国个人赛. -- may move from Bishan estate to Tanjong Pagar estate by end 2009 but likely to stay with Bishan C.C. Xiangqi Club at least until 10th Anniversary, was approached to consider starting somethings in Tanjong Pagar but wish to kiv the matter. As mentioned earlier, plan to spend less times with my few xiangqi lovers (started with悟入棋途 from Oct 2008), so not likely to have new xiangqi lover. (total of at least 3175 posts in悟入棋途since mid May 2007, i.e. average more than 170 posts per month but now less than 100 posts in the past two months, should have even less from now on.) 团队表现 (Bishan) -- overall acceptable in 2008 -- Bishan publications listed in《象棋大全》. -- wish to improve over the next few years. 未来发展重点 -- 会员棋力的提升 国家表现 (SIXGA) -- overall acceptable in 2008 -- wish to i (more...)
SIXGA started two good activities but ......

(A) discussion meetings with all clubs in July 2006 and July 2007 but .....

(B) SIXGA website discussion meeting in Apr 2008 but ......

Regarding xiangqi activity record keeping, when I heard about The records of 新加坡十五年象棋活动 : 1995 -- 2009 could be released in SIXGA website in stages, I prefer to wait and see.

By the way, I have started in Oct 2008 to approach a few clubs for publicity data collection by Feb 2009 so that we could prepare some information to introduce the various xiangqi clubs in Singapore.

I have given myself for up to 6 months on above matters and move away from these activities and stop before 2009 象总全国个人赛, same approach as completed proof reading of 《象棋比赛规例》before 2008 象总全国个人赛.
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2008-12-03 23:08:07  3楼
算算年初有个义顺南的友谊赛2场 碧山杯8场 全国赛9场 碧山东四角赛1场 雅柏2场 宗乡杯7场 白沙东对文礼对抗赛1场吧 另外8场哪来的?
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2008-12-03 23:50:55  4楼
3月下了个甘榜格南快棋赛一天8盘,亏大了,最后几盘连着输,最后输12岁小孩结局另外, 碧山东四角赛我为人民服务没上 白沙东对文礼对抗赛我为奥运服务也没上 所以这两盘要扣掉,你漏算进去的2盘是 飞鹰vs北斗我上了执黑大战陈福全,败北 飞鹰vs国家队我上了执黑大战朱永吉,败北 后来上星期天几度点拨我说黑棋要先守好,较劲是20回合后的事情,不是一上来就对攻的。我听了很有道理,值得我学习。 不过我很崇拜xiaobeidou去年在亚洲那个团体赛连着下黑棋搞了个5胜直冲大师。
甘榜格南快棋赛7轮 -- 8 Mar 2008.
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2008-12-04 06:32:09  5楼
开始我也有点失望!!! 当初推荐他当理事,就是认为他是完成网页工作的最佳人选,虽然有人反对,但我还是坚持。几个月过后,不见任何动静,也曾致电催促,但至今都没有任何进展。 个人曾当面指责他当要理事就不要睡觉,要积极作出一些贡献。 星期一开完理事会后有机会和他共乘德士回家,与他在车上闲聊之后,终于了解他的苦衷,由于他另有一项重要的工作要完成,我个人觉得网页这方面的工作只好耽搁,往后如有人肯自告奋勇,愿意出力效劳,那是象总的福气。
Since this is the latest update ......... New Approach to compile ....

3 years data of clubs and players.

Since this is the latest update, so, there is no plan to release "The records of 新加坡十五年象棋活动 : 1995 -- 2009" in SIXGA website in stages as of now, in this case, I will not follow up on below :


I will just concentrate on data compilation in two areas over the next few months and find a place to release them :

(A) to compile publicity materials of those xiangqi clubs who have provided data by end Feb 2009 (started to contact various xinagqi clubs in Oct 2008.)



