开始我也有点失望!!! 当初推荐他当理事,就是认为他是完成网页工作的最佳人选,虽然有人反对,但我还是坚持。几个月过后,不见任何动静,也曾致电催促,但至今都没有任何进展。
Since this is the latest update ......... New Approach to compile ....
3 years data of clubs and players.
Since this is the latest update, so, there is no plan to release "The records of 新加坡十五年象棋活动 : 1995 -- 2009" in SIXGA website in stages as of now, in this case, I will not follow up on below :
I will just concentrate on data compilation in two areas over the next few months and find a place to release them :
(A) to compile publicity materials of those xiangqi clubs who have provided data by end Feb 2009 (started to contact various xinagqi clubs in Oct 2008.)
(B) to compile materials of graded players who have joined 象总全国个人赛 at least once over a 3-year period, i.e. 2007, 2008 or 2009. (started to gather 象总全国个人赛 data in Aug 2008 for the past few years)