(B) to compile materials of graded players who have joined 象总全国个人赛 at least once over a 3-year period, i.e. 2007, 2008 or 2009. (started to gather 象总全国个人赛 data in Aug 2008 for the past few years)

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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2008-12-04 21:58:46  6楼
Since this is the latest update ......... New Approach to compile .... 3 years data of clubs and players. Since this is the latest update, so, there is no plan to release "The records of 新加坡十五年象棋活动 : 1995 -- 2009" in SIXGA website in stages as of now, in this case, I will not follow up on below : http://bbs.huasing.org/bbs.php?B=123_11070053 I will just concentrate on data compilation in two areas over the next few months and find a place to release them : (A) to compile publicity materials of those xiangqi clubs who have provided data by end Feb 2009 (started to contact various xinagqi clubs in Oct 2008.) http://v15.huasing.org/bbs.php?B=123_11092885 http://v15.huasing.org/bbs.php?B=123_11079167 (B) to compile materials of graded players who have joined 象总全国个人赛 at least once over a 3-year period, i.e. 2007, 2008 or 2009. (started to gather 象总全国个人赛 data in Aug 2008 for the past few years) http://v15.huasing.org/bbs.php?B=123_11068708
Total of 40 graded players from 2007 and 2008 象总全国个人赛, this could be ....

a good starting point if SIXGA has a plan for graded players to join 象总全国个人赛 at least once in say 3 years or 4 years or 5 years etc etc .... unless etc etc some conditions ..... (Please refer to Hong Kong's approaches discussed here previously, Hong Kong is using once in 2 years.)

SIXGA 6 象棋大师, 15甲级棋士 and 19 乙级棋士 joining Singapore Xiangqi Open, 2007 to 2008, ……

1 象棋大师 吴宗翰
2 象棋大师 黄俊铭
3 象棋大师 康德荣
4 象棋大师 郑祥福
5 象棋大师 许 信
6 象棋大师 莫文耀
7 甲级棋士 黄荣岳
8 甲级棋士 朱永吉
9 甲级棋士 吕瑞展
10 甲级棋士 熊国玮
11 甲级棋士 胡海宇
12 甲级棋士 邱冠杰
13 甲级棋士 梁永兴
14 甲级棋士 刘郁兴
15 甲级棋士 杨高正
16 甲级棋士 洪天瑞
17 甲级棋士 卢国龙
18 甲级棋士 倪福良
19 甲级棋士 黄毅鸿
20 甲级棋士 王英再
21 甲级棋士 刘剑慧
22 乙级棋士 刘亿豪
23 乙级棋士 林超贤
24 乙级棋士 许永坤
25 乙级棋士 刘广强
26 乙级棋士 梁文杰
27 乙级棋士 姚威和
28 乙级棋士 刘茂荣
29 乙级棋士 范永康
30 乙级棋士 曹子航
31 乙级棋士 黄培森
32 乙级棋士 洪泉发
33 乙级棋士 陈茂然
34 乙级棋士 陈来兴
35 乙级棋士 洪腓利
36 乙级棋士 柳国斌
37 乙级棋士 陈福全
38 乙级棋士 郑木兴
39 乙级棋士 刘再成
40 乙级棋士 朱国忠
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2008-12-04 23:55:34  7楼
原来做总结有分拿,那我也总结一下今年算是棋下的比较多的一年,当然质量还是一如既往的差。希望09年rjc能有机会拿到raffles cup,我也会努力的。
Yes, hope still have Raffles' Cup after RJC merges into RI ....

if on, then 2009 Raffles' Cup is 25th year and should have a good celebration as it should be considered as yearly xiangqi event with the longest history (?) in Singapore.
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作者:碧山 (等级:3 - 略知一二,发帖:1430) 发表:2009-02-24 10:33:20  8楼
Yes, hope still have Raffles' Cup after RJC merges into RI .... if on, then 2009 Raffles' Cup is 25th year and should have a good celebration as it should be considered as yearly xiangqi event with the longest history (?) in Singapore.
heard that 2009 25th Raffles' Cup is on -- 12 to 14 Jun 2009 .......
